$problems = array();
foreach (self::getConvertedTimestamps() as $target) {
if (self::isFieldType($target['table'], $target['column'], 'datetime')) {
+ $phrases = array();
+ $phrases[] = sprintf('<em>%s.%s</em>', $target['table'], $target['column']);
if ($target['changed']) {
- $problems[] = sprintf('<em>%s.%s</em> (New sites default to TIMESTAMP in %s+)', $target['table'], $target['column'], $target['changed']);
+ $phrases[] = sprintf('(New sites default to TIMESTAMP in v%s+)', $target['changed']);
else {
- $problems[] = sprintf('<em>%s.%s</em> (Experimental suggestion)', $target['table'], $target['column']);
+ $phrases[] = '(Experimental suggestion)';
+ }
+ if (isset($target['jira'])) {
+ $phrases[] = sprintf(' [<a href="https://issues.civicrm.org/jira/browse/%s" target="_blank">%s</a>]', $target['jira'], $target['jira']);
+ $problems[] = implode(' ', $phrases);
$messages[] = new CRM_Utils_Check_Message(
__FUNCTION__ . md5(implode(',', $problems)),
'<p>' .
- ts('This system includes some SQL columns with type "DATETIME". These <b>may</b> work better as "TIMESTAMP".') .
+ ts('This MySQL database stores certain fields with data-type "DATETIME". To improve timezone support, you <em>may</em> want to change these from "DATETIME" to "TIMESTAMP".') .
'</p>' .
'<ul><li>' .
implode('</li><li>', $problems) .
'</li></ul>' .
'<p>' .
+ ts('Changing should improve data-quality for organizations working in multiple timezones. However, if you do change, then you may need to re-test any customizations or processes that reference these fields. Changing is <em>suggested</em> but not <em>required</em>.') .
+ '</p>' .
+ '<p>' .
ts('For further discussion, please visit %1', array(
1 => sprintf('<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>', self::DOCTOR_WHEN, self::DOCTOR_WHEN),
)) .
- ts('Timestamp Schema'),
+ ts('Timestamps and Timezones'),