+ 'fav',
+ 'ufav',
screen_name = t['user']['screen_name']
name = t['user']['name']
created_at = t['created_at']
+ favorited = t['favorited']
date = parser.parse(created_at)
date = date - datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.timezone)
clock = date.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
# Format info
user = cycle_color(name) + grey(' ' + screen_name + ' ')
- meta = grey('[' + clock + '] [id=' + str(rid) + ']')
+ meta = grey('[' + clock + '] [id=' + str(rid) + '] ')
+ if favorited:
+ meta = meta + green(u'\u2605')
tweet = text.split()
# Highlight RT
tweet = map(lambda x: grey(x) if x == 'RT' else x, tweet)
# Filter and ignore
args = parse_arguments()
- try :
+ try:
if g['stuff'].split()[-1] == '-f':
only = raw_input('Only nicks: ')
ignore = raw_input('Ignore nicks: ')
- args.filter = filter(None,only.split(','))
- args.ignore = filter(None,ignore.split(','))
+ args.filter = filter(None, only.split(','))
+ args.ignore = filter(None, ignore.split(','))
elif g['stuff'].split()[-1] == '-d':
args.filter = ONLY_LIST
args.ignore = IGNORE_LIST
printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t retweet for you.'))
+def favorite():
+ """
+ Favorite
+ """
+ t = Twitter(auth=authen())
+ try:
+ id = int(g['stuff'].split()[0])
+ tid = db.rainbow_query(id)[0].tweet_id
+ t.favorites.create(_id=tid, include_entities=False)
+ printNicely(green('Favorited.'))
+ draw(t.statuses.show(id=tid))
+ except:
+ printNicely(red('Omg some syntax is wrong.'))
def reply():
printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t delete this tweet for you.'))
+def unfavorite():
+ """
+ Unfavorite
+ """
+ t = Twitter(auth=authen())
+ try:
+ id = int(g['stuff'].split()[0])
+ tid = db.rainbow_query(id)[0].tweet_id
+ t.favorites.destroy(_id=tid)
+ printNicely(green('Okay it\'s unfavorited.'))
+ draw(t.statuses.show(id=tid))
+ except:
+ printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t unfavorite this tweet for you.'))
def search():
- s = ' '*2
- h,w = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()
+ s = ' ' * 2
+ h, w = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()
usage = '\n'
usage += s + 'Hi boss! I\'m ready to serve you right now!\n'
- usage += s + '-'*(int(w)-4) + '\n'
- usage += s + 'You are ' + yellow('already') +' on your personal stream.\n'
- usage += s*2 + green('switch public #AKB') + ' will switch to public stream and follow "' + yellow('AKB') + '" keyword.\n'
- usage += s*2 + green('switch mine') + ' will switch to your personal stream.\n'
- usage += s*2 + green('switch mine -f ') + ' will prompt to enter the filter.\n'
- usage += s*3 + yellow('Only nicks') + ' filter will decide nicks will be INCLUDE ONLY.\n'
- usage += s*3 + yellow('Ignore nicks') + ' filter will decide nicks will be EXCLUDE.\n'
- usage += s*2 + green('switch mine -d') + ' will use the config\'s ONLY_LIST and IGNORE_LIST.\n'
- usage += s*3 + '(see ' + grey('rainbowstream/config.py') + ').\n'
+ usage += s + '-' * (int(w) - 4) + '\n'
+ usage += s + 'You are ' + yellow('already') + ' on your personal stream.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + green('switch public #AKB') + \
+ ' will switch to public stream and follow "' + \
+ yellow('AKB') + '" keyword.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + green('switch mine') + \
+ ' will switch to your personal stream.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + green('switch mine -f ') + \
+ ' will prompt to enter the filter.\n'
+ usage += s * 3 + yellow('Only nicks') + \
+ ' filter will decide nicks will be INCLUDE ONLY.\n'
+ usage += s * 3 + yellow('Ignore nicks') + \
+ ' filter will decide nicks will be EXCLUDE.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + green('switch mine -d') + \
+ ' will use the config\'s ONLY_LIST and IGNORE_LIST.\n'
+ usage += s * 3 + '(see ' + grey('rainbowstream/config.py') + ').\n'
