After digging into & cleaning up the code that handles tax on the membership form
I concluded that we can fix without
regressing by simply doing less.
If the form has been already submitted, just load up what was submitted, do not
call the script to mess with stuff.
The script does 3 things
1) checks or unchecks the record_contribution checkbox. This is fine
to leave alone as it will have the right values on new & reload
without intervention
2) sets financial type id - ditto - only needs to be changed
when something else changes
3) sets total_amount - ditto
4) sets the text that says how much tax is included
With this patch 4 will not happen on a validation error. I think
this is OK as it is a bit of an edge case and no message is
better than the 2 previous issues of the amount being wrong.
I did think about fixing but it adds a lot of complexity that
will be easy to do once other changes are done to make
accessing the tax_amount easier, but which are relatively hard
now & my guess is that no-one will notice it not being there
$totalAmount = $values['minimum_fee'] ?? NULL;
- //CRM-18827 - override the default value if total_amount is submitted
- if (!empty($this->_submitValues['total_amount'])) {
- $totalAmount = CRM_Utils_Rule::cleanMoney($this->_submitValues['total_amount']);
- }
// build membership info array, which is used when membership type is selected to:
// - set the payment information block
// - set the max related block
cj('#num_terms').change( function( ) {
- setPaymentBlock(mode);
// show/hide different contact section
<tr class="crm-{$formClass}-form-block-total_amount">
<td class="label">{$form.total_amount.label}</td>
<td>{$form.total_amount.html}<br />
- <span class="description">{ts}Membership payment amount.{/ts}</span>
- <div class="totaltaxAmount" data-tax_amount_raw=0></div>
+ <span class="description">{ts}Membership payment amount.{/ts}</span><div class="totaltaxAmount"></div>
<tr class="crm-membership-form-block-contribution-contact">