+++ /dev/null
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | CiviCRM version 5 |
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | This file is a part of CiviCRM. |
- | |
- | CiviCRM is free software; you can copy, modify, and distribute it |
- | under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License |
- | Version 3, 19 November 2007 and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception. |
- | |
- | CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
- | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
- | See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
- | |
- | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public |
- | License and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception along |
- | with this program; if not, contact CiviCRM LLC |
- | at info[AT]civicrm[DOT]org. If you have questions about the |
- | GNU Affero General Public License or the licensing of CiviCRM, |
- | see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing |
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- */
- * PxPay Functionality Copyright (C) 2008 Lucas Baker, Logistic Information Systems Limited (Logis)
- * PxAccess Functionality Copyright (C) 2008 Eileen McNaughton
- * Licensed to CiviCRM under the Academic Free License version 3.0.
- *
- * Grateful acknowledgements go to Donald Lobo for invaluable assistance
- * in creating this payment processor module
- */
- * Class CRM_Core_Payment_PaymentExpressIPN
- */
-class CRM_Core_Payment_PaymentExpressIPN extends CRM_Core_Payment_BaseIPN {
- /**
- * Mode of operation: live or test
- *
- * @var object
- */
- protected $_mode = NULL;
- /**
- * @param string $name
- * @param $type
- * @param $object
- * @param bool $abort
- *
- * @return mixed
- */
- public static function retrieve($name, $type, $object, $abort = TRUE) {
- $value = $object[$name] ?? NULL;
- if ($abort && $value === NULL) {
- CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Could not find an entry for $name");
- echo "Failure: Missing Parameter - " . $name . "<p>";
- exit();
- }
- if ($value) {
- if (!CRM_Utils_Type::validate($value, $type)) {
- CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Could not find a valid entry for $name");
- echo "Failure: Invalid Parameter<p>";
- exit();
- }
- }
- return $value;
- }
- /**
- * Constructor.
- *
- * @param string $mode
- * The mode of operation: live or test.
- *
- * @param $paymentProcessor
- *
- * @return \CRM_Core_Payment_PaymentExpressIPN
- */
- public function __construct($mode, &$paymentProcessor) {
- parent::__construct();
- $this->_mode = $mode;
- $this->_paymentProcessor = $paymentProcessor;
- }
- /**
- * The function gets called when a new order takes place.
- *
- * @param $success
- * @param array $privateData
- * Contains the name value pair of <merchant-private-data>.
- *
- * @param $component
- * @param $amount
- * @param $transactionReference
- *
- * @return bool
- * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
- * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
- */
- public function newOrderNotify($success, $privateData, $component, $amount, $transactionReference) {
- $ids = $input = $params = [];
- $input['component'] = strtolower($component);
- $ids['contact'] = self::retrieve('contactID', 'Integer', $privateData, TRUE);
- $ids['contribution'] = self::retrieve('contributionID', 'Integer', $privateData, TRUE);
- if ($input['component'] == "event") {
- $ids['event'] = self::retrieve('eventID', 'Integer', $privateData, TRUE);
- $ids['participant'] = self::retrieve('participantID', 'Integer', $privateData, TRUE);
- $ids['membership'] = NULL;
- }
- else {
- $ids['membership'] = self::retrieve('membershipID', 'Integer', $privateData, FALSE);
- }
- $ids['contributionRecur'] = $ids['contributionPage'] = NULL;
- $paymentProcessorID = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentProcessorType',
- 'PayPal_Express', 'id', 'name'
- );
- if (!$this->validateData($input, $ids, $objects, TRUE, $paymentProcessorID)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- // make sure the invoice is valid and matches what we have in the contribution record
- $input['invoice'] = $privateData['invoiceID'];
- $input['newInvoice'] = $transactionReference;
- $contribution = &$objects['contribution'];
- $input['trxn_id'] = $transactionReference;
- if ($contribution->invoice_id != $input['invoice']) {
- CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Invoice values dont match between database and IPN request");
- echo "Failure: Invoice values dont match between database and IPN request<p>";
- return FALSE;
- }
- // lets replace invoice-id with Payment Processor -number because thats what is common and unique
- // in subsequent calls or notifications sent by google.
- $contribution->invoice_id = $input['newInvoice'];
- $input['amount'] = $amount;
- if ($contribution->total_amount != $input['amount']) {
- CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Amount values dont match between database and IPN request");
- echo "Failure: Amount values dont match between database and IPN request. " . $contribution->total_amount . "/" . $input['amount'] . "<p>";
- return FALSE;
- }
- // check if contribution is already completed, if so we ignore this ipn
- if ($contribution->contribution_status_id == 1) {
- CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("returning since contribution has already been handled");
- echo "Success: Contribution has already been handled<p>";
- return TRUE;
- }
- else {
- /* Since trxn_id hasn't got any use here,
- * lets make use of it by passing the eventID/membershipTypeID to next level.
