+++ /dev/null
-delete_move_next -- Version 3.0
-By Ben Brillat <brillat-sqplugin@mainsheet.org>
-This is a modified version of Delete Move Next by Bryan Stalcup <bryan@stalcup.net>
-If you read the mail in your inbox starting with the most recent, this
-plugin is meant for you. It adds a set of mail management links across
-the bottom or top of the email.
-* Saves you the need to scroll up to go to the previous or next email
-* Allows you to delete the current email and view the next or previous
- message in step
-* Allows you to move the current email to any mailbox and view the next
-This plugin adds links to the message view for each message.
-The links include "Previous", "Next", "Delete & Previous", and "Delete &
-Next", which deletes the current email and displays the next email.
-Also included is a menu to move the current email to any folder and
-then display the next email. It helps me keep up with my constantly
-overflowing inbox.
-Future Work
-* You tell me...
-Limitations (Known bugs)
--If you delete or move an email, then use the "Message List" link at the
- top left of the header, the message list is pulled from cache, and does
- not reflect the deleted/moved email(s). To view the current list, click
- the mailbox link in the left-hand navigation bar.
--"Delete & Prev" or "Delete & Next" can result in strange behavior when
- deleting the last or next to last message in a mailbox when using any
- sort order other than 0. It won't kill anything, you just might arrive
- at a message other than the one you were expecting to see.
- If anyone has any suggestions on this one, please let me know.
-See the "INSTALL" file.
-See the "CHANGELOG" file.
-New versions are available at:
-Copyright (C) 2001 Benjamin Brillat
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program ("gpl.txt"); if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-Let me know what you think:
-Ben Brillat <brillat-sqplugin@mainsheet.org>
-74 Punch Bowl Trail
-W. Kingston, RI 02892 USA
+++ /dev/null
- * setup.php
- *
- * delete_move_next
- * deletes or moves currently displayed message and displays
- * next or previous message.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 The SquirrelMail Project Team
- * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
- *
- * $Id$
- * @package plugins
- * @subpackage delete_move_next
- */
- * Initialize the plugin
- * @return void
- */
-function squirrelmail_plugin_init_delete_move_next() {
- global $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks;
- $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['html_top']['delete_move_next'] = 'delete_move_next_action';
- $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['right_main_after_header']['delete_move_next'] = 'delete_move_next_action';
-// $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['read_body_bottom']['delete_move_next'] = 'delete_move_next_read_b';
-// $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['read_body_menu_bottom']['delete_move_next'] = 'delete_move_next_read_t';
-// $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['options_display_inside']['delete_move_next'] = 'delete_move_next_display_inside';
-// $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['options_display_save']['delete_move_next'] = 'delete_move_next_display_save';
-// $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['loading_prefs']['delete_move_next'] = 'delete_move_next_loading_prefs';
-/* fixes the sort_array for the prev_del/next_del links when
- * using server side sorting or thread sorting
- */
-function fix_sort_array () {
- global $username, $data_dir, $allow_server_sort, $allow_thread_sort,
- $thread_sort_messages,
- $mailbox, $imapConnection, $sort, $uid_support, $mbx_response;
- // Got to grab this out of prefs, since it isn't saved from mailbox_view.php
- if ($allow_thread_sort) {
- $thread_sort_messages = getPref($data_dir, $username, "thread_$mailbox",0);
- }
- switch (true) {
- case ($allow_thread_sort && $thread_sort_messages):
- $server_sort_array = get_thread_sort($imapConnection);
- break;
- case ($allow_server_sort):
- $server_sort_array = sqimap_get_sort_order($imapConnection, $sort, $mbx_response);
- break;
- case ($uid_support):
- $server_sort_array = sqimap_get_php_sort_order($imapConnection, $mbx_response);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- * Warning: this function relies on the internal representation of
- * of the message cache for the current mailbox. As such, it is fragile
- * because the underlying implementation can change. I will present it
- * to the squirrelmail maintainers as a proposed addition to the API,
- * perhaps even as inline code to sqimap_mailbox_expunge(). In the
- * meantime, you have been warned. [alane@geeksrus.net 2001/05/06]
- */
