This addresses a fairly old regression where smart groups based on relative dates stopped being relative
if (empty($value[0])) {
- $cfID = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getKeyID($value[0]);
+ $cfID = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getKeyID(str_replace('_relative', '', $value[0]));
if ($cfID) {
if (!array_key_exists($cfID, $this->_cfIDs)) {
$this->_cfIDs[$cfID] = [];
elseif (substr($id, 0, 7) == 'custom_'
&& (
- substr($id, -9, 9) == '_relative'
- || substr($id, -5, 5) == '_from'
+ substr($id, -5, 5) == '_from'
|| substr($id, -3, 3) == '_to'
) {
$tableName = $fieldSpec['table_name'];
$filters = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('relative_date_filters');
$grouping = CRM_Utils_Array::value(3, $values);
- $this->_tables[$tableName] = $this->_whereTables[$tableName] = 1;
+ // If the table value is already set for a custom field it will be more nuanced than just '1'.
+ $this->_tables[$tableName] = $this->_tables[$tableName] ?? 1;
+ $this->_whereTables[$tableName] = $this->_whereTables[$tableName] ?? 1;
$dates = CRM_Utils_Date::getFromTo($value, NULL, NULL);
if (empty($dates[0])) {
* @param array $formValues
public static function saveRelativeDates(&$queryParams, $formValues) {
+ // This is required only until all fields are converted to datepicker fields as the new format is truer to the
+ // form format and simply saves (e.g) custom_3_relative => "this.year"
$relativeDates = ['relative_dates' => []];
$specialDateFields = ['event_relative', 'case_from_relative', 'case_to_relative', 'participant_relative'];
foreach ($formValues as $id => $value) {
- if ((preg_match('/(_date|custom_[0-9]+)_relative$/', $id) || in_array($id, $specialDateFields)) && !empty($value)) {
+ if ((preg_match('/_date$/', $id) || in_array($id, $specialDateFields)) && !empty($value)) {
$entityName = strstr($id, '_date', TRUE);
if (empty($entityName)) {
$entityName = strstr($id, '_relative', TRUE);
- $this->_tables[$name] = "\nLEFT JOIN $name ON $name.entity_id = $";
- $this->_whereTables[$name] = $this->_tables[$name];
+ $this->joinCustomTableForField($field);
if ($joinTable) {
$joinClause = 1;
$qillOp = CRM_Utils_Array::value($op, CRM_Core_SelectValues::getSearchBuilderOperators(), $op);
+ // Ensure the table is joined in (eg if in where but not select).
+ $this->joinCustomTableForField($field);
switch ($field['data_type']) {
case 'String':
case 'StateProvince':
case 'Date':
- $this->_where[$grouping][] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildClause($fieldName, $op, $value, 'Date');
- list($qillOp, $qillVal) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildQillForFieldValue(NULL, $field['label'], $value, $op, [], CRM_Utils_Type::T_DATE);
- $this->_qill[$grouping][] = "{$field['label']} $qillOp '$qillVal'";
+ if (substr($name, -9, 9) !== '_relative') {
+ // Relative dates are handled in the buildRelativeDateQuery function.
+ $this->_where[$grouping][] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildClause($fieldName, $op, $value, 'Date');
+ list($qillOp, $qillVal) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildQillForFieldValue(NULL, $field['label'], $value, $op, [], CRM_Utils_Type::T_DATE);
+ $this->_qill[$grouping][] = "{$field['label']} $qillOp '$qillVal'";
+ }
case 'File':
+ /**
+ * Join the custom table for the field in (if not already in the query).
+ *
+ * @param array $field
+ */
+ protected function joinCustomTableForField($field) {
+ $name = $field['table_name'];
+ $join = "\nLEFT JOIN $name ON $name.entity_id = {$field['search_table']}.id";
+ $this->_tables[$name] = $this->_tables[$name] ?? $join;
+ $this->_whereTables[$name] = $this->_whereTables[$name] ?? $join;
+ }
* Test relative dates
- * The function saveRelativeDates should detect whether a field is using
- * a relative date range and include in the fromValues a relative_date
- * index so it is properly detects when executed.
+ * This is a slightly odd test because it was originally created to test that we DO create a
+ * special 'relative_dates' key but the new favoured format is not to do that and to
+ * save (eg) custom_1_relative =
+ *
+ * It still presumably provides useful 'this does not fatal or give enotice' coverage.
public function testCustomFieldRelativeDates() {
// Create a custom field.
CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch::saveRelativeDates($queryParams, $formValues);
// Since custom_13 doesn't have the word 'date' in it, the key is
// set to 0, rather than the field name.
- $err = 'Relative date in custom field smart group creation failed.';
- $this->assertArrayHasKey('relative_dates', $queryParams, $err);
+ $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('relative_dates', $queryParams, 'Relative date in custom field smart group creation failed.');
$dropCustomValueTables = TRUE;
$this->quickCleanup(array('civicrm_saved_search'), $dropCustomValueTables);
// Assigning the relevant form value to be within a custom key is normally done in
// build field params. It would be better if it were all done in convertFormValues
// but for now we just imitate it.
- $params[$dateCustomField['id']] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::convertFormValues($formValues);
- $queryObj = new CRM_Core_BAO_CustomQuery($params);
- $queryObj->Query();
+ $params = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::convertFormValues($formValues);
+ $queryObj = new CRM_Contact_BAO_Query($params);
- 'civicrm_value_testsearchcus_1.date_field_2 BETWEEN "' . date('Y') . '0101000000" AND "' . date('Y') . '1231235959"',
+ "civicrm_value_testsearchcus_1.date_field_2 BETWEEN '" . date('Y') . "0101000000' AND '" . date('Y') . "1231235959'",
- $this->assertEquals($queryObj->_qill[0][0], "date field BETWEEN 'January 1st, " . date('Y') . " 12:00 AM AND December 31st, " . date('Y') . " 11:59 PM'");
+ $this->assertEquals("date field is This calendar year (between January 1st, " . date('Y') . " 12:00 AM and December 31st, " . date('Y') . " 11:59 PM)", $queryObj->_qill[0][0]);
+ $queryObj = new CRM_Core_BAO_CustomQuery($params);
'id' => $dateCustomField['id'],
'label' => 'date field',