* Class constructor
- public function __construct() {
+ public function __construct($seed = '123456789') {
// initialize all the vars
+ $this->seed = $seed;
$this->numIndividual = self::INDIVIDUAL_PERCENT * self::NUM_CONTACT / 100;
$this->numHousehold = self::HOUSEHOLD_PERCENT * self::NUM_CONTACT / 100;
$this->numOrganization = self::ORGANIZATION_PERCENT * self::NUM_CONTACT / 100;
+ /**
+ * @var int
+ */
+ private $seed;
* enum's from database
* @var array
* All other random() functions should derive from this.
+ * This is very weak RNG. The goal is to provide a reproducible sequence of
+ * random-ish values for generating dummy-data.
+ *
* @param int $min
* @param int $max
* @return int
private function randomInt($min, $max) {
- return mt_rand($min, $max);
+ $range = min(1 + $max - $min, mt_getrandmax());
+ $this->seed = md5($this->seed . chr(0) . $min . chr(0) . $max);
+ return $min + (hexdec(substr($this->seed, 20, 8)) % $range);