+ <title>Soft Contribution ID</title>
<type>int unsigned</type>
+ <title>Soft Contribution - Contribution</title>
<type>int unsigned</type>
<comment>FK to contribution table.</comment>
+ <title>Soft Contribution Amount</title>
+ <title>Soft Contribution Currency</title>
<comment>3 character string, value from config setting or input via user.</comment>
<type>int unsigned</type>
+ <title>Soft Contribution PCP</title>
<comment>FK to civicrm_pcp.id</comment>
+ <title>Soft Contribution Display on PCP</title>
+ <title>Soft Contribution PCP Nickname</title>
+ <title>Soft Contribution PCP Note</title>
+ <title>Domain ID</title>
<type>int unsigned</type>
<comment>Domain ID</comment>
+ <title>Domain Name</title>
<comment>Name of Domain / Organization</comment>
+ <title>Domain Description</title>
<comment>Description of Domain.</comment>
+ <title>Domain Configuration</title>
<comment>Backend configuration.</comment>
+ <title>CiviCRM Version</title>
<comment>The civicrm version this instance is running</comment>
<type>int unsigned</type>
+ <title>Domain Contact</title>
<comment>FK to Contact ID. This is specifically not an FK to avoid circular constraints</comment>
+ <title>Supported Languages</title>
<comment>list of locales supported by the current db state (NULL for single-lang install)</comment>
+ <title>Language Customizations</title>
<comment>Locale specific string overrides</comment>
<type>int unsigned</type>
+ <title>Financial Account Type</title>
+ <title>Financial Account Description</title>
<comment>Financial Type Description.</comment>
<type>int unsigned</type>
+ <title>Financial Account Parent</title>
<comment>Parent ID in account hierarchy</comment>
+ <title>Header Financial Account?</title>
<comment>Is this a header account which does not allow transactions to be posted against it directly, but only to its sub-accounts?</comment>
+ <title>Deductible Financial Account?</title>
<comment>Is this account tax-deductible?</comment>
+ <title>Tax Financial Account?</title>
<comment>Is this account for taxes?</comment>
+ <title>Financial Account Tax Rate</title>
<comment>The percentage of the total_amount that is due for this tax.</comment>
+ <title>Reserved Financial Account?</title>
<comment>Is this a predefined system object?</comment>
+ <title>Financial Account is Active</title>
<comment>Is this property active?</comment>
+ <title>Default Financial Account</title>
<comment>Is this account the default one (or default tax one) for its financial_account_type?</comment>