- * And change trxn_id to the payment processor reference before finishing db update */
- if ($ids['event']) {
- $contribution->trxn_id = $ids['event'] . CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR . $ids['participant'];
- }
- else {
- $contribution->trxn_id = $ids['membership'];
- }
- }
- CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::completeOrder($input, $ids, $objects);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /**
- *
- * /**
- * The function returns the component(Event/Contribute..)and whether it is Test or not
- *
- * @param array $privateData
- * Contains the name-value pairs of transaction related data.
- * @param int $orderNo
- * <order-total> send by google.
- *
- * @return array
- * context of this call (test, component, payment processor id)
- */
- public static function getContext($privateData, $orderNo) {
- $component = NULL;
- $isTest = NULL;
- $contributionID = $privateData['contributionID'];
- $contribution = new CRM_Contribute_DAO_Contribution();
- $contribution->id = $contributionID;
- if (!$contribution->find(TRUE)) {
- CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Could not find contribution record: $contributionID");
- echo "Failure: Could not find contribution record for $contributionID<p>";
- exit();
- }
- if (stristr($contribution->source, 'Online Contribution')) {
- $component = 'contribute';
- }
- elseif (stristr($contribution->source, 'Online Event Registration')) {
- $component = 'event';
- }
- $isTest = $contribution->is_test;
- $duplicateTransaction = 0;
- if ($contribution->contribution_status_id == 1) {
- //contribution already handled. (some processors do two notifications so this could be valid)
- $duplicateTransaction = 1;
- }
- if ($component == 'contribute') {
- if (!$contribution->contribution_page_id) {
- CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Could not find contribution page for contribution record: $contributionID");
- echo "Failure: Could not find contribution page for contribution record: $contributionID<p>";
- exit();
- }
- }
- else {
- $eventID = $privateData['eventID'];
- if (!$eventID) {
- CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Could not find event ID");
- echo "Failure: Could not find eventID<p>";
- exit();
- }
- // we are in event mode
- // make sure event exists and is valid
- $event = new CRM_Event_DAO_Event();
- $event->id = $eventID;
- if (!$event->find(TRUE)) {
- CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Could not find event: $eventID");
- echo "Failure: Could not find event: $eventID<p>";
- exit();
- }
- }
- return [$isTest, $component, $duplicateTransaction];
- }
- /**
- * Main notification processing method.
- *
- * hex string from paymentexpress is passed to this function as hex string. Code based on googleIPN
- * mac_key is only passed if the processor is pxaccess as it is used for decryption
- * $dps_method is either pxaccess or pxpay
- *
- * @param string $dps_method
- * @param array $rawPostData
- * @param string $dps_url
- * @param string $dps_user
- * @param string $dps_key
- * @param string $mac_key
- *
- * @throws \Exception
- */
- public static function main($dps_method, $rawPostData, $dps_url, $dps_user, $dps_key, $mac_key) {
- $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
- define('RESPONSE_HANDLER_LOG_FILE', $config->uploadDir . 'CiviCRM.PaymentExpress.log');
- //Setup the log file
- if (!$message_log = fopen(RESPONSE_HANDLER_LOG_FILE, "a")) {
- error_func("Cannot open " . RESPONSE_HANDLER_LOG_FILE . " file.\n", 0);
- exit(1);
- }
- if ($dps_method == "pxpay") {
- $processResponse = CRM_Core_Payment_PaymentExpressUtils::_valueXml([
- 'PxPayUserId' => $dps_user,
- 'PxPayKey' => $dps_key,
- 'Response' => $_GET['result'],
- ]);
- $processResponse = CRM_Core_Payment_PaymentExpressUtils::_valueXml('ProcessResponse', $processResponse);
- fwrite($message_log, sprintf("\n\r%s:- %s\n", date("D M j G:i:s T Y"),
- $processResponse
- ));
- // Send the XML-formatted validation request to DPS so that we can receive a decrypted XML response which contains the transaction results
- $curl = CRM_Core_Payment_PaymentExpressUtils::_initCURL($processResponse, $dps_url);
- fwrite($message_log, sprintf("\n\r%s:- %s\n", date("D M j G:i:s T Y"),
- $curl
- ));
- $success = FALSE;
- if ($response = curl_exec($curl)) {
- $info = curl_getinfo($curl);
- if ($info['http_code'] < 200 || $info['http_code'] > 299) {
- $log_message = "DPS error: HTTP {$info['http_code']} retrieving {$info['url']}.";
- throw new CRM_Core_Exception($log_message);
- }
- else {
- fwrite($message_log, sprintf("\n\r%s:- %s\n", date("D M j G:i:s T Y"), $response));
- curl_close($curl);
- // Assign the returned XML values to variables
- $valid = CRM_Core_Payment_PaymentExpressUtils::_xmlAttribute($response, 'valid');
- // CRM_Core_Payment_PaymentExpressUtils::_xmlAttribute() returns NULL if preg fails.
