object, and will also include the ID so that you can match this data object to
the original Space, Tweet, User or Direct Message conversation event object.
-At this time, the only expansion available to endpoints that primarily return
-List objects is ``expansions=owner_id``. You will find the expanded user data
-object living in the ``includes`` response object.
-For methods that return Spaces, the following data objects can be expanded
-using this parameter:
-* The Spaces creator's user object
-* The user objects of any Space co-host
-* Any mentioned users’ object
-* Any speaker's user object
+Available expansions for Tweet payloads
For methods that return Tweets, the following data objects can be expanded
using this parameter:
* Attached place’s object
* Any referenced Tweets’ object
+.. table::
+ :align: center
+ +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Expansion | Description |
+ +====================================+=====================================================================================================+
+ | ``author_id`` | Returns a user object representing the Tweet’s author |
+ +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``referenced_tweets.id`` | Returns a Tweet object that this Tweet is referencing (either as a Retweet, Quoted Tweet, or reply) |
+ +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``edit_history_tweet_ids`` | Returns Tweet objects that are part of a Tweet's edit history |
+ +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``in_reply_to_user_id`` | Returns a user object representing the Tweet author this requested Tweet is a reply of |
+ +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``attachments.media_keys`` | Returns a media object representing the images, videos, GIFs included in the Tweet |
+ +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``attachments.poll_ids`` | Returns a poll object containing metadata for the poll included in the Tweet |
+ +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``geo.place_id`` | Returns a place object containing metadata for the location tagged in the Tweet |
+ +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``entities.mentions.username`` | Returns a user object for the user mentioned in the Tweet |
+ +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``referenced_tweets.id.author_id`` | Returns a user object for the author of the referenced Tweet |
+ +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+Available expansion for User payloads
+At this time, the only expansion available to endpoints that primarily return
+user objects is ``expansions=pinned_tweet_id``. You will find the expanded
+Tweet data object living in the ``includes`` response object.
+.. table::
+ :align: center
+ +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Expansion | Description |
+ +=====================+=======================================================================================+
+ | ``pinned_tweet_id`` | Returns a Tweet object representing the Tweet pinned to the top of the user’s profile |
+ +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+Available expansions for Direct Message event payloads
For methods that returns Direct Message conversation events, the following data
objects can be expanded using this parameter:
* Any referenced Tweet's object.
* The user object for who is joining or leaving group conversations.
+.. table::
+ :align: center
+ +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Expansion | Description |
+ +============================+========================================================================================================================+
+ | ``attachments.media_keys`` | Returns a Media object that was attached to a Direct Message |
+ +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``referenced_tweets.id`` | Returns a Tweet object that was referenced in a Direct Message |
+ +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``sender_id`` | Returns a User object representing the author of a Direct Message and who invited a participant to join a conversation |
+ +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``participant_ids`` | Returns a User object representing a participant that joined or left a conversation |
+ +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+Available expansions for Spaces payloads
+For methods that return Spaces, the following data objects can be expanded
+using this parameter:
+* The Spaces creator's user object
+* The user objects of any Space co-host
+* Any mentioned users’ object
+* Any speaker's user object
+.. table::
+ :align: center
+ +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Expansion | Description |
+ +======================+======================================================================+
+ | ``invited_user_ids`` | Returns User objects representing what accounts were invited |
+ +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``speaker_ids`` | Returns User objects representing what accounts spoke during a Space |
+ +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``creator_id`` | Returns a User object representing what account created the Space |
+ +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``host_ids`` | Returns User objects representing what accounts were set up as hosts |
+ +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``topics_ids`` | Returns topic descriptions that were set up by the creator |
+ +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+Available expansion for Lists payloads
At this time, the only expansion available to endpoints that primarily return
-user objects is ``expansions=pinned_tweet_id``. You will find the expanded
-Tweet data object living in the ``includes`` response object.
+List objects is ``expansions=owner_id``. You will find the expanded user data
+object living in the ``includes`` response object.
+.. table::
+ :align: center
+ +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Expansion | Description |
+ +==============+================================================================================+
+ | ``owner_id`` | Returns a User object representing what account created and maintains the List |
+ +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
.. _list_fields_parameter: