--- /dev/null
+""" Introduction
+This series of tutorials is designed to introduce you to key
+concepts of Tweepy. By the end of this series you should be ready
+to create your grand Twitter application with Tweepy!
+If you get lost on your journey to becoming a Tweepy guru, feel
+free to post questions to tweepy@googlegroups.com
+Each tutorial file is named tX.py where X is the tutorial number.
+Work your way from 1 and up.
+Author: Joshua Roesslein
--- /dev/null
+import tweepy
+from t1 import *
+""" Tutorial 2 -- API
+This tutorial will focus on creating and using the API class.
+The API class is the primary interface between your application
+and Twitter's API. It implements most of the endpoint documented here:
+ http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-API-Documentation
+The API class can be used in either authenticated or non-authenticated modes.
+First let's demonstrate using the API class without authentication...
+no_auth_api = tweepy.API()
+Let's query the public timeline and print it to the console...
+public_timeline = no_auth_api.public_timeline()
+print 'Public timeline...'
+for status in public_timeline:
+ print status.text
+ print 'from: %s' % status.user.screen_name
+Tweepy provides a non-authenticated instance of the API for you already
+so you don't normally need to create one your self.
+tweepy.api # non-auth instance of API
+Any endpoint that does not require authentication can be accessed
+with this non-authenticated API instance. If you try to access an
+API endpoint that does require authentication, a TweepError exception
+will be raised.
+Now we will create an authenticated instance of the API class
+using the auth handler we created in tutorial 1.
+auth_api = tweepy.API(oauth_auth)
+Let's query the authenticated user's friends timeline
+and print it to the console...
+friends_timeline = auth_api.friends_timeline()
+for status in friends_timeline:
+ print status.text
+ print 'from: %s' % status.user.screen_name
+""" The End
+So that wraps up this tutorial. You now know how to create both
+non-authenticated and authenticated instances of the API class.
+Onto the next tutorial!