Draw the rainbow
# Retrieve tweet
+ tid = t['id']
text = t['text']
screen_name = t['user']['screen_name']
name = t['user']['name']
# Format info
user = cycle_color(name) + grey(' ' + '@' + screen_name + ' ')
- clock = grey('[' + time + ']')
+ meta = grey('[' + time + '] ['+ str(tid) +']')
tweet = text.split()
# Highlight RT
tweet = map(lambda x: grey(x) if x == 'RT' else x, tweet)
uw=len(user) + 2,
line2 = u"{c:>{cw}}".format(
- c=clock,
- cw=len(clock) + 2,
+ c=meta,
+ cw=len(meta) + 2,
line3 = ' ' + tweet
- line4 = '\n'
+ line4 = ''
- printNicely(line4)
+ printNicely('')
def parse_arguments():
+def timeline():
+ """
+ Authen and get timeline
+ """
+ t = Twitter(auth=authen())
+ count = HOME_TWEET_NUM
+ if g['stuff'].isdigit():
+ count = g['stuff']
+ for tweet in reversed(t.statuses.home_timeline(count=count)):
+ draw(t=tweet)
def search():
Authen and search
usage = '''
Hi boss! I'm ready to serve you right now!
- "tweet" at the beginning will tweet immediately
+ "t" at the beginning will tweet immediately
+ "tl" at the beginning will tweet immediately
"s" and follow by any word will search and return 5 newest tweet
"fr" will list out your following people
"fl" will list out your followers
- "h" will print this help once again
+ "h" or "help" will print this help once again
"c" will clear the terminal
"q" will exit
Process switch by start of line
return {
- 'tweet' : tweet,
- 's' : search,
- 'fr' : friend,
- 'fl' : follower,
- 'h' : help,
- 'c' : clear,
- 'q' : quit,
+ 't' : tweet,
+ 'tl' : timeline,
+ 's' : search,
+ 'fr' : friend,
+ 'fl' : follower,
+ 'h' : help,
+ 'help' : help,
+ 'c' : clear,
+ 'q' : quit,
}.get(cmd, lambda: sys.stdout.write(g['decorated_name']))