$sub =~ s/\]\[['"]NAME['"]\]//;
$sub =~ s/.*\[//;
$theme_name[$sub] = $options[1];
+ } elsif ( $options[0] =~ /^aTemplateSet\[[0-9]+\]\[['"]PATH['"]\]/ ) {
+ $sub = $options[0];
+ $sub =~ s/\]\[['"]PATH['"]\]//;
+ $sub =~ s/.*\[//;
+ if ( -e "../templates" ) {
+ $options[1] =~ s/^\.\.\/config/\.\.\/templates/;
+ }
+ $templateset_path[$sub] = &change_to_rel_path($options[1]);
+ } elsif ( $options[0] =~ /^aTemplateSet\[[0-9]+\]\[['"]NAME['"]\]/ ) {
+ $sub = $options[0];
+ $sub =~ s/\]\[['"]NAME['"]\]//;
+ $sub =~ s/.*\[//;
+ $templateset_name[$sub] = $options[1];
} elsif ( $options[0] =~ /^plugins\[[0-9]*\]/ ) {
$sub = $options[0];
$sub =~ s/\]//;
$prefs_val_size = 65536 if ( !$prefs_val_size );
# add qmail-inject test here for backwards compatibility
-if ( !$sendmail_args && $sendmail_path =~ /qmail-inject/ ) {
+if ( !$sendmail_args && $sendmail_path =~ /qmail-inject/ ) {
$sendmail_args = '';
} elsif ( !$sendmail_args ) {
$sendmail_args = '-i -t';
print "2. Server Settings\n";
print "3. Folder Defaults\n";
print "4. General Options\n";
- print "5. Themes\n";
+ print "5. Templates\n";
print "6. Address Books\n";
print "7. Message of the Day (MOTD)\n";
print "8. Plugins\n";
print "R Return to Main Menu\n";
} elsif ( $menu == 5 ) {
print $WHT. "Themes\n" . $NRM;
- print "1. Change Themes\n";
- for ( $count = 0 ; $count <= $#theme_name/2 ; $count++ ) {
- $temp_name = $theme_name[$count*2];
- printf " %s%*s %s\n", $temp_name,
- 40 - length($temp_name), " ",
- $theme_name[($count*2)+1];
- }
+ print "1. Change Template set\n";
+# for ( $count = 0 ; $count <= $#theme_name/2 ; $count++ ) {
+# $temp_name = $theme_name[$count*2];
+# printf " %s%*s %s\n", $temp_name,
+# 40 - length($temp_name), " ",
+# $theme_name[($count*2)+1];
+# }
print "2. CSS File : $WHT$theme_css$NRM\n";
print "3. Default font size: $WHT$default_fontsize$NRM\n";
print "4. Change available font sets\n";
+ print "5. Change Themes\n";
print "\n";
print "R Return to Main Menu\n";
} elsif ( $menu == 6 ) {
elsif ( $command == 14 ) { $session_name = command317(); }
elsif ( $command == 15 ) { $time_zone_type = command318(); }
} elsif ( $menu == 5 ) {
- if ( $command == 1 ) { command41(); }
+ if ( $command == 1 ) { $templateset_default = command_templates(); }
elsif ( $command == 2 ) { $theme_css = command42(); }
elsif ( $command == 3 ) { $default_fontsize = command_default_fontsize(); }
elsif ( $command == 4 ) { command_fontsets(); }
+ elsif ( $command == 5 ) { command41(); }
} elsif ( $menu == 6 ) {
if ( $command == 1 ) { command61(); }
elsif ( $command == 2 ) { command62(); }
print "is added automatically by SquirrelMail scripts. Variable defaults to standard\n";
print "/usr/sbin/sendmail arguments. If you use qmail-inject, nbsmtp or any other \n";
print "sendmail wrapper, which does not support -i and -t arguments, set variable to\n";
- print "empty string or use arguments suitable for your mailer.\n";
+ print "empty string or use arguments suitable for your mailer.\n";
print "\n";
print "[$WHT$sendmail_args$NRM]: $WHT";
$new_sendmail_args = <STDIN>;
sub command310 {
- print " In loosely managed environments, you may want to allow users
- to edit their full name and email address. In strictly managed
+ print " In loosely managed environments, you may want to allow users
+ to edit their full name and email address. In strictly managed
environments, you may want to force users to use the name
and email address assigned to them.
