--- /dev/null
+ * rfc822address.php
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004 The SquirrelMail Project Team
+ * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
+ *
+ * Contains rfc822 email address function parsing functions.
+ *
+ *
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @package squirrelmail
+ */
+if (!defined('SQM_ADDR_PERSONAL')) define('SQM_ADDR_PERSONAL', 0);
+if (!defined('SQM_ADDR_ADLL')) define('SQM_ADDR_ADL', 1);
+if (!defined('SQM_ADDR_MAILBOX')) define('SQM_ADDR_MAILBOX', 2);
+if (!defined('SQM_ADDR_HOST')) define('SQM_ADDR_HOST', 3);
+ * parseRFC822Address: function for parsing RFC822 email address strings and store
+ * them in an address array
+ *
+ * @param string $address The email address string to parse
+ * @param array $aProps associative array with properties
+ * @public
+ * @author Marc Groot Koerkamp
+ *
+ **/
+function parseRFC822Address($sAddress,$aProps) {
+ $aPropsDefault = array (
+ 'domain' => '', //
+ 'limit' => 0, // limits returned addresses
+ 'abooklookup' => false); // callback function for addressbook lookup
+ $aProps = is_array($aProps) ? array_merge($aPropsDefault,$aProps) : $aPropsDefault;
+ $cbLookup = $aProps['abooklookup'];
+ $sDomain = $aProps['domain'];
+ $iLimit = $aProps['limit'];
+ $aTokens = _getAddressTokens($sAddress);
+ $sPersonal = $sEmail = $sComment = $sGroup = '';
+ $aStack = $aComment = $aAddress = array();
+ foreach ($aTokens as $sToken) {
+ if ($iLimit && $iLimit == count($aAddress)) {
+ return $aAddress;
+ }
+ $cChar = $sToken{0};
+ switch ($cChar)
+ {
+ case '=':
+ case '"':
+ case ' ':
+ $aStack[] = $sToken;
+ break;
+ case '(':
+ $aComment[] = substr($sToken,1,-1);
+ break;
+ case ';':
+ if ($sGroup) {
+ $aAddress[] = _createAddressElement($aStack,$aComment,$sEmail);
+ $oAddr = end($aAddress);
+ if(!$oAddr || ((isset($oAddr)) && !$oAddr->mailbox && !$oAddr->personal)) {
+ $sEmail = $sGroup . ':;';
+ }
+ $aAddress[] = _createAddressElement($aStack,$aComment,$sEmail);
+ $sGroup = '';
+ $aStack = $aComment = array();
+ break;
+ }
+ case ',':
+ $aAddress[] = _createAddressElement($aStack,$aComment,$sEmail);
+ break;
+ case ':':
+ $sGroup = trim(implode(' ',$aStack));
+ $sGroup = preg_replace('/\s+/',' ',$sGroup);
+ $aStack = array();
+ break;
+ case '<':
+ $sEmail = trim(substr($sToken,1,-1));
+ break;
+ case '>':
+ /* skip */
+ break;
+ default: $aStack[] = $sToken; break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* now do the action again for the last address */
+ $aAddress[] = _createAddressElement($aStack,$aComment,$sEmail);
+ return $aAddress;
+ * Do the address array to string translation
+ *
+ * @param array $aAddressList list with email address arrays
+ * @param array $aProps associative array with properties
+ * @return string
+ * @public
+ * @see parseRFC822Address
+ * @author Marc Groot Koerkamp
+ *
+ **/
+function getAddressString($aAddressList,$aProps) {
+ $aPropsDefault = array (
+ 'separator' => ',', // address separator
+ 'limit' => 0, // limits returned addresses
+ 'personal' => true, // show persnal part
+ 'email' => true, // show email part
+ 'best' => false, // show personal if available
+ 'encode' => false, // encode the personal part
+ 'unique' => false, // make email addresses unique.
+ 'exclude' => array() // array with exclude addresses
+ // format of address: mailbox@host
+ );
+ $aProps = is_array($aProps) ? array_merge($aPropsDefault,$aProps) : $aPropsDefault;
+ $aNewAddressList = array();
+ $aEmailUnique = array();
+ foreach ($aAddressList as $aAddr) {
+ if ($aProps['limit'] && count($aNewAddressList) == $aProps['limit']) {
+ break;
+ }
+ $sPersonal = (isset($aAddr[SQM_ADDR_PERSONAL])) ? $aAddr[SQM_ADDR_PERSONAL] : '';
+ $sMailbox = (isset($aAddr[SQM_ADDR_MAILBOX])) ? $aAddr[SQM_ADDR_MAILBOX] : '';
+ $sHost = (isset($aAddr[SQM_ADDR_HOST])) ? $aAddr[SQM_ADDR_HOST] : '';
+ $sEmail = ($sHost) ? "$sMailbox@$sHost": $sMailbox;
+ if (in_array($sEmail,$aProps['exclude'],true)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($aProps['unique']) {
+ if (in_array($sEmail,$aEmailUnique,true)) {
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ $aEmailUnique[] = $sEmail;
+ }
+ }
+ $s = '';
+ if ($aProps['best']) {
+ $s .= ($sPersonal) ? $sPersonal : $sEmail;
+ } else {
+ if ($aProps['personal'] && $sPersonal) {
+ if ($aProps['encode']) {
+ $sPersonal = encodeHeader($sPersonal);
+ }
+ $s .= $sPersonal;
+ }
+ if ($aProps['email'] && $sEmail) {
+ $s.= ($s) ? ' <'.$sEmail.'>': '<'.$sEmail.'>';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($s) {
+ $aNewAddressList[] = $s;
+ }
+ }
+ return explode($aProps['seperator'],$aNewAddressList);
+ * Do after address parsing handling. This is used by compose.php and should
+ * be moved to compose.php.
