$activityTypes = CRM_Case_PseudoConstant::caseActivityType(FALSE, TRUE);
- $url = CRM_Utils_System::url("civicrm/case/activity",
- "reset=1&cid={$contactID}&caseid={$caseID}", FALSE, NULL, FALSE
- );
- $contextUrl = '';
- if ($context == 'fulltext') {
- $contextUrl = "&context={$context}";
- }
- $editUrl = "{$url}&action=update{$contextUrl}";
- $deleteUrl = "{$url}&action=delete{$contextUrl}";
- $restoreUrl = "{$url}&action=renew{$contextUrl}";
- $viewTitle = ts('View activity');
- $emailActivityTypeIDs = array(
- 'Email' => CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity', 'activity_type_id', 'Email'),
- 'Inbound Email' => CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity', 'activity_type_id', 'Inbound Email'),
- );
- $caseDeleted = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Case_DAO_Case', $caseID, 'is_deleted');
$compStatusValues = array_keys(
CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::getStatusesByType(CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::COMPLETED) +
if (!$userID) {
- $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton();
- $userID = $session->get('userID');
+ $userID = CRM_Core_Session::getLoggedInContactID();
- $caseActivities = array();
+ $caseActivities = [];
while ($dao->fetch()) {
$caseActivityId = $dao->id;
- $allowView = self::checkPermission($caseActivityId, 'view', $dao->activity_type_id, $userID);
- $allowEdit = self::checkPermission($caseActivityId, 'edit', $dao->activity_type_id, $userID);
- $allowDelete = self::checkPermission($caseActivityId, 'delete', $dao->activity_type_id, $userID);
- //do not have sufficient permission
- //to access given case activity record.
- if (!$allowView && !$allowEdit && !$allowDelete) {
+ //Do we have permission to access given case activity record.
+ if (!self::checkPermission($caseActivityId, 'view', $dao->activity_type_id, $userID)) {
// Activity Status Label for Case activities list
$caseActivities[$caseActivityId]['status_id'] = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getLabel('CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity', 'activity_status_id', $dao->status);
- // FIXME: Why are we not using CRM_Core_Action for these links? This is too much manual work and likely to get out-of-sync with core markup.
- $url = "";
- $css = 'class="action-item crm-hover-button"';
- if ($allowView) {
- $viewUrl = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/case/activity/view', array('cid' => $contactID, 'aid' => $caseActivityId));
- $url = '<a ' . str_replace('action-item', 'action-item medium-pop-up', $css) . 'href="' . $viewUrl . '" title="' . $viewTitle . '">' . ts('View') . '</a>';
- }
- $additionalUrl = "&id={$caseActivityId}";
- if (!$dao->deleted) {
- //hide edit link of activity type email.CRM-4530.
- if (!in_array($dao->type, $emailActivityTypeIDs)) {
- //hide Edit link if activity type is NOT editable (special case activities).CRM-5871
- if ($allowEdit) {
- $url .= '<a ' . $css . ' href="' . $editUrl . $additionalUrl . '">' . ts('Edit') . '</a> ';
- }
- }
- if ($allowDelete) {
- $url .= ' <a ' . str_replace('action-item', 'action-item small-popup', $css) . ' href="' . $deleteUrl . $additionalUrl . '">' . ts('Delete') . '</a>';
- }
- }
- elseif (!$caseDeleted) {
- $url = ' <a ' . $css . ' href="' . $restoreUrl . $additionalUrl . '">' . ts('Restore') . '</a>';
- $caseActivities[$caseActivityId]['status_id'] = $caseActivities[$caseActivityId]['status_id'] . '<br /> (deleted)';
- }
- //check for operations.
- if (self::checkPermission($caseActivityId, 'Move To Case', $dao->activity_type_id)) {
- $url .= ' <a ' . $css . ' href="#" onClick="Javascript:fileOnCase( \'move\',' . $caseActivityId . ', ' . $caseID . ', this ); return false;">' . ts('Move To Case') . '</a> ';
- }
- if (self::checkPermission($caseActivityId, 'Copy To Case', $dao->activity_type_id)) {
- $url .= ' <a ' . $css . ' href="#" onClick="Javascript:fileOnCase( \'copy\',' . $caseActivityId . ',' . $caseID . ', this ); return false;">' . ts('Copy To Case') . '</a> ';
- }
- // if there are file attachments we will return how many and, if only one, add a link to it
- if (!empty($dao->attachment_ids)) {
- $attachmentIDs = array_unique(explode(',', $dao->attachment_ids));
- $caseActivities[$caseActivityId]['no_attachments'] = count($attachmentIDs);
- $url .= implode(' ', CRM_Core_BAO_File::paperIconAttachment('civicrm_activity', $caseActivityId));
- }
- $caseActivities[$caseActivityId]['links'] = $url;
+ $caseActivities[$caseActivityId]
+ = self::addCaseActivityLinks($caseID, $contactID, $userID, $context, $dao, $caseActivities[$caseActivityId]);
$caseActivitiesDT = array();
return $caseActivitiesDT;
+ /**
+ * FIXME: This is a transitional function to facilitate a refactor of this to use CRM_Core_Action and actionLinks
+ * Add the set of "actionLinks" to the case activity
+ *
+ * @param int $caseID
+ * @param int $contactID
+ * @param int $userID
+ * @param string $context
+ * @param \CRM_Core_DAO $dao
+ * @param array $caseActivity
+ *
+ * @return array caseActivity
+ */
+ public static function addCaseActivityLinks($caseID, $contactID, $userID, $context, $dao, $caseActivity) {
+ // FIXME: Why are we not using CRM_Core_Action for these links? This is too much manual work and likely to get out-of-sync with core markup.
