//CRM-14263 further handling of address joins further down...
return " $side JOIN civicrm_address ON ( contact_a.id = civicrm_address.contact_id {$limitToPrimaryClause} )";
+ case 'civicrm_state_province':
+ // This is encountered when doing an export after having applied a 'sort' - it pretty much implies primary
+ // but that will have been implied-in by the calling function.
+ // test cover in testContactIDQuery
+ return " $side JOIN civicrm_state_province ON ( civicrm_address.state_province_id = civicrm_state_province.id )";
+ case 'civicrm_country':
+ // This is encountered when doing an export after having applied a 'sort' - it pretty much implies primary
+ // but that will have been implied-in by the calling function.
+ // test cover in testContactIDQuery
+ return " $side JOIN civicrm_country ON ( civicrm_address.country_id = civicrm_country.id )";
case 'civicrm_phone':
return " $side JOIN civicrm_phone ON (contact_a.id = civicrm_phone.contact_id {$limitToPrimaryClause}) ";
return " $side JOIN civicrm_openid ON ( civicrm_openid.contact_id = contact_a.id {$limitToPrimaryClause} )";
case 'civicrm_worldregion':
- $from = " $side JOIN civicrm_country ON civicrm_address.country_id = civicrm_country.id ";
- return "$from $side JOIN civicrm_worldregion ON civicrm_country.region_id = civicrm_worldregion.id ";
+ // We can be sure from the calling function that country will already be joined in.
+ // we really don't need world_region - we could use a pseudoconstant for it.
+ return "$side JOIN civicrm_worldregion ON civicrm_country.region_id = civicrm_worldregion.id ";
case 'civicrm_location_type':
return " $side JOIN civicrm_location_type ON civicrm_address.location_type_id = civicrm_location_type.id ";
$orderByClauseParts = explode(' ', trim($orderByClause));
$field = $orderByClauseParts[0];
$direction = isset($orderByClauseParts[1]) ? $orderByClauseParts[1] : 'asc';
+ $fieldSpec = $this->getMetadataForRealField($field);
- switch ($field) {
- case 'city':
- case 'postal_code':
- $this->_tables["civicrm_address"] = $this->_whereTables["civicrm_address"] = 1;
- $order = str_replace($field, "civicrm_address.{$field}", $order);
- break;
+ if ($this->_returnProperties === []) {
+ if (!empty($fieldSpec['table_name']) && !isset($this->_tables[$fieldSpec['table_name']])) {
+ $this->_tables[$fieldSpec['table_name']] = 1;
+ $order = $fieldSpec['where'] . ' ' . $direction;
+ }
- case 'country':
- case 'state_province':
- $this->_tables["civicrm_{$field}"] = $this->_whereTables["civicrm_{$field}"] = 1;
- if (is_array($this->_returnProperties) && empty($this->_returnProperties)) {
- $additionalFromClause .= " LEFT JOIN civicrm_{$field} ON civicrm_{$field}.id = civicrm_address.{$field}_id";
- }
- $order = str_replace($field, "civicrm_{$field}.name", $order);
- break;
+ }
+ switch ($field) {
- case 'email':
- $this->_tables["civicrm_email"] = $this->_whereTables["civicrm_email"] = 1;
- $order = str_replace($field, "civicrm_email.{$field}", $order);
+ case 'placeholder-will-remove-next-pr-but-jenkins-will-not-accept-without-and-removing-switch-will-make-hard-to-read':
// is not declared for them.
// @todo so far only integer fields are being handled. If we add string fields we need to look at
// escaping.
- $fieldSpec = $this->getMetadataForRealField($field);
$pseudoConstantMetadata = CRM_Utils_Array::value('pseudoconstant', $fieldSpec, FALSE);
if (!empty($pseudoConstantMetadata)
) {
$this->fail('Test failed for some reason which is not good');
+ /**
+ * Test the sorting on the contact ID query works.
+ *
+ * Checking for lack of fatal.
+ *
+ * @param string $sortOrder
+ * Param reflecting how sort is passed in.
+ * - 1_d is column 1 descending.
+ *
+ * @dataProvider getSortOptions
+ */
+ public function testContactIDQuery($sortOrder) {
+ $selector = new CRM_Contact_Selector(NULL, ['radio_ts' => 'ts_all'], NULL, ['sort_name' => 1]);
+ $selector->contactIDQuery([], $sortOrder);
+ }
+ public function getSortOptions() {
+ return [
+ ['1_d'],
+ ['2_d'],
+ ['3_d'],
+ ['4_d'],
+ ['5_d'],
+ ['6_d'],
+ ];
+ }
* Test the summary query does not add an acl clause when acls not enabled..
public function getDefaultFromString() {
return ' FROM civicrm_contact contact_a LEFT JOIN civicrm_address ON ( contact_a.id = civicrm_address.contact_id AND civicrm_address.is_primary = 1 )'
+ . ' LEFT JOIN civicrm_country ON ( civicrm_address.country_id = civicrm_country.id ) '
. ' LEFT JOIN civicrm_email ON (contact_a.id = civicrm_email.contact_id AND civicrm_email.is_primary = 1)'
. ' LEFT JOIN civicrm_phone ON (contact_a.id = civicrm_phone.contact_id AND civicrm_phone.is_primary = 1)'
. ' LEFT JOIN civicrm_im ON (contact_a.id = civicrm_im.contact_id AND civicrm_im.is_primary = 1) '
- . 'LEFT JOIN civicrm_country ON civicrm_address.country_id = civicrm_country.id LEFT JOIN civicrm_worldregion ON civicrm_country.region_id = civicrm_worldregion.id ';
+ . 'LEFT JOIN civicrm_worldregion ON civicrm_country.region_id = civicrm_worldregion.id ';