- * Format common params data to proper format to store.
+ * Format common params data to the format that was required a very long time ago.
+ *
+ * I think the only useful things this function does now are
+ * 1) calls fillPrimary
+ * 2) possibly the street address parsing.
+ *
+ * The other hundred lines do stuff that is done elsewhere. Custom fields
+ * should already be formatted by getTransformedValue and we don't need to
+ * re-rewrite them to a BAO style array since we call the api which does that.
+ *
+ * The call to formatLocationBlock just does the address custom fields which,
+ * are already formatted by this point.
+ *
+ * @deprecated
* @param array $params
* Contain record values.
* @param array $formatted
* Array of formatted data.
- * @param array $contactFields
- * Contact DAO fields.
- private function formatCommonData($params, &$formatted, $contactFields) {
+ private function formatCommonData($params, &$formatted) {
+ // @todo - remove just about everything in this function. See docblock.
$customFields = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getFields($formatted['contact_type'], FALSE, FALSE, $formatted['contact_sub_type'] ?? NULL);
$addressCustomFields = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getFields('Address');
_civicrm_api3_custom_format_params($params, $formatted, $extends);
- // to check if not update mode and unset the fields with empty value.
- if (!$this->_updateWithId && array_key_exists('custom', $formatted)) {
- foreach ($formatted['custom'] as $customKey => $customvalue) {
- if (empty($formatted['custom'][$customKey][-1]['is_required'])) {
- $formatted['custom'][$customKey][-1]['is_required'] = $customFields[$customKey]['is_required'];
- }
- $emptyValue = $customvalue[-1]['value'] ?? NULL;
- if (!isset($emptyValue)) {
- unset($formatted['custom'][$customKey]);
- }
- }
- }
// parse street address, CRM-5450
if ($this->_parseStreetAddress) {
if (array_key_exists('address', $formatted) && is_array($formatted['address'])) {
* Format location block ready for importing.
+ * Note this formatting should all be by the time the code reaches this point
+ *
* There is some test coverage for this in
* CRM_Contact_Import_Parser_ContactTest e.g. testImportPrimaryAddress.
+ * @deprecated
+ *
* @param array $values
- * @param array $params
* @return bool
* @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
- protected function formatLocationBlock(&$values, &$params) {
+ protected function formatLocationBlock(&$values) {
+ // @todo - remove this function.
+ // Original explantion .....
// Note: we doing multiple value formatting here for address custom fields, plus putting into right format.
// The actual formatting (like date, country ..etc) for address custom fields is taken care of while saving
// the address in CRM_Core_BAO_Address::create method