--- /dev/null
+# Note: This shell script should be designed and tested for cross-platform use
+# Reserved for future use
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# Note: This shell script should be designed and tested for cross-platform use
+# Reserved for future use
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# Note: This shell script should be designed and tested for cross-platform use
+# Reserved for future use
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# Note: This shell script should be designed and tested for cross-platform use
+# URL: https://github.com/totten/git-php-syntax-checker/
+# Author: Remigijus Jarmalavičius <remigijus@jarmalavicius.lt>
+# Author: Vytautas Povilaitis <php-checker@vytux.lt>
+# License: GPLv3
+LIST=$(git diff-index --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR HEAD)
+for file in $LIST
+ EXTENSION=$(echo "$file" | grep -E ".php$|.module$|.inc$|.install$")
+ if [ "$EXTENSION" != "" ]; then
+ ERRORS=$(php -l $ROOT_DIR$file 2>&1 | grep "Parse error")
+ if [ "$ERRORS" != "" ]; then
+ if [ "$ERRORS_BUFFER" != "" ]; then
+ else
+ fi
+ echo "Syntax errors found in file: $file "
+ fi
+ fi
+if [ "$ERRORS_BUFFER" != "" ]; then
+ echo
+ echo "These errors were found in try-to-commit files: "
+ echo -e $ERRORS_BUFFER
+ echo
+ echo "Can't commit, fix errors first."
+ exit 1
+ echo "Commited successfully."
--- /dev/null
+# Note: This shell script should be designed and tested for cross-platform use
+# Reserved for future use
\ No newline at end of file