// this means node is moved to last position, so you need to get the weight of last element + 1
if (!$newWeight) {
- $lastPosition = $position - 1;
- $sql = "SELECT weight from civicrm_navigation WHERE {$parentClause} ORDER BY weight LIMIT %1, 1";
- $params = array(1 => array($lastPosition, 'Positive'));
- $newWeight = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($sql, $params);
- // since last node increment + 1
- $newWeight = $newWeight + 1;
+ // If this is not the first item being added to a parent
+ if ($position) {
+ $lastPosition = $position - 1;
+ $sql = "SELECT weight from civicrm_navigation WHERE {$parentClause} ORDER BY weight LIMIT %1, 1";
+ $params = array(1 => array($lastPosition, 'Positive'));
+ $newWeight = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($sql, $params);
+ // since last node increment + 1
+ $newWeight = $newWeight + 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $newWeight = '0';
+ }
// since this is a last node we don't need to increment other nodes
$incrementOtherNodes = FALSE;