$destination = urlencode($destination);
$this->assign('destination', $destination);
- CRM_Core_OptionValue::getValues(array('name' => 'from_email_address'), $optionValue);
- if (!empty($optionValue)) {
- list($id) = array_keys($optionValue);
- $this->assign('fromEmailId', $id);
- }
- $payPalProId = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue( 'CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentProcessorType',
- 'PayPal', 'id', 'name'
- );
- if ($payPalProId) {
- $this->assign('payPalProId', $payPalProId);
- }
return parent::run();
{capture assign="linkTitle"}{ts}Edit settings{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign="adminMenu"}{crmURL p="civicrm/admin" q="reset=1"}{/capture}
-{if $fromEmailId}
- {assign var='fromAction' value="&action=update&id=`$fromEmailId`"}
- {assign var='fromAction' value="&action=add"}
-{if $payPalProId}
- {assign var='defaultPPUrl' value="action=add&pp=`$payPalProId`&reset=1"}
- {assign var='defaultPPUrl' value="reset=1"}
<div id="help" class="description">
{ts 1=$adminMenu}Use this checklist to review and complete configuration tasks for your site. You will be redirected back to this checklist after saving each setting. Settings which you have not yet reviewed will be <span class="status-overdue">displayed in red</span>. After you have visited a page, the links will <span class="status-pending">display in green</span> (although you may still need to revisit the page to complete or update the settings). You can access this page again from the <a href="%1">Administer CiviCRM</a> menu at any time.{/ts}
<td>{ts}Settings for outbound email - either SMTP server, port and authentication or Sendmail path and argument.{/ts}</td>
<tr class="even">
- <td class="tasklist nowrap"><a href="{crmURL p="civicrm/admin/options/from_email_address" q="reset=1`$fromAction`&civicrmDestination=`$destination`"}" title="{$linkTitle}">{ts}From Email Addresses{/ts}</a></td>
+ <td class="tasklist nowrap"><a href="{crmURL p="civicrm/admin/options/from_email_address" q="reset=1&civicrmDestination=`$destination`"}" title="{$linkTitle}">{ts}From Email Addresses{/ts}</a></td>
<td>{ts}Define general email address(es) that can be used as the FROM address when sending email to contacts from within CiviCRM (e.g. info@example.org){/ts}</td>
<td colspan="2">{ts}Online Contributions / Online Membership Signup / Online Event Registration{/ts}</td>
<tr class="even">
- <td class="tasklist nowrap"><a href="{crmURL p="civicrm/admin/paymentProcessor" q="`$defaultPPUrl`&civicrmDestination=`$destination`"}" title="{$linkTitle}">{ts}Payment Processors{/ts}</a></td>
+ <td class="tasklist nowrap"><a href="{crmURL p="civicrm/admin/paymentProcessor" q="reset=1&civicrmDestination=`$destination`"}" title="{$linkTitle}">{ts}Payment Processors{/ts}</a></td>
<td>{ts}Select and configure one or more payment processing services for online contributions, events and / or membership fees.{/ts}</td>
{if $config->userSystem->is_drupal EQ '1'}