$('<div id="'+ settings.target.substring(1) +'"><div class="crm-loading-element">' + ts('Loading') + '...</div></div>').dialog(settings.dialog);
$(settings.target).on('dialogclose', function() {
- $(this).crmSnippet('destroy').dialog('destroy').remove();
+ if (!$(this).data('hasUnsavedChanges')) {
+ $(this).crmSnippet('destroy').dialog('destroy').remove();
+ }
if (settings.dialog && !settings.dialog.title) {
var widget = CRM.loadPage(url, settings).off('.crmForm');
function cancelAction() {
- if (CRM.utils.initialValueChanged(widget)) {
- return confirm(ts('You have unsaved changes.'));
+ var dirty = CRM.utils.initialValueChanged(widget),
+ title = widget.dialog('option', 'title');
+ widget.data('hasUnsavedChanges', dirty).dialog('close');
+ if (dirty) {
+ var id = widget.attr('id') + '-unsaved-alert',
+ alert = CRM.alert('<p>' + ts('%1 has not been saved.', {1: title}) + '</p><p><a href="#" id="' + id + '">' + ts('Restore') + '</a></p>', ts('Unsaved Changes'), alert, {expires: });
+ $('#' + id).button({icons: {primary: 'ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-w'}}).click(function() {
+ widget.dialog('open');
+ alert.close();
+ return false;
+ });
- return true;
if (widget.data('uiDialog')) {
- // This is a bit harsh but we are removing jQuery UI's event handler from the button and adding our own
- $('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').first().off().click(function() {
- if (cancelAction()) {
- widget.dialog('close');
- }
- });
+ // This is a bit harsh but we are removing jQuery UI's event handler from the close button and adding our own
+ $('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').first().off().click(cancelAction);
widget.on('crmFormLoad.crmForm', function(event, data) {
- var $el = $(this);
+ var $el = $(this)
+ .data('hasUnsavedChanges', false);
var settings = $el.crmSnippet('option', 'crmForm');
- settings.cancelButton && $(settings.cancelButton, this).click(function(event) {
- var returnVal = settings.onCancel.call($el, event);
- if (returnVal !== false && cancelAction()) {
- $el.trigger('crmFormCancel', event);
+ settings.cancelButton && $(settings.cancelButton, this).click(function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ var returnVal = settings.onCancel.call($el, e);
+ if (returnVal !== false) {
+ $el.trigger('crmFormCancel', e);
if ($el.data('uiDialog') && settings.autoClose) {
- $el.dialog('close');
+ cancelAction();
else if (!settings.autoClose) {
- } else {
- event.preventDefault();
if (settings.validate) {