usage += s + 'For more action: \n'
- usage += s*2 + green('home') + ' will show your timeline. ' + green('home 7') + ' will show 7 tweet.\n'
- usage += s*2 + green('view @mdo') + ' will show ' + yellow('@mdo') + '\'s home.\n'
- usage += s*2 + green('t oops ') + 'will tweet "' + yellow('oops') + '" immediately.\n'
- usage += s*2 + green('rt 12 ') + ' will retweet to tweet with '+ yellow('[id=12]') + '.\n'
- usage += s*2 + green('rep 12 oops') + ' will reply "' + yellow('oops') + '" to tweet with ' + yellow('[id=12]') + '.\n'
- usage += s*2 + green('del 12 ') + ' will delete tweet with ' + yellow('[id=12]') + '.\n'
- usage += s*2 + green('s #AKB48') + ' will search for "'+yellow('AKB48') + '" and return 5 newest tweet.\n'
- usage += s*2 + green('fr') + ' will list out your following people.\n'
- usage += s*2 + green('fl') + ' will list out your follower.\n'
- usage += s*2 + green('h') + ' will show this help again.\n'
- usage += s*2 + green('c') + ' will clear the screen.\n'
- usage += s*2 + green('q') + ' will quit.\n'
- usage += s + '-'*(int(w)-4) + '\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + green('home') + ' will show your timeline. ' + \
+ green('home 7') + ' will show 7 tweet.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + green('view @mdo') + \
+ ' will show ' + yellow('@mdo') + '\'s home.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + green('t oops ') + \
+ 'will tweet "' + yellow('oops') + '" immediately.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + \
+ green('rt 12 ') + ' will retweet to tweet with ' + \
+ yellow('[id=12]') + '.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + \
+ green('fav 12 ') + ' will favorite the tweet with ' + \
+ yellow('[id=12]') + '.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + green('rep 12 oops') + ' will reply "' + \
+ yellow('oops') + '" to tweet with ' + yellow('[id=12]') + '.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + \
+ green('del 12 ') + ' will delete tweet with ' + \
+ yellow('[id=12]') + '.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + \
+ green('ufav 12 ') + ' will unfavorite tweet with ' + \
+ yellow('[id=12]') + '.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + green('s #AKB48') + ' will search for "' + \
+ yellow('AKB48') + '" and return 5 newest tweet.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + green('fr') + ' will list out your following people.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + green('fl') + ' will list out your follower.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + green('h') + ' will show this help again.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + green('c') + ' will clear the screen.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + green('q') + ' will quit.\n'
+ usage += s + '-' * (int(w) - 4) + '\n'
usage += s + 'Have fun and hang tight!\n'
+ favorite,
+ unfavorite,
d = dict(zip(
- ['public #','mine'], # switch
- [], # home
- ['@'], # view
- [], # tweet
- [], # retweet
- [], # reply
- [], # delete
- ['#'], # search
- [], # friend
- [], # follower
- [], # help
- [], # clear
- [], # quit
+ ['public #', 'mine'], # switch
+ [], # home
+ ['@'], # view
+ [], # tweet
+ [], # retweet
+ [], # reply
+ [], # delete
+ ['#'], # search
+ [], # friend
+ [], # follower
+ [], # help
+ [], # clear
+ [], # quit
- ))
+ ))
while True:
# Save cmd to global variable and call process
g['stuff'] = ' '.join(line.split()[1:])
- if cmd in ['switch','t','rt','rep']:
+ if cmd in ['switch', 't', 'rt', 'rep']:
g['prefix'] = False
g['prefix'] = True
elif tweet is Hangup:
printNicely("-- Hangup --")
elif tweet.get('text'):
- draw(t=tweet, keyword=args.track_keywords, fil=args.filter, ig=args.ignore)
+ draw(
+ t=tweet,
+ keyword=args.track_keywords,
+ fil=args.filter,
+ ig=args.ignore)
def fly():
g['prefix'] = True
g['stream_pid'] = p.pid