* This creates a double-join in sql that appears to the API user like a single join.
+ * LEFT joins use a subquery so that the bridge + joined-entity can be treated like a single table.
+ *
* @param array $joinTree
* @param string $joinEntity
* @param string $alias
* @param string $side
- * @return array
* @throws \API_Exception
protected function addBridgeJoin($joinTree, $joinEntity, $alias, $side) {
$bridgeEntity = array_shift($joinTree);
- $bridgeAlias = $alias . '_via_' . strtolower($bridgeEntity);
+ // INNER joins require unique aliases, whereas left joins will be inside a subquery and short aliases are more readable
+ $bridgeAlias = $side === 'INNER' ? $alias . '_via_' . strtolower($bridgeEntity) : 'b';
+ $joinAlias = $side === 'INNER' ? $alias : 'c';
$joinTable = CoreUtil::getTableName($joinEntity);
[$bridgeTable, $baseRef, $joinRef] = $this->getBridgeRefs($bridgeEntity, $joinEntity);
- // Create link between bridge entity and join entity
- $joinConditions = [
- "`$bridgeAlias`.`{$joinRef->getReferenceKey()}` = `$alias`.`{$joinRef->getTargetKey()}`",
- ];
- // For dynamic references, also add the type column (e.g. `entity_table`)
- if ($joinRef->getTypeColumn()) {
- $joinConditions[] = "`$bridgeAlias`.`{$joinRef->getTypeColumn()}` = '$joinTable'";
- }
- // Register fields (other than bridge FK fields) from the bridge entity as if they belong to the join entity
- $fakeFields = [];
- $bridgeFkFields = [$joinRef->getReferenceKey(), $joinRef->getTypeColumn(), $baseRef->getReferenceKey(), $baseRef->getTypeColumn()];
- $bridgeEntityClass = '\Civi\Api4\\' . $bridgeEntity;
- foreach ($bridgeEntityClass::get($this->getCheckPermissions())->entityFields() as $name => $field) {
- if ($name === 'id' || in_array($name, $bridgeFkFields, TRUE)) {
- continue;
- }
- // Note these fields get a sql alias pointing to the bridge entity, but an api alias pretending they belong to the join entity
- $field['sql_name'] = '`' . $bridgeAlias . '`.`' . $field['column_name'] . '`';
- $this->addSpecField($alias . '.' . $field['name'], $field);
- $fakeFields[] = $alias . '.' . $field['name'];
- }
- // Move conditions for the bridge join out of the joinTree
- $bridgeConditions = [];
- $isExplicit = FALSE;
- $joinTree = array_filter($joinTree, function($clause) use ($baseRef, $alias, $bridgeAlias, $fakeFields, &$bridgeConditions, &$isExplicit) {
- list($sideA, $op, $sideB) = array_pad((array) $clause, 3, NULL);
- // Skip AND/OR/NOT branches
- if (!$sideB) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- // If this condition makes an explicit link between the bridge and another entity
- if ($op === '=' && $sideB && ($sideA === "$alias.{$baseRef->getReferenceKey()}" || $sideB === "$alias.{$baseRef->getReferenceKey()}")) {
- $expr = $sideA === "$alias.{$baseRef->getReferenceKey()}" ? $sideB : $sideA;
- $bridgeConditions[] = "`$bridgeAlias`.`{$baseRef->getReferenceKey()}` = " . $this->getExpression($expr)->render($this->apiFieldSpec);
- $isExplicit = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Explicit link with dynamic "entity_table" column
- elseif ($op === '=' && $baseRef->getTypeColumn() && ($sideA === "$alias.{$baseRef->getTypeColumn()}" || $sideB === "$alias.{$baseRef->getTypeColumn()}")) {
- $expr = $sideA === "$alias.{$baseRef->getTypeColumn()}" ? $sideB : $sideA;
- $bridgeConditions[] = "`$bridgeAlias`.`{$baseRef->getTypeColumn()}` = " . $this->getExpression($expr)->render($this->apiFieldSpec);
- $isExplicit = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Other conditions that apply only to the bridge table should be
- foreach ([$sideA, $sideB] as $expr) {
- if (is_string($expr) && in_array(explode(':', $expr)[0], $fakeFields)) {
- $bridgeConditions[] = $this->composeClause($clause, 'ON');
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- });
- // If no bridge conditions were specified, link it to the base entity
- if (!$isExplicit) {
- if (!in_array($this->getEntity(), $baseRef->getTargetEntities())) {
