Name: "probe_failed_due_to_regex",
Help: "Indicates if probe failed due to regex",
+ probeHTTPLastModified = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
+ Name: "probe_http_last_modified_timestamp_seconds",
+ Help: "Returns the Last-Modified HTTP response header in unixtime",
+ })
for _, lv := range []string{"resolve", "connect", "tls", "processing", "transfer"} {
// At this point body is fully read and we can write end time.
tt.current.end = time.Now()
+ // Check if there is a Last-Modified HTTP response header.
+ if t, err := http.ParseTime(resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified")); err == nil {
+ registry.MustRegister(probeHTTPLastModified)
+ probeHTTPLastModified.Set(float64(t.Unix()))
+ }
var httpVersionNumber float64
httpVersionNumber, err = strconv.ParseFloat(strings.TrimPrefix(resp.Proto, "HTTP/"), 64)
if err != nil {