+++ /dev/null
-<script type="text/javascript">
- var net = kiwi.components.Network();
- var input = kiwi.components.ControlInput();
- if(getQueryVariable('channel')){
- var channel = "#" + getQueryVariable('channel');
- $('.server_select').hide();
- $('#server_select_channel').val(channel);
- $('form button').click();
- }else if(getQueryVariable('private')){
- var private = getQueryVariable('private');
- $('.server_select').hide();
- $('form button').click();
- net._source.bind('onconnect', function(){
- input.run('/query '+private);
- })
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-<script type="text/javascript">
- (function () {
- var network = kiwi.components.Network();
- var control = kiwi.components.ControlInput();
- var $area = $("#kiwi .controlbox textarea");
- var $icon = $('<strong style="cursor:pointer; cursor: hand">B</strong>');
- var bold = false;
- $.fn.toggleClick=function(){
- console.log('toggle click');
- var functions=arguments, iteration=0
- return this.click(function(){
- functions[iteration].apply(this,arguments)
- iteration= (iteration+1) %functions.length
- })
- }
- $icon.toggleClick(function(){
- console.log('bold');
- $area.css('font-weight', 'bold');
- $icon.parent().addClass('active');
- bold = true;
- },function(){
- console.log('unbold');
- $area.css('font-weight', '');
- $icon.parent().removeClass('active');
- bold = false;
- });
- $area.keydown(function(e){
- var code = e.keyCode || e.which;
- if(code == 13 && bold){
- $area.val('\x02'+$area.val());
- }
- });
- control.addPluginIcon($icon);
- })();
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+++ /dev/null
- #color-picker li {
- list-style: none;
- float: left;
- width: 20px;
- }
- #color-picker ul {
- width: 80px;
- position: absolute;
- }
-<div id="color-picker" class="tool">
- <img src="../kiwi/assets/img/color_picker.png">
- <ul>
- <li data-color="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> </li>
- <li data-color="1" style="background-color: #000000"> </li>
- <li data-color="2" style="background-color: #000080"> </li>
- <li data-color="3" style="background-color: #008000"> </li>
- <li data-color="4" style="background-color: #FF0000"> </li>
- <li data-color="5" style="background-color: #800040"> </li>
- <li data-color="6" style="background-color: #800080"> </li>
- <li data-color="7" style="background-color: #FF8040"> </li>
- <li data-color="8" style="background-color: #FFFF00"> </li>
- <li data-color="9" style="background-color: #80FF00"> </li>
- <li data-color="10" style="background-color: #008080"> </li>
- <li data-color="11" style="background-color: #00FFFF"> </li>
- <li data-color="12" style="background-color: #0000FF"> </li>
- <li data-color="13" style="background-color: #FF55FF"> </li>
- <li data-color="14" style="background-color: #808080"> </li>
- <li data-color="16" style="background-color: #C0C0C0"> </li>
- </ul>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- (function () {
- var network = kiwi.components.Network();
- var control = kiwi.components.ControlInput();
- var selected_color = null;
- var $area = $("#kiwi .controlbox textarea");
- var $icon = $('#color-picker');
- var $colors = $icon.find('ul');
- var setColorsPosition = function() {
- $colors.css('top', (-($icon.position().top + $icon.height() + 80))+'px');
- };
- $colors.hide();
- $icon.click(function(e){
- e.stopPropagation();
- $colors.show();
- });
- //we need to hide the color box every time we click outside of the color list
- $(document).click(function() {
- $colors.hide();
- });
- $colors.find('li').click(function(e){
- e.stopPropagation();
- $this = $(this);
- $area.css('color', $this.css('background-color'));
- selected_color = $this.data('color');
- $this.parent().hide();
- });
- $area.keydown(function(e){
- var code = e.keyCode || e.which;
- if(code == 13 && selected_color){
- $area.val('\x03'+selected_color+$area.val());
- }
- });
- control.addPluginIcon($icon);
- setColorsPosition();
- })();
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