Libiquity's X200 is <a href="">Respects Your Freedom</a> certified, but shipping is limited to the US. <a href="#libiquity-promotion">Sale details.</a>
+ <a href="" class="seller action-button">Minifree</a>
+ <p class="sale-info links">
+ Minifree's X200 is <a href="">Respects Your Freedom</a> certified. </p>
<a href="" class="seller action-button">Technoethical</a><br>
<p class="sale-info links">
<!-- Technoethical's X200 is <a href="">Respects Your Freedom</a> certified. Global shipping is available. <a href="#technoethical-promotion">Sale details.</a>
<p class="sale-info links">
Libiquity's X200 is <a href="">Respects Your Freedom</a>-certified, but shipping is limited to the US. <a href="#libiquity-promotion">Sale details.</a>
+ <a href="" class="seller action-button">Minifree</a>
+ <p class="sale-info links">
+ Minifree's X200 is <a href="">Respects Your Freedom</a> certified. </p>
<a href="" class="seller action-button">Technoethical</a>
<p class="sale-info links">
Technoethical's X200 is <a href="">Respects Your Freedom</a> certified, and global shipping is available. <a href="#technoethical-promotion">Sale details.</a>