- throw new \API_Exception("Unable to join $bridgeEntity to " . $this->getEntity());
- }
- $bridgeConditions[] = "`$bridgeAlias`.`{$baseRef->getReferenceKey()}` = a.`{$baseRef->getTargetKey()}`";
- if ($baseRef->getTypeColumn()) {
- $bridgeConditions[] = "`$bridgeAlias`.`{$baseRef->getTypeColumn()}` = '" . $this->getFrom() . "'";
- }
- }
- $this->join('LEFT', $bridgeTable, $bridgeAlias, $bridgeConditions);
+ $bridgeFields = $this->registerBridgeJoinFields($bridgeEntity, $joinRef, $baseRef, $alias, $bridgeAlias, $side);
- $baoName = CoreUtil::getBAOFromApiName($joinEntity);
- $acls = array_values($this->getAclClause($alias, $baoName, [NULL, NULL]));
- $joinConditions = array_merge($acls, $joinConditions);
+ $linkConditions = $this->getBridgeLinkConditions($bridgeAlias, $joinAlias, $joinTable, $joinRef);
+ $bridgeConditions = $this->getBridgeJoinConditions($joinTree, $baseRef, $alias, $bridgeAlias, $bridgeEntity, $side);
+ $acls = array_values($this->getAclClause($joinAlias, CoreUtil::getBAOFromApiName($joinEntity), [NULL, NULL]));
+ $joinConditions = [];
foreach (array_filter($joinTree) as $clause) {
$joinConditions[] = $this->treeWalkClauses($clause, 'ON');
- $this->join($side, $joinTable, $alias, $joinConditions);
+ // INNER joins are done with 2 joins
+ if ($side === 'INNER') {
+ $this->join('INNER', $bridgeTable, $bridgeAlias, $bridgeConditions);
+ $this->join('INNER', $joinTable, $alias, array_merge($linkConditions, $acls, $joinConditions));
+ }
+ // For LEFT joins, construct a subquery to link the bridge & join tables as one
+ else {
+ $joinEntityClass = '\Civi\Api4\\' . $joinEntity;
+ foreach ($joinEntityClass::get($this->getCheckPermissions())->entityFields() as $name => $field) {
+ $bridgeFields[$field['column_name']] = '`' . $joinAlias . '`.`' . $field['column_name'] . '`';
+ }
+ $select = implode(',', $bridgeFields);
+ $joinConditions = array_merge($joinConditions, $bridgeConditions);
+ $innerConditions = array_merge($linkConditions, $acls);
+ $subquery = "SELECT $select FROM `$bridgeTable` `$bridgeAlias`, `$joinTable` `$joinAlias` WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $innerConditions);
+ $this->query->join($alias, "$side JOIN ($subquery) `$alias` ON " . implode(' AND ', $joinConditions));
+ }
return [$bridgeTable, $baseRef, $joinRef];
+ /**
+ * Get the clause to link bridge entity with join entity
+ *
+ * @param string $bridgeAlias
+ * @param string $joinAlias
+ * @param string $joinTable
+ * @param $joinRef
+ * @return array
+ */
+ private function getBridgeLinkConditions(string $bridgeAlias, string $joinAlias, string $joinTable, $joinRef): array {
+ $linkConditions = [
+ "`$bridgeAlias`.`{$joinRef->getReferenceKey()}` = `$joinAlias`.`{$joinRef->getTargetKey()}`",
+ ];
+ // For dynamic references, also add the type column (e.g. `entity_table`)
+ if ($joinRef->getTypeColumn()) {
+ $linkConditions[] = "`$bridgeAlias`.`{$joinRef->getTypeColumn()}` = '$joinTable'";
+ }
+ return $linkConditions;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Register fields (other than bridge FK fields) from the bridge entity as if they belong to the join entity
+ *
+ * @param $bridgeEntity
+ * @param $joinRef
+ * @param $baseRef
+ * @param string $alias
+ * @param string $bridgeAlias
+ * @param string $side
+ * @return array
+ */
+ private function registerBridgeJoinFields($bridgeEntity, $joinRef, $baseRef, string $alias, string $bridgeAlias, string $side): array {
+ $fakeFields = [];
+ $bridgeFkFields = [$joinRef->getReferenceKey(), $joinRef->getTypeColumn(), $baseRef->getReferenceKey(), $baseRef->getTypeColumn()];
+ $bridgeEntityClass = '\Civi\Api4\\' . $bridgeEntity;
+ foreach ($bridgeEntityClass::get($this->getCheckPermissions())->entityFields() as $name => $field) {
+ if ($name === 'id' || ($side === 'INNER' && in_array($name, $bridgeFkFields, TRUE))) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // For INNER joins, these fields get a sql alias pointing to the bridge entity,
+ // but an api alias pretending they belong to the join entity.