-function delete_move_del_arr_elem($arr, $index) {
- $tmp = array();
- $j = 0;
- foreach ($arr as $v) {
- if ($j != $index) {
- $tmp[] = $v;
- }
- $j++;
- }
- return $tmp;
-function delete_move_show_msg_array() {
- global $msort, $msgs;
- $keys = array_keys($msort);
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) {
- echo '<p>key ' . $keys[$i] . ' msgid ' . $msgs[$keys[$i]]['ID'] . '</p>';
- }
-function delete_move_expunge_from_all($id) {
- global $msgs, $msort, $sort, $imapConnection, $mailbox, $uid_support;
- $delAt = -1;
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($msort); $i++) {
- if ($msgs[$i]['ID'] == $id) {
- $delAt = $i;
- } elseif ($msgs[$i]['ID'] > $id) {
- if (!$uid_support) {
- $msgs[$i]['ID']--;
- }
- }
- }
- $msgs = delete_move_del_arr_elem($msgs, $delAt);
- $msort = delete_move_del_arr_elem($msort, $delAt);
- if ($sort < 6) {
- if ($sort % 2) {
- asort($msort);
- } else {
- arsort($msort);
- }
- }
- sqsession_register($msgs, 'msgs');
- sqsession_register($msort, 'msort');
- sqimap_mailbox_expunge($imapConnection, $mailbox, true);
-function delete_move_next_action() {
- global $PHP_SELF;
- if ( sqgetGlobalVar('delete_id', $delete_id, SQ_GET) ) {
- delete_move_next_delete();
- fix_sort_array();
- } elseif ( sqgetGlobalVar('move_id', $move_id, SQ_POST) ) {
- delete_move_next_move();
- fix_sort_array();
- }
-function delete_move_next_read_t() {
- global $delete_move_next_t;
- if($delete_move_next_t == 'on') {
- delete_move_next_read('top');
- }
-function delete_move_next_read_b() {
- global $delete_move_next_b;
- if ($delete_move_next_b != 'off') {
- delete_move_next_read('bottom');
- }
-function delete_move_next_read($currloc) {
- global $delete_move_next_formATtop, $delete_move_next_formATbottom,
- $color, $where, $what, $currentArrayIndex, $passed_id,
- $mailbox, $sort, $startMessage, $delete_id, $move_id,
- $imapConnection, $auto_expunge, $move_to_trash, $mbx_response,
- $uid_support, $passed_ent_id;
- $urlMailbox = urlencode($mailbox);
- if (!isset($passed_ent_id)) $passed_ent_id = 0;
- if (!(($where && $what) || ($currentArrayIndex == -1)) && !$passed_ent_id) {
- $next = findNextMessage($passed_id);
- $prev = findPreviousMessage($mbx_response['EXISTS'], $passed_id);
- $prev_if_del = $prev;
- $next_if_del = $next;
- if (!$uid_support && ($auto_expunge || $move_to_trash)) {
- if ($prev_if_del > $passed_id) {
- $prev_if_del--;
- }
- if ($next_if_del > $passed_id) {
- $next_if_del--;
- }
- }
- /* Base is illegal within documents
- * $location = get_location();
- * echo "<base href=\"$location/\">" . */
- echo '<table cellspacing=0 width="100%" border=0 cellpadding=2>'.
- '<tr>'.
- "<td bgcolor=\"$color[9]\" width=\"100%\" align=center><small>";
- if ($prev > 0){
- echo "<a href=\"read_body.php?passed_id=$prev_if_del&mailbox=$urlMailbox&sort=$sort&startMessage=$startMessage&show_more=0&delete_id=$passed_id\">" . _("Delete & Prev") . "</a>" . " | \n";
- }
- else {
- echo _("Delete & Prev") . " | ";
- }
- if ($next > 0){
- echo "<a href=\"read_body.php?passed_id=$next_if_del&mailbox=$urlMailbox&sort=$sort&startMessage=$startMessage&show_more=0&delete_id=$passed_id\">" . _("Delete & Next") . "</a>\n";
- } else {
- echo _("Delete & Next");
- }
- echo '</small></td></tr>';
- if ($next_if_del < 0) {
- $next_if_del = $prev_if_del;
- }
- if (($delete_move_next_formATtop == 'on') && ($currloc == 'top')) {
- if ($next_if_del > 0) {
- delete_move_next_moveNextForm($next_if_del);
- } else {
- delete_move_next_moveRightMainForm();
- }
- }
- if (($delete_move_next_formATbottom != 'off') && ($currloc == 'bottom')) {
- if ($next_if_del > 0) {
- delete_move_next_moveNextForm($next_if_del);
- } else {
- delete_move_next_moveRightMainForm();
- }
- }
- echo '</table>';
- }
-function get_move_target_list() {
- global $imapConnection, $lastTargetMailbox;
- if (isset($lastTargetMailbox) && !empty($lastTargetMailbox)) {
- echo sqimap_mailbox_option_list($imapConnection, array(strtolower($lastTargetMailbox)));
- }
- else {
- echo sqimap_mailbox_option_list($imapConnection);
- }
-function delete_move_next_moveNextForm($next) {
- global $color, $where, $what, $currentArrayIndex, $passed_id,
- $mailbox, $sort, $startMessage, $delete_id, $move_id,
- $imapConnection;
- echo '<tr>'.
- "<td bgcolor=\"$color[9]\" width=\"100%\" align=\"center\">".
- "<form action=\"read_body.php?mailbox=$mailbox&sort=$sort&startMessage=$startMessage&passed_id=$next\" method=\"post\"><small>".
- "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"show_more\" value=\"0\">".
- "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"move_id\" value=\"$passed_id\">".
- _("Move to:") .
- ' <select name="targetMailbox">';
- get_move_target_list();
- echo '</select> '.
- '<input type="submit" value="' . _("Move") . '">'.
- '</small>'.
- '</form>'.
- '</td>'.
