$this->add('checkbox', 'merge_same_address', ts('Merge labels for contacts with the same address'), NULL);
$this->add('checkbox', 'merge_same_household', ts('Merge labels for contacts belonging to the same household'), NULL);
- $this->addDefaultButtons(ts('Make Mailing Labels'));
+ $this->addButtons(array(
+ array(
+ 'type' => 'submit',
+ 'name' => ts('Make Mailing Labels'),
+ 'isDefault' => TRUE,
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'type' => 'cancel',
+ 'name' => ts('Done'),
+ ),
+ ));
$activityParams = array(
'subject' => $formValues['subject'],
- 'campaign_id' => $formValues['campaign_id'],
+ 'campaign_id' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('campaign_id', $formValues),
'source_contact_id' => $userID,
'activity_type_id' => $activityTypeID,
'activity_date_time' => date('YmdHis'),
* @return void
function buildQuickForm() {
- CRM_Utils_System::setTitle(ts('Make Mailing Labels'));
- //add select for label
- $label = CRM_Core_BAO_LabelFormat::getList(TRUE);
- $this->add('select', 'label_name', ts('Select Label'), array('' => ts('- select label -')) + $label, TRUE);
- // add select for Location Type
- $this->addElement('select', 'location_type_id', ts('Select Location'),
- array(
- '' => ts('Primary')) + CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Core_DAO_Address', 'location_type_id'), TRUE
- );
+ CRM_Contact_Form_Task_Label::buildQuickForm($this);
$this->addElement('checkbox', 'per_membership', ts('Print one label per Membership (rather than per contact)'));
- // checkbox for SKIP contacts with Do Not Mail privacy option
- $this->addElement('checkbox', 'do_not_mail', ts('Do not print labels for contacts with "Do Not Mail" privacy option checked'));
- $this->add('checkbox', 'merge_same_address', ts('Merge labels for contacts with the same address'), NULL);
- $this->add('checkbox', 'merge_same_household', ts('Merge labels for contacts belonging to the same household'), NULL);
- $this->addDefaultButtons(ts('Make Mailing Labels'));