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-<p>This year we have a raffle with awesome prizes donated by generous supporters, including Technoethical, Aleph Objects, ThinkPenguin, and No Starch Press. $2 raffle tickets can be purchased at the GNU Press table during LibrePlanet as well as at the Friday Open House and Saturday evening social events. Enter to win!</p>
+<img src="//static.fsf.org/nosvn/libreplanet/2017/raffle-flyer.png" alt="This year we have a raffle with awesome prizes donated by generous supporters, including Technoethical, Aleph Objects, ThinkPenguin, and No Starch Press. All attendees get one gratis raffle ticket, FSF members get a second gratis ticket, and anyone can buy more for $2 each at the GNU Press table during LibrePlanet as well as at the Friday Open House and Saturday evening social events. Enter to win!" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
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