'y' - allow a user to edit their full name and email address,
'n' - users must use the assigned values.
if ( lc($edit_identity) eq 'true' ) {
sub command311 {
- print " Given that users are not allowed to modify their
+ print " Given that users are not allowed to modify their
email address, can they edit their full name?
if ( lc($edit_name) eq 'true' ) {
sub command311b {
print " SquirrelMail adds username information to every sent email
- in order to prevent possible sender forging when users are allowed
+ in order to prevent possible sender forging when users are allowed
to change their email and/or full name.
- You can remove user information from this header (y), if you think that
- it violates privacy or security.
- Note: If users are allowed to change their email addresses,
+ You can remove user information from this header (y), if you think that
+ it violates privacy or security.
+ Note: If users are allowed to change their email addresses,
this setting will make it difficult to determine who sent what where.
Use at your own risk.
if ( lc($hide_auth_header) eq "true" ) {
$default_value = "y";
} else {
+sub command_templates {
+ print "\nDefine the template sets that you wish to use. If you have added ";
+ print "a template set of your own, just follow the instructions (?) about how to add ";
+ print "them. You can also change the default template.\n";
+ print "\n Available Templates:\n";
+ $count = 0;
+ while ( $count <= $#templateset_name ) {
+ if ( $count == $templateset_default ) {
+ print " *";
+ } else {
+ print " ";
+ }
+ if ( $count < 10 ) {
+ print " ";
+ }
+ $name = $templateset_name[$count];
+ $num_spaces = 35 - length($name);
+ for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $num_spaces ; $i++ ) {
+ $name = $name . " ";
+ }
+ print " $count. $name";
+ print "($templateset_path[$count])\n";
+ $count++;
+ }
+# opendir( DIR, "../templates" );
+# @files = readdir(DIR);
+# $pos = 0;
+# while ( $cnt <= $#files ) {
+# if ( -d "../templates/" . $files[$i] && $files[$i] !~ /^\./ && $files[$i] ne "CVS" ) {
+# $filename = "../templates/" . $files[$cnt];
+# $found = 0;
+# for ( $x = 0 ; $x <= $#templateset_path ; $x++ ) {
+# if ( $theme_path[$x] eq $filename ) {
+# $found = 1;
+# }
+# }
+# }
+# $cnt++;
+# }
+# for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= $#files ; $i++ ) {
+# if ( -d "../templates/" . $files[$i] && $files[$i] !~ /^\./ && $files[$i] ne "CVS" ) {
+# $match = 0;
+# for ( $k = 0 ; $k <= $#aTemplateSets ; $k++ ) {
+# if ( $aTemplateSets[$chosen] eq $files[$i] ) {
+# $match = 1;
+# }
+# }
+# if ( $match == 0 ) {
+# $unused_plugins[$pos] = $files[$i];
+# $pos++;
+# }
+# }
+# }
+# for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= $#unused_plugins ; $i++ ) {
+# $num = $num + 1;
+# print " $num. $unused_plugins[$i]\n";
+# }
+# closedir DIR;
+ print "\n";
+ print ".--------------------------------.\n";
+ print "| t (detect templates set) |\n";
+ print "| + (add template set) |\n";
+ print "| - N (remove template set) |\n";
+ print "| m N (mark template set) |\n";
+ print "| l (list template set) |\n";
+ print "| d (done) |\n";
+ print "`--------------------------------'\n";
+ print "\n[template set] command (?=help) > ";
+ $input = <STDIN>;
+ $input =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
+ while ( $input ne "d" ) {
+ if ( $input =~ /^\s*l\s*/i ) {
+ $count = 0;
+ while ( $count <= $#templateset_name ) {
+ if ( $count == $templateset_default ) {
+ print " *";
+ } else {
+ print " ";
+ }
+ if ( $count < 10 ) {
+ print " ";
+ }
+ $name = $templateset_name[$count];
+ $num_spaces = 35 - length($name);
+ for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $num_spaces ; $i++ ) {
+ $name = $name . " ";
+ }
+ print " $count. $name";
+ print "($templateset_path[$count])\n";
+ $count++;
+ }
