$form->_values['fee'] = array();
$form->_isPaidEvent = TRUE;
$form->_quickConfig = TRUE;
+ $form->_fromEmails = array(
+ 'from_email_id' => array('abc@gmail.com' => 1),
+ );
'register_date' => 'now',
'register_date_time' => '00:00:00',
'amount_level' => 'Too much',
'fee_amount' => 55,
'total_amount' => 55,
+ 'from_email_address' => 'abc@gmail.com',
+ 'send_receipt' => 1,
+ 'receipt_text' => '',
$participants = $this->callAPISuccess('Participant', 'get', array());
$this->assertEquals(1, $participants['count']);
$this->assertEquals('Debit Card', $contribution['payment_instrument']);
+ /**
+ * Test offline participant mail.
+ */
+ public function testParticipantOfflineReceipt() {
+ $mut = new CiviMailUtils($this, TRUE);
+ //Get workflow id of event_offline receipt.
+ $workflowId = $this->callAPISuccess('OptionValue', 'get', array(
+ 'return' => array("id"),
+ 'option_group_id' => "msg_tpl_workflow_event",
+ 'name' => "event_offline_receipt",
+ ));
+ //Modify html to contain event_type_id token.
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('MessageTemplate', 'get', array(
+ 'sequential' => 1,
+ 'return' => array("id", "msg_html"),
+ 'workflow_id' => $workflowId['id'],
+ 'is_default' => 1,
+ ));
+ $oldMsg = $result['values'][0]['msg_html'];
+ $pos = strpos($oldMsg, 'Please print this confirmation');
+ $newMsg = substr_replace($oldMsg, '<p>Test event type - {$event.event_type_id}</p>', $pos, 0);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('MessageTemplate', 'create', array(
+ 'id' => $result['id'],
+ 'msg_html' => $newMsg,
+ ));
+ $this->testSubmitWithPayment();
+ //Check if type is correctly populated in mails.
+ $mail = $mut->checkMailLog(array(
+ '<p>Test event type - 1</p>',
+ )
+ );
+ }