+ $caseActivityId = $dao->id;
+ $allowView = self::checkPermission($caseActivityId, 'view', $dao->activity_type_id, $userID);
+ $allowEdit = self::checkPermission($caseActivityId, 'edit', $dao->activity_type_id, $userID);
+ $allowDelete = self::checkPermission($caseActivityId, 'delete', $dao->activity_type_id, $userID);
+ $emailActivityTypeIDs = [
+ 'Email' => CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity', 'activity_type_id', 'Email'),
+ 'Inbound Email' => CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity', 'activity_type_id', 'Inbound Email'),
+ ];
+ $url = CRM_Utils_System::url("civicrm/case/activity",
+ "reset=1&cid={$contactID}&caseid={$caseID}", FALSE, NULL, FALSE
+ );
+ $contextUrl = '';
+ if ($context == 'fulltext') {
+ $contextUrl = "&context={$context}";
+ }
+ $editUrl = "{$url}&action=update{$contextUrl}";
+ $deleteUrl = "{$url}&action=delete{$contextUrl}";
+ $restoreUrl = "{$url}&action=renew{$contextUrl}";
+ $viewTitle = ts('View activity');
+ $caseDeleted = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Case_DAO_Case', $caseID, 'is_deleted');
+ $url = "";
+ $css = 'class="action-item crm-hover-button"';
+ if ($allowView) {
+ $viewUrl = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/case/activity/view', array('cid' => $contactID, 'aid' => $caseActivityId));
+ $url = '<a ' . str_replace('action-item', 'action-item medium-pop-up', $css) . 'href="' . $viewUrl . '" title="' . $viewTitle . '">' . ts('View') . '</a>';
+ }
+ $additionalUrl = "&id={$caseActivityId}";
+ if (!$dao->deleted) {
+ //hide edit link of activity type email.CRM-4530.
+ if (!in_array($dao->type, $emailActivityTypeIDs)) {
+ //hide Edit link if activity type is NOT editable (special case activities).CRM-5871
+ if ($allowEdit) {
+ $url .= '<a ' . $css . ' href="' . $editUrl . $additionalUrl . '">' . ts('Edit') . '</a> ';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($allowDelete) {
+ $url .= ' <a ' . str_replace('action-item', 'action-item small-popup', $css) . ' href="' . $deleteUrl . $additionalUrl . '">' . ts('Delete') . '</a>';
+ }
+ }
+ elseif (!$caseDeleted) {
+ $url = ' <a ' . $css . ' href="' . $restoreUrl . $additionalUrl . '">' . ts('Restore') . '</a>';
+ $caseActivity['status_id'] = $caseActivity['status_id'] . '<br /> (deleted)';
+ }
+ //check for operations.
+ if (self::checkPermission($caseActivityId, 'Move To Case', $dao->activity_type_id)) {
+ $url .= ' <a ' . $css . ' href="#" onClick="Javascript:fileOnCase( \'move\',' . $caseActivityId . ', ' . $caseID . ', this ); return false;">' . ts('Move To Case') . '</a> ';
+ }
+ if (self::checkPermission($caseActivityId, 'Copy To Case', $dao->activity_type_id)) {
+ $url .= ' <a ' . $css . ' href="#" onClick="Javascript:fileOnCase( \'copy\',' . $caseActivityId . ',' . $caseID . ', this ); return false;">' . ts('Copy To Case') . '</a> ';
+ }
+ // if there are file attachments we will return how many and, if only one, add a link to it
+ if (!empty($dao->attachment_ids)) {
+ $attachmentIDs = array_unique(explode(',', $dao->attachment_ids));
+ $caseActivity['no_attachments'] = count($attachmentIDs);
+ $url .= implode(' ', CRM_Core_BAO_File::paperIconAttachment('civicrm_activity', $caseActivityId));
+ }
+ $caseActivity['links'] = $url;
+ return $caseActivity;
+ }
* Helper function to generate a formatted contact link/name for display in the Case activities tab