- '</tr>';
-function delete_move_next_moveRightMainForm() {
- global $color, $where, $what, $currentArrayIndex, $passed_id,
- $mailbox, $sort, $startMessage, $delete_id, $move_id,
- $imapConnection;
- echo '<tr>' .
- "<td bgcolor=\"$color[9]\" width=\"100%\" align=\"center\">".
- "<form action=\"right_main.php?mailbox=$mailbox&sort=$sort&startMessage=$startMessage\" method=\"post\"><small>" .
- "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"move_id\" value=\"$passed_id\">".
- _("Move to:") .
- ' <select name="targetMailbox">';
- get_move_target_list();
- echo ' </select>' .
- '<input type=submit value="' . _("Move") . '">'.
- '</small>'.
- '</form>' .
- '</td>'.
- '</tr>';
-function delete_move_next_delete() {
- global $imapConnection, $auto_expunge;
- sqgetGlobalVar('delete_id', $delete_id, SQ_GET);
- sqgetGlobalVar('mailbox', $mailbox, SQ_GET);
- sqimap_messages_delete($imapConnection, $delete_id, $delete_id, $mailbox);
- if ($auto_expunge) {
- delete_move_expunge_from_all($delete_id);
- // sqimap_mailbox_expunge($imapConnection, $mailbox, true);
- }
-function delete_move_next_move() {
- global $imapConnection, $mailbox, $auto_expunge, $lastTargetMailbox;
- sqgetGlobalVar('move_id', $move_id, SQ_POST);
- sqgetGlobalVar('mailbox', $mailbox, SQ_FORM);
- sqgetGlobalVar('targetMailbox', $targetMailbox, SQ_POST);
- // Move message
- sqimap_messages_copy($imapConnection, $move_id, $move_id, $targetMailbox);
- sqimap_messages_flag($imapConnection, $move_id, $move_id, 'Deleted', true);
- if ($auto_expunge) {
- delete_move_expunge_from_all($move_id);
- // sqimap_mailbox_expunge($imapConnection, $mailbox, true);
- }
- if ($targetMailbox != $lastTargetMailbox) {
- $lastTargetMailbox = $targetMailbox;
- sqsession_register('lastTargetMailbox' , $lastTargetMailbox);
- }
-function delete_move_next_display_inside() {
- global $username,$data_dir,
- $delete_move_next_t, $delete_move_next_formATtop,
- $delete_move_next_b, $delete_move_next_formATbottom;
- echo "<tr>" . html_tag('td',_("Delete/Move/Next Buttons:"),'right','','valign=top') . "\n".
- "<td><input type=checkbox name=delete_move_next_ti";
- if ($delete_move_next_t == 'on') {
- echo " checked";
- }
- echo '> ' . _("Display at top").
- " <input type=checkbox name=delete_move_next_formATtopi";
- if ($delete_move_next_formATtop == 'on') {
- echo ' checked';
- }
- echo '> ' . _("with move option") . '<br>';
- echo '<input type=checkbox name=delete_move_next_bi';
- if($delete_move_next_b != 'off') {
- echo ' checked';
- }
- echo '> ' . _("Display at bottom") .
- '<input type=checkbox name=delete_move_next_formATbottomi';
- if ($delete_move_next_formATbottom != 'off') {
- echo ' checked';
- }
- echo '> ' . _("with move option") . '<br>'.
- "</td></tr>\n";
-function delete_move_next_display_save() {
- global $username,$data_dir;
- if ( sqgetGlobalVar('delete_move_next_ti', $delete_move_next_ti, SQ_POST) ) {
- setPref($data_dir, $username, 'delete_move_next_t', 'on');
- } else {
- setPref($data_dir, $username, 'delete_move_next_t', "off");
- }
- if ( sqgetGlobalVar('delete_move_next_formATtopi', $delete_move_next_formATtopi, SQ_POST) ) {
- setPref($data_dir, $username, 'delete_move_next_formATtop', 'on');
- } else {
- setPref($data_dir, $username, 'delete_move_next_formATtop', "off");
- }
- if ( sqgetGlobalVar('delete_move_next_bi', $delete_move_next_bi, SQ_POST) ) {
- setPref($data_dir, $username, 'delete_move_next_b', 'on');
- } else {
- setPref($data_dir, $username, 'delete_move_next_b', "off");
- }
- if ( sqgetGlobalVar('delete_move_next_formATbottomi', $delete_move_next_formATbottomi, SQ_POST) ) {
- setPref($data_dir, $username, 'delete_move_next_formATbottom', 'on');
- } else {
- setPref($data_dir, $username, 'delete_move_next_formATbottom', "off");
- }
-function delete_move_next_loading_prefs() {
- global $username,$data_dir,
- $delete_move_next_t, $delete_move_next_formATtop,
- $delete_move_next_b, $delete_move_next_formATbottom;
- $delete_move_next_t = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'delete_move_next_t');
- $delete_move_next_b = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'delete_move_next_b');
- $delete_move_next_formATtop = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'delete_move_next_formATtop');
- $delete_move_next_formATbottom = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'delete_move_next_formATbottom');