+ * The AddressStructure objetc is now obsolete and dependent parts of that will
+ * be adapted so that it can make use of this function
+ * After that we can remove the parseAddress method from the Rfc822Header class completely
+ * so we achieved 1 single instance of parseAddress instead of two like we have now.
+ *
+ * @param array $aAddressList list with email address arrays
+ * @param array $aProps associative array with properties
+ * @return string
+ * @public
+ * @see parseRFC822Address
+ * $see Rfc822Header
+ * @author Marc Groot Koerkamp
+ *
+ **/
+function processAddressArray($aAddresses,$aProps) {
+ $aPropsDefault = array (
+ 'domain' => '',
+ 'limit' => 0,
+ 'abooklookup' => false);
+ $aProps = is_array($aProps) ? array_merge($aPropsDefault,$aProps) : $aPropsDefault;
+ $aProcessedAddress = array();
+ foreach ($aAddresses as $aEntry) {
+ /*
+ * if the emailaddress does not contain the domainpart it can concern
+ * an alias or local (in the same domain as the user is) email
+ * address. In that case we try to look it up in the addressbook or add
+ * the local domain part
+ */
+ if (!$aEntry[SQM_ADDR_HOST]) {
+ if ($cbLookup) {
+ $aAddr = call_user_func_array($cbLookup,array($aEntry[SQM_ADDR_MAILBOX]));
+ if (isset($aAddr['email'])) {
+ /*
+ * if the returned email address concerns multiple email
+ * addresses we have to process those as well
+ */
+ if (strpos($aAddr['email'],',')) { /* multiple addresses */
+ /* add the parsed addresses to the processed address array */
+ $aProcessedAddress = array_merge($aProcessedAddress,parseAddress($aAddr['email']));
+ /* skip to next address, all processing is done */
+ continue;
+ } else { /* single address */
+ $iPosAt = strpos($aAddr['email'], '@');
+ $aEntry[SQM_ADDR_MAILBOX] = substr($aAddr['email'], 0, $iPosAt);
+ $aEntry[SQM_ADDR_HOST] = substr($aAddr['email'], $iPosAt+1);
+ if (isset($aAddr['name'])) {
+ $aEntry[SQM_ADDR_PERSONAL] = $aAddr['name'];
+ } else {
+ $aEntry[SQM_ADDR_PERSONAL] = encodeHeader($sPersonal);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * append the domain
+ *
+ */
+ if (!$aEntry[SQM_ADDR_MAILBOX]) {
+ $aEntry[SQM_ADDR_MAILBOX] = trim($sEmail);
+ }
+ if ($sDomain && !$aEntry[SQM_ADDR_HOST]) {
+ $aEntry[SQM_ADDR_HOST] = $sDomain;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($aEntry[SQM_ADDR_MAILBOX]) {
+ $aProcessedAddress[] = $aEntry;
+ }
+ }
+ return $aProcessedAddress;
+ * Internal function for creating an address array
+ *
+ * @param array $aStack
+ * @param array $aComment
+ * @param string $sEmail
+ * @return array $aAddr array with personal (0), adl(1), mailbox(2) and host(3) info
+ * @private
+ * @author Marc Groot Koerkamp
+ *
+ **/
+function _createAddressElement(&$aStack,&$aComment,&$sEmail) {
+ if (!$sEmail) {
+ while (count($aStack) && !$sEmail) {
+ $sEmail = trim(array_pop($aStack));
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($aStack)) {
+ $sPersonal = trim(implode('',$aStack));
+ } else {
+ $sPersonal = '';
+ }
+ if (!$sPersonal && count($aComment)) {
+ $sComment = trim(implode(' ',$aComment));
+ $sPersonal .= $sComment;
+ }
+ $aAddr = array();
+// if ($sPersonal && substr($sPersonal,0,2) == '=?') {
+// $aAddr[SQM_ADDR_PERSONAL] = encodeHeader($sPersonal);
+// } else {
+ $aAddr[SQM_ADDR_PERSONAL] = $sPersonal;
+// }
+ $iPosAt = strpos($sEmail,'@');
+ if ($iPosAt) {
+ $aAddr[SQM_ADDR_MAILBOX] = substr($sEmail, 0, $iPosAt);
