$membershipParams, $contactID, &$form, $premiumParams,
$customFieldsFormatted = NULL, $includeFieldTypes = NULL, $membershipDetails, $membershipTypeIDs, $isPaidMembership, $membershipID,
$isProcessSeparateMembershipTransaction, $financialTypeID, $membershipLineItems, $isPayLater, $isPending) {
- $result = $membershipContribution = NULL;
+ $membershipContribution = NULL;
$isTest = CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_test', $membershipParams, FALSE);
$errors = $createdMemberships = $paymentResult = array();
- if (is_a($result[1], 'CRM_Core_Error')) {
- $errors[1] = CRM_Core_Error::getMessages($paymentResult[1]);
- }
- if (is_a($paymentResult, 'CRM_Core_Error')) {
- $errors[1] = CRM_Core_Error::getMessages($paymentResult);
- }
- elseif (!empty($paymentResult['contribution'])) {
+ if (!empty($paymentResult['contribution'])) {
$this->postProcessPremium($premiumParams, $paymentResult['contribution']);
//note that this will be over-written if we are using a separate membership transaction. Otherwise there is only one
$membershipContribution = $paymentResult['contribution'];
if (count($createdMemberships)) {
$form->_values['isMembership'] = TRUE;
- if ($form->_contributeMode == 'notify') {
+ if (isset($membershipContributionID)) {
+ $form->_values['contribution_id'] = $membershipContributionID;
+ }
+ if ($form->_contributeMode) {
if ($form->_values['is_monetary'] && $form->_amount > 0.0 && !$form->_params['is_pay_later']) {
// call postProcess hook before leaving
- // this does not return
- $payment = Civi\Payment\System::singleton()->getByProcessor($form->_paymentProcessor);
- $payment->doPayment($form->_params, 'contribute');
- }
+ $payment = Civi\Payment\System::singleton()->getByProcessor($form->_paymentProcessor);
+ $result = $payment->doPayment($form->_params, 'contribute');
- if (isset($membershipContributionID)) {
- $form->_values['contribution_id'] = $membershipContributionID;
- }
- if ($form->_contributeMode == 'direct') {
- if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('payment_status_id', $paymentResult) == 1) {
+ if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('payment_status_id', $result) == 1) {
// Refer to CRM-16737. Payment processors 'should' return payment_status_id
// to denote the outcome of the transaction.
try {
($this->_mode == 'test') ? 1 : 0,
+ if (!empty($result['is_payment_failure'])) {
+ return $result;
+ }
// @todo move premium processing to complete transaction if it truly is an 'after' action.
$this->postProcessPremium($premiumParams, $result['contribution']);
- if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('contribution_status_id', $result) == 1) {
+ if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('payment_status_id', $result) == 1) {
civicrm_api3('contribution', 'completetransaction', array(
'id' => $result['contribution']->id,
'trxn_id' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('trxn_id', $result),