return $sql ? implode(' AND ', $sql) : NULL;
+ // The CONTAINS operator matches a substring for strings. For arrays & serialized fields,
+ // it only matches a complete (not partial) string within the array.
if ($operator === 'CONTAINS') {
switch ($field['serialize'] ?? NULL) {
$operator = 'LIKE';
$value = '%"' . $value . '"%';
$operator = 'LIKE';
- $value = '%' . \CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR . $value . \CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR . '%';
+ // This is easy to query because the string is always bookended by separators.
+ $value = '%' . $sep . $value . $sep . '%';
+ break;
+ $operator = 'REGEXP';
+ // This is harder to query because there's no bookend.
+ // Use regex to match string within separators or content boundary
+ // Escaping regex per https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3782379/whats-the-best-way-to-escape-user-input-for-regular-expressions-in-mysql
+ $value = "(^|$sep)" . preg_quote($value, '&') . "($sep|$)";
+ break;
+ $operator = 'REGEXP';
+ // Match string within commas or content boundary
+ // Escaping regex per https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3782379/whats-the-best-way-to-escape-user-input-for-regular-expressions-in-mysql
+ $value = '(^|,)' . preg_quote($value, '&') . '(,|$)';
* Quick clean by emptying tables created for the test.
- * @param array $params
+ * @param array{tablesToTruncate: array} $params
public function cleanup(array $params): void {
$params += [
$result = Contact::get(FALSE)
- ->addWhere('MyContactRef.FavPeople.first_name', 'CONTAINS', 'First')
+ ->addWhere('MyContactRef.FavPeople.first_name', 'CONTAINS', 'FirstFav')
$result = Contact::get(FALSE)
- ->addWhere('MyContactRef.FavPeople.first_name', 'CONTAINS', 'Second')
+ ->addWhere('MyContactRef.FavPeople.first_name', 'CONTAINS', 'SecondFav')
$this->assertCount(2, $result);
+ public function testParentsInWhereClause() {
+ // Create 10 groups - at least 1 id will be 2-digit and contain the number 1
+ $groups = $this->saveTestRecords('Group', [
+ 'records' => array_fill(0, 10, []),
+ ]);
+ $child1 = $this->createTestRecord('Group', [
+ 'parents' => [$groups[1]['id'], $groups[2]['id']],
+ ]);
+ $child2 = $this->createTestRecord('Group', [
+ 'parents' => [$groups[8]['id']],
+ ]);
+ $child3 = $this->createTestRecord('Group', [
+ 'parents' => [$groups[8]['id'], $groups[9]['id']],
+ ]);
+ // Check that a digit of e.g. "1" doesn't match a value of e.g. "10"
+ $firstDigit = substr($groups[9]['id'], 0, 1);
+ $found = Group::get(FALSE)
+ ->addWhere('parents', 'CONTAINS', $firstDigit)
+ ->selectRowCount()
+ ->execute();
+ $this->assertCount(0, $found);
+ $found = Group::get(FALSE)
+ ->addWhere('parents', 'CONTAINS', $groups[8]['id'])
+ ->selectRowCount()
+ ->execute();
+ $this->assertCount(2, $found);
+ $found = Group::get(FALSE)
+ ->addWhere('parents', 'CONTAINS', $groups[9]['id'])
+ ->execute();
+ $this->assertCount(1, $found);
+ $this->assertEquals($child3['id'], $found[0]['id']);
+ }
public function testGetParents() {
$parent1 = Group::create(FALSE)
->addValue('title', uniqid())