+ $field['sql_name'] = '`' . ($side === 'LEFT' ? $alias : $bridgeAlias) . '`.`' . $field['column_name'] . '`';
+ $this->addSpecField($alias . '.' . $name, $field);
+ $fakeFields[$field['column_name']] = '`' . $bridgeAlias . '`.`' . $field['column_name'] . '`';
+ }
+ return $fakeFields;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extract bridge join conditions from the joinTree if any, else supply default conditions for join to base entity
+ *
+ * @param array $joinTree
+ * @param $baseRef
+ * @param string $alias
+ * @param string $bridgeAlias
+ * @param string $bridgeEntity
+ * @param string $side
+ * @return string[]
+ * @throws \API_Exception
+ */
+ private function getBridgeJoinConditions(array &$joinTree, $baseRef, string $alias, string $bridgeAlias, string $bridgeEntity, string $side): array {
+ $bridgeConditions = [];
+ $bridgeAlias = $side === 'INNER' ? $bridgeAlias : $alias;
+ // Find explicit bridge join conditions and move them out of the joinTree
+ $joinTree = array_filter($joinTree, function ($clause) use ($baseRef, $alias, $bridgeAlias, &$bridgeConditions) {
+ list($sideA, $op, $sideB) = array_pad((array) $clause, 3, NULL);
+ // Skip AND/OR/NOT branches
+ if (!$sideB) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ // If this condition makes an explicit link between the bridge and another entity
+ if ($op === '=' && $sideB && ($sideA === "$alias.{$baseRef->getReferenceKey()}" || $sideB === "$alias.{$baseRef->getReferenceKey()}")) {
+ $expr = $sideA === "$alias.{$baseRef->getReferenceKey()}" ? $sideB : $sideA;
+ $bridgeConditions[] = "`$bridgeAlias`.`{$baseRef->getReferenceKey()}` = " . $this->getExpression($expr)->render($this->apiFieldSpec);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Explicit link with dynamic "entity_table" column
+ elseif ($op === '=' && $baseRef->getTypeColumn() && ($sideA === "$alias.{$baseRef->getTypeColumn()}" || $sideB === "$alias.{$baseRef->getTypeColumn()}")) {
+ $expr = $sideA === "$alias.{$baseRef->getTypeColumn()}" ? $sideB : $sideA;
+ $bridgeConditions[] = "`$bridgeAlias`.`{$baseRef->getTypeColumn()}` = " . $this->getExpression($expr)->render($this->apiFieldSpec);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ });
+ // If no bridge conditions were specified, link it to the base entity
+ if (!$bridgeConditions) {
+ if (!in_array($this->getEntity(), $baseRef->getTargetEntities())) {
+ throw new \API_Exception("Unable to join $bridgeEntity to " . $this->getEntity());
+ }
+ $bridgeConditions[] = "`$bridgeAlias`.`{$baseRef->getReferenceKey()}` = a.`{$baseRef->getTargetKey()}`";
+ if ($baseRef->getTypeColumn()) {
+ $bridgeConditions[] = "`$bridgeAlias`.`{$baseRef->getTypeColumn()}` = '" . $this->getFrom() . "'";
+ }
+ }
+ return $bridgeConditions;
+ }
* Joins a path and adds all fields in the joined entity to apiFieldSpec