+ $aAddr[SQM_ADDR_HOST] = substr($sEmail, $iPosAt+1);
+ } else {
+ $aAddr[SQM_ADDR_MAILBOX] = $sEmail;
+ $aAddr[SQM_ADDR_HOST] = false;
+ }
+ $sEmail = '';
+ $aStack = $aComment = array();
+ return $aAddr;
+ * Tokenizer function for parsing the RFC822 email address string
+ *
+ * @param string $address The email address string to parse
+ * @return array $aTokens
+ * @private
+ * @author Marc Groot Koerkamp
+ *
+ **/
+function _getAddressTokens($address) {
+ $aTokens = array();
+ $aAddress = array();
+ $aSpecials = array('(' ,'<' ,',' ,';' ,':');
+ $aReplace = array(' (',' <',' ,',' ;',' :');
+ $address = str_replace($aSpecials,$aReplace,$address);
+ $iCnt = strlen($address);
+ $i = 0;
+ while ($i < $iCnt) {
+ $cChar = $address{$i};
+ switch($cChar)
+ {
+ case '<':
+ $iEnd = strpos($address,'>',$i+1);
+ if (!$iEnd) {
+ $sToken = substr($address,$i);
+ $i = $iCnt;
+ } else {
+ $sToken = substr($address,$i,$iEnd - $i +1);
+ $i = $iEnd;
+ }
+ $sToken = str_replace($aReplace, $aSpecials,$sToken);
+ if ($sToken) $aTokens[] = $sToken;
+ break;
+ case '"':
+ $iEnd = strpos($address,$cChar,$i+1);
+ if ($iEnd) {
+ // skip escaped quotes
+ $prev_char = $address{$iEnd-1};
+ while ($prev_char === '\\' && substr($address,$iEnd-2,2) !== '\\\\') {
+ $iEnd = strpos($address,$cChar,$iEnd+1);
+ if ($iEnd) {
+ $prev_char = $address{$iEnd-1};
+ } else {
+ $prev_char = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$iEnd) {
+ $sToken = substr($address,$i);
+ $i = $iCnt;
+ } else {
+ // also remove the surrounding quotes
+ $sToken = substr($address,$i+1,$iEnd - $i -1);
+ $i = $iEnd;
+ }
+ $sToken = str_replace($aReplace, $aSpecials,$sToken);
+ if ($sToken) $aTokens[] = $sToken;
+ break;
+ case '(':
+ array_pop($aTokens); //remove inserted space
+ $iEnd = strpos($address,')',$i);
+ if (!$iEnd) {
+ $sToken = substr($address,$i);
+ $i = $iCnt;
+ } else {
+ $iDepth = 1;
+ $iComment = $i;
+ while (($iDepth > 0) && (++$iComment < $iCnt)) {
+ $cCharComment = $address{$iComment};
+ switch($cCharComment) {
+ case '\\':
+ ++$iComment;
+ break;
+ case '(':
+ ++$iDepth;
+ break;
+ case ')':
+ --$iDepth;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($iDepth == 0) {
+ $sToken = substr($address,$i,$iComment - $i +1);
+ $i = $iComment;
+ } else {
+ $sToken = substr($address,$i,$iEnd - $i + 1);
+ $i = $iEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ // check the next token in case comments appear in the middle of email addresses
+ $prevToken = end($aTokens);
+ if (!in_array($prevToken,$aSpecials,true)) {
+ if ($i+1<strlen($address) && !in_array($address{$i+1},$aSpecials,true)) {
+ $iEnd = strpos($address,' ',$i+1);
+ if ($iEnd) {
+ $sNextToken = trim(substr($address,$i+1,$iEnd - $i -1));
+ $i = $iEnd-1;
+ } else {
+ $sNextToken = trim(substr($address,$i+1));
+ $i = $iCnt;
+ }
+ // remove the token
+ array_pop($aTokens);
+ // create token and add it again
+ $sNewToken = $prevToken . $sNextToken;
+ if($sNewToken) $aTokens[] = $sNewToken;
+ }
+ }
+ $sToken = str_replace($aReplace, $aSpecials,$sToken);
+ if ($sToken) $aTokens[] = $sToken;
+ break;
+ case ',':
+ case ':':
+ case ';':
+ case ' ':
+ $aTokens[] = $cChar;
+ break;
+ default:
+ $iEnd = strpos($address,' ',$i+1);
+ if ($iEnd) {
+ $sToken = trim(substr($address,$i,$iEnd - $i));
+ $i = $iEnd-1;
+ } else {
+ $sToken = trim(substr($address,$i));
+ $i = $iCnt;
+ }
+ if ($sToken) $aTokens[] = $sToken;
+ }
+ ++$i;
+ }
+ return $aTokens;
\ No newline at end of file