$read_ary = sqimap_read_data ($imap_stream, $ssid, true, $response, $message);
$g = 0;
$phase = 'inbox';
+ $fld_pre_length = strlen($folder_prefix);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($read_ary); $i++) {
/* Another workaround for EIMS */
$read_ary[$i] = $regs[1] . '"' . addslashes(trim($read_ary[$i])) . '"' . $regs[2];
if (substr($read_ary[$i], 0, $lsid) != $ssid ) {
/* Store the raw IMAP reply */
$boxes[$g]['raw'] = $read_ary[$i];
$mailbox = substr($mailbox, 0, strlen($mailbox) - 1);
$boxes[$g]['unformatted'] = $mailbox;
- $boxes[$g]['unformatted-disp'] = ereg_replace('^' . $folder_prefix, '', $mailbox);
+ $boxes[$g]['unformatted-disp'] = substr($mailbox,$fld_pre_length);
$boxes[$g]['id'] = $g;
/* Now lets get the flags for this mailbox */
- $read_mlbx = sqimap_run_command ($imap_stream, "LIST \"\" \"$mailbox\"",
- true, $response, $message);
+ $read_mlbx = $read_ary[$i];
+// $read_mlbx = sqimap_run_command ($imap_stream, "LIST \"\" \"$mailbox\"",
+// true, $response, $message);
/* Another workaround for EIMS */
- if (isset($read_mlbx[1]) &&
- ereg("^(\\* [A-Z]+.*)\\{[0-9]+\\}([ \n\r\t]*)$", $read_mlbx[0], $regs)) {
- $read_mlbx[0] = $regs[1] . '"' . addslashes(trim($read_mlbx[1])) . '"' . $regs[2];
- }
+// if (isset($read_mlbx[1]) &&
+// ereg("^(\\* [A-Z]+.*)\\{[0-9]+\\}([ \n\r\t]*)$", $read_mlbx[0], $regs)) {
+// $read_mlbx[0] = $regs[1] . '"' . addslashes(trim($read_mlbx[1])) . '"' . $regs[2];
+// }
+// echo $read_mlbx[0] .' raw 2 <br>';
- $flags = substr($read_mlbx[0], strpos($read_mlbx[0], '(')+1);
+ $flags = substr($read_mlbx, strpos($read_mlbx, '(')+1);
$flags = substr($flags, 0, strpos($flags, ')'));
$flags = str_replace('\\', '', $flags);
$flags = trim(strtolower($flags));