+ } elsif ( $input =~ /^\s*m\s*[0-9]+/i ) {
+ $old_def = $templateset_default;
+ $templateset_default = $input;
+ $templateset_default =~ s/^\s*m\s*//;
+ if ( ( $templateset_default > $#templateset_name ) || ( $templateset_default < 0 ) ) {
+ print "Cannot set default template set to $templateset_default. That template set does not exist.\n";
+ $templateset_default = $old_def;
+ }
+ } elsif ( $input =~ /^\s*\+/ ) {
+ print "What is the name of this template: ";
+ $name = <STDIN>;
+ $name =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
+ $templateset_name[ $#templateset_name + 1 ] = $name;
+ print "Be sure to put ../templates/ before the dirname.\n";
+ print "What file is this stored in (ex: ../templates/default/): ";
+ $name = <STDIN>;
+ $name =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
+ $templateset_path[ $#templateset_path + 1 ] = $name;
+ } elsif ( $input =~ /^\s*t\s*/i ) {
+ print "\nStarting detection...\n\n";
+ opendir( DIR, "../templates" );
+ @files = readdir(DIR);
+ $cnt = 0;
+ $detected = 0;
+ while ( $cnt <= $#files ) {
+ if ( -d "../templates/" . $files[$cnt] && $files[$cnt] !~ /^\./ && $files[$cnt] ne "CVS" ) {
+ $filename = "../templates/" . $files[$cnt]. "/";
+ $found = 0;
+ for ( $x = 0 ; $x <= $#templateset_path ; $x++ ) {
+ if ( $templateset_path[$x] eq $filename ) {
+ $found = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $found != 1 && $detected == 0) {
+ $templateset_path[ $#templateset_path + 1 ] = $filename;
+ $templateset_name[ $#templateset_name + 1 ] = "Default template";
+ $aTemplateSet[ $#templateset_name + 1 ] = "Default template";
+ $aTemplateSet[ $#templateset_path + 1 ] = $filename;
+ } elsif ( $found != 1) {
+ print "** Found template set: $filename\n";
+ print " What is it's name? ";
+ $nm = <STDIN>;
+ $nm =~ s/[\n\r]//g;
+ $templateset_path[ $#templateset_path + 1 ] = $filename;
+ $templateset_name[ $#templateset_name + 1 ] = $nm;
+ $aTemplateSet[ $#templateset_name + 1 ] = $nm;
+ $aTemplateSet[ $#templateset_path + 1 ] = $filename;
+ }
+ $detected++;
+ }
+ $cnt++;
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ for ( $cnt = 0 ; $cnt <= $#templateset_path ; $cnt++ ) {
+ $filename = $templateset_path[$cnt];
+ if ( !(-d $filename) ) {
+ print " Removing $filename (file not found)\n";
+ $offset = 0;
+ @new_templateset_name = ();
+ @new_templateset_path = ();
+ for ( $x = 0 ; $x < $#templateset_path ; $x++ ) {
+ if ( $templateset_path[$x] eq $filename ) {
+ $offset = 1;
+ }
+ if ( $offset == 1 ) {
+ $new_templateset_name[$x] = $templateset_name[ $x + 1 ];
+ $new_theme_path[$x] = $templateset_path[ $x + 1 ];
+ } else {
+ $new_templateset_name[$x] = $templateset_name[$x];
+ $new_templateset_path[$x] = $templateset_path[$x];
+ }
+ }
+ @templateset_name = @new_templateset_name;
+ @templateset_path = @new_templateset_path;
+ }
+ }
+ print "\nDetection complete!\n\n";
+ closedir DIR;
+ } elsif ( $input =~ /^\s*-\s*[0-9]?/ ) {
+ if ( $input =~ /[0-9]+\s*$/ ) {
+ $rem_num = $input;
+ $rem_num =~ s/^\s*-\s*//g;
+ $rem_num =~ s/\s*$//;
+ } else {
+ $rem_num = $#templateset_name;
+ }
+ if ( $rem_num == $templateset_default ) {
+ print "You cannot remove the default template set!\n";
+ } else {
+ $count = 0;
+ @new_templateset_name = ();
+ @new_templateset_path = ();
+ while ( $count <= $#templateset_name ) {
+ if ( $count != $rem_num ) {
+ @new_templateset_name = ( @new_templateset_name, $templateset_name[$count] );
+ @new_templateset_path = ( @new_templateset_path, $templateset_path[$count] );
+ }
+ $count++;
+ }
+ @templateset_name = @new_templateset_name;
+ @templateset_path = @new_templateset_path;
+ if ( $templateset_default > $rem_num ) {
+ $templateset_default--;
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ( $input =~ /^\s*\?\s*/ ) {
+ print ".--------------------------------.\n";