- if (is_null($valid)) {
- throw new CRM_Core_Exception(ts("DPS error: Unable to parse XML response from DPS.", [1 => $valid]));
- }
- $success = CRM_Core_Payment_PaymentExpressUtils::_xmlElement($response, 'Success');
- $txnId = CRM_Core_Payment_PaymentExpressUtils::_xmlElement($response, 'TxnId');
- $responseText = CRM_Core_Payment_PaymentExpressUtils::_xmlElement($response, 'ResponseText');
- $authCode = CRM_Core_Payment_PaymentExpressUtils::_xmlElement($response, 'AuthCode');
- $DPStxnRef = CRM_Core_Payment_PaymentExpressUtils::_xmlElement($response, 'DpsTxnRef');
- $qfKey = CRM_Core_Payment_PaymentExpressUtils::_xmlElement($response, "TxnData1");
- $privateData = CRM_Core_Payment_PaymentExpressUtils::_xmlElement($response, "TxnData2");
- list($component, $paymentProcessorID,) = explode(',', CRM_Core_Payment_PaymentExpressUtils::_xmlElement($response, "TxnData3"));
- $amount = CRM_Core_Payment_PaymentExpressUtils::_xmlElement($response, "AmountSettlement");
- $merchantReference = CRM_Core_Payment_PaymentExpressUtils::_xmlElement($response, "MerchantReference");
- }
- }
- else {
- // calling DPS failed
- throw new CRM_Core_Exception(ts('Unable to establish connection to the payment gateway to verify transaction response.'));
- exit;
- }
- }
- elseif ($dps_method == "pxaccess") {
- require_once 'PaymentExpress/pxaccess.inc.php';
- global $pxaccess;
- $pxaccess = new PxAccess($dps_url, $dps_user, $dps_key, $mac_key);
- // GetResponse method in PxAccess object returns PxPayResponse object
- // which encapsulates all the response data
- $rsp = $pxaccess->getResponse($rawPostData);
- $qfKey = $rsp->getTxnData1();
- $privateData = $rsp->getTxnData2();
- list($component, $paymentProcessorID) = explode(',', $rsp->getTxnData3());
- $success = $rsp->getSuccess();
- $authCode = $rsp->getAuthCode();
- $DPStxnRef = $rsp->getDpsTxnRef();
- $amount = $rsp->getAmountSettlement();
- $MerchantReference = $rsp->getMerchantReference();
- }
- $privateData = $privateData ? self::stringToArray($privateData) : '';
- // Record the current count in array, before we start adding things (for later checks)
- $countPrivateData = count($privateData);
- // Private Data consists of : a=contactID, b=contributionID,c=contributionTypeID,d=invoiceID,e=membershipID,f=participantID,g=eventID
- $privateData['contactID'] = $privateData['a'];
- $privateData['contributionID'] = $privateData['b'];
- $privateData['contributionTypeID'] = $privateData['c'];
- $privateData['invoiceID'] = $privateData['d'];
- if ($component == "event") {
- $privateData['participantID'] = $privateData['f'];
- $privateData['eventID'] = $privateData['g'];
- }
- elseif ($component == "contribute") {
- if ($countPrivateData == 5) {
- $privateData["membershipID"] = $privateData['e'];
- }
- }
- $transactionReference = $authCode . "-" . $DPStxnRef;
- list($mode, $component, $duplicateTransaction) = self::getContext($privateData, $transactionReference);
- $mode = $mode ? 'test' : 'live';
- $paymentProcessor = CRM_Financial_BAO_PaymentProcessor::getPayment($paymentProcessorID,
- $mode
- );
- $ipn = self::singleton($mode, $component, $paymentProcessor);
- //Check status and take appropriate action
- if ($success == 1) {
- if ($duplicateTransaction == 0) {
- $ipn->newOrderNotify($success, $privateData, $component, $amount, $transactionReference);
- }
- if ($component == "event") {
- $finalURL = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/event/register',
- "_qf_ThankYou_display=1&qfKey=$qfKey",
- );
- }
- elseif ($component == "contribute") {
- $finalURL = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contribute/transact',
- "_qf_ThankYou_display=1&qfKey=$qfKey",
- );
- }
- CRM_Utils_System::redirect($finalURL);
- }
- else {
- if ($component == "event") {
- $finalURL = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/event/confirm',
- "reset=1&cc=fail&participantId=$privateData[participantID]",
- );
- }
- elseif ($component == "contribute") {
- $finalURL = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contribute/transact',
- "_qf_Main_display=1&cancel=1&qfKey=$qfKey",
- );
- }
- CRM_Utils_System::redirect($finalURL);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Converts the comma separated name-value pairs in <TxnData2> to an array of values.
- *
- * @param string $str
- *
- * @return array
- */
- public static function stringToArray($str) {
- $vars = $labels = [];
- $labels = explode(',', $str);
- foreach ($labels as $label) {
- $terms = explode('=', $label);
- $vars[$terms[0]] = $terms[1];
- }
- return $vars;
- }