README version for LibrePlanet 2017
-Heads up: to edit the Web site, you'll need a basic-to-intermediate understanding of HTML and git.
+Heads up: to edit the Web site, you'll need a basic-to-intermediate understanding of HTML, git, and command line.
The site is made up of HTML files, each representing part of a page (sidebar, content, footer, etc.). When a browser visits the site, the server finds the core HTML file for the page (for example, the core file for is /YEAR/getting-around/index.html in the repo), then reads special comments in that file to which instruct it to pull various other HTML files in to produce a complete page, using an Apache feature called SSI. To edit part of a page, you will need to find out which HTML file contains the element in question. Do this by navigating to core HTML file and exploring the comments that start with "#include".
-The bios page and the sessions page are maintained through a special workflow to make it easy to have only one canonical copy edited by humans. That canonical copy is saved in brains (the FSF's internal wiki) in a special format. To update the sites' sessions page or bios page, you will need the lps_gen program installed on your computer (<>), as well as a local checkout of the SVN repository that contains brains.
+The bios page and the sessions page are maintained through a special workflow to make it easy to have only one canonical copy edited by humans. That canonical copy is saved in brains (the FSF's internal wiki) in a special format. To update the sites' sessions page or bios page, you will need the lps_gen program installed on your computer (<>), as well as a local checkout of the SVN repository that contains brains.
This site is built with [Bootstrap 3.3.5]( and [jQuery 1.11.1]( but you do not need to understand either of these technologies to make minor content edits to the site.
Here are specific instructions for more complex editing tasks:
-## Editing the schedule
+## Editing the schedule or bios pages
-See instructions at <>. For 2017, the jinja2 templates are stored in the the Web site's git repo at assets/templates.
+The workflow for this is Edit the Brains page with the schedule, then run a script to convert it into HTML and dump it into your checkout of the repo, then push that change up to the Web like any other edit.
-## Editing the bios page
-See instructions at <>. For 2017, the jinja2 templates are stored in the the Web site's git repo at assets/templates.
+See instructions at <> for installing and running the script. The source files are stored in Brains in markdown but with special tags, so that you can edit them without needing to know this whole process. The jinja2 templates are stored in the the Web site's git repo at assets/templates.
Please crop all photos of speakers too 100x100 px (200x200 px for keynotes) and then upload them to <>. Then include their URL in the bios page to embed them.
Visit <> in your web browser. If
everything is configured properly, you will see the LibrePlanet 2017
site, complete with header, sidebar, and footer.
+* I'm doing everything right, but the Web site isn't updating.
+Ask the tech team to look at the git hook that publishes to the live site. When you push to the git repository, this hook is supposed to update what is actually served on the Internet to match the repo.