+ print "| t (detect templates set) |\n";
+ print "| + (add template set) |\n";
+ print "| - N (remove template set) |\n";
+ print "| m N (mark template set) |\n";
+ print "| l (list template set) |\n";
+ print "| d (done) |\n";
+ print "`--------------------------------'\n";
+ }
+ print "[template set] command (?=help) > ";
+ $input = <STDIN>;
+ $input =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
+ }
+ return $templateset_default;
# Theme - CSS file
sub command42 {
print "You may specify a cascading style-sheet (CSS) file to be included\n";
print CF "\n";
+ if ( $templateset_default eq '' ) { $templateset_default = '0'; }
+ print CF "\$templateset_default = $templateset_default;\n";
+ for ( $count = 0 ; $count <= $#templateset_name ; $count++ ) {
+ print CF "\$aTemplateSet[$count]['PATH'] = " . &change_to_SM_path($templateset_path[$count]) . ";\n";
+ # escape theme name so it can contain single quotes.
+ $esc_name = $templateset_name[$count];
+ $esc_name =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ $esc_name =~ s/'/\\'/g;
+ print CF "\$aTemplateSet[$count]['NAME'] = '$esc_name';\n";
+ }
+ print CF "\n";
# integer
print CF "\$default_fontsize = '$default_fontsize';\n";
# string
# boolean
print CF "\$allow_remote_configtest = $allow_remote_configtest;\n";
print CF "\n";
print CF "\@include SM_PATH . 'config/config_local.php';\n";
print CF "\n/**\n";
* Extra sendmail command arguments.
- *
- * Sets additional sendmail command arguments. Make sure that arguments are
+ *
+ * Sets additional sendmail command arguments. Make sure that arguments are
* supported by your sendmail program. -f argument is added automatically by
- * SquirrelMail scripts. Variable defaults to standard /usr/sbin/sendmail
+ * SquirrelMail scripts. Variable defaults to standard /usr/sbin/sendmail
* arguments. If you use qmail-inject, nbsmtp or any other sendmail wrapper,
* which does not support -t and -i arguments, set variable to empty string
- * or use arguments suitable for your mailer.
+ * or use arguments suitable for your mailer.
* @global string $sendmail_args
* @since 1.5.1
* SquirrelMail adds username information to every sent email.
- * It is done in order to prevent possible sender forging when
- * end users are allowed to change their email and name
+ * It is done in order to prevent possible sender forging when
+ * end users are allowed to change their email and name
* information.
* You can disable this header, if you think that it violates
$theme[43]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/simple_purple.php';
$theme[43]['NAME'] = 'Simple Purple';
+ * Templates
+ * You can define your own template and put it in this directory.
+ * You must call it as the example below. You can name the template
+ * whatever you want. For an example of a template, see the ones
+ * included in the template directory.
+ *
+ * To add a new template to the options that users can choose from, just
+ * add a new number to the array at the bottom, and follow the pattern.
+ *
+ * $templateset_default sets theme that will be used by default
+ * used by default.
+ * @global integer $templateset_default
+ */
+$templateset_default = 0;
+$aTemplateSet[0]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'templates/default/';
+$aTemplateSet[0]['NAME'] = 'Default template';
* Default interface font size.
* @global string $default_fontsize
$prefs_dsn = '';
$prefs_table = 'userprefs';
- * Preference key field
+ * Preference key field
* @global string $prefs_key_field
$prefs_key_field = 'prefkey';
$prefs_key_size = 64;
- * Preference owner field
+ * Preference owner field
* @global string $prefs_user_field
$prefs_user_field = 'user';
$prefs_user_size = 128;
- * Preference value field
+ * Preference value field
* @global string $prefs_val_field
$prefs_val_field = 'prefval';