// When search-by-range is enabled the second element gets a suffix for some properties like "placeholder2"
rangeElements = ['', '2'],
dateRangeElements = ['1', '2'],
- relativeDatesWithPickRange = CRM.afGuiEditor.dateRanges,
- relativeDatesWithoutPickRange = relativeDatesWithPickRange.slice(1),
yesNo = [
{id: '1', label: ts('Yes')},
{id: '0', label: ts('No')}
this.$onInit = function() {
ctrl.hasDefaultValue = !!getSet('afform_default');
- ctrl.fieldDefn = angular.extend({}, ctrl.getDefn(), ctrl.node.defn);
+ setFieldDefn();
ctrl.inputTypes = _.transform(_.cloneDeep(afGui.meta.inputTypes), function(inputTypes, type) {
if (inputTypeCanBe(type.name)) {
// Change labels for EntityRef fields
+ setDateOptions();
this.getFkEntity = function() {
this.getOptions = function() {
- if (ctrl.node.defn && ctrl.node.defn.options) {
- return ctrl.node.defn.options;
- }
- if (_.includes(['Date', 'Timestamp'], $scope.getProp('data_type'))) {
- return $scope.getProp('search_range') ? relativeDatesWithPickRange : relativeDatesWithoutPickRange;
+ if (ctrl.fieldDefn.options) {
+ return ctrl.fieldDefn.options;
if (ctrl.getDefn().input_type === 'EntityRef') {
// Build a list of all entities in this form that can be referenced by this field.
if (newVal && getSet('input_attrs.multiple')) {
getSet('input_attrs.multiple', false);
+ if (ctrl.hasDefaultValue) {
+ $scope.toggleDefaultValue();
+ }
+ setDateOptions();
$scope.toggleRequired = function() {
($scope.getProp('input_type') === 'CheckBox' || $scope.getProp('input_attrs.multiple')));
+ function setFieldDefn() {
+ ctrl.fieldDefn = angular.extend({}, ctrl.getDefn(), ctrl.node.defn);
+ }
+ function setDateOptions() {
+ if (_.includes(['Date', 'Timestamp'], $scope.getProp('data_type'))) {
+ ctrl.node.defn.options = $scope.getProp('search_range') ? CRM.afGuiEditor.dateRanges : CRM.afGuiEditor.dateRanges.slice(1);
+ setFieldDefn();
+ }
+ }
$scope.toggleDefaultValue = function() {
if (ctrl.hasDefaultValue) {
clearOut(ctrl.node, ['defn', 'input_attrs']);
- ctrl.fieldDefn = angular.extend({}, ctrl.getDefn(), ctrl.node.defn);
+ setFieldDefn();
// When changing the multiple property, force-reset the default value widget
if (ctrl.hasDefaultValue && _.includes(['input_type', 'input_attrs.multiple'], propName)) {
namePrefix = this.fieldName.substr(0, this.fieldName.length - this.defn.name.length);
- if (ctrl.defn.search_range) {
- // Initialize value as object unless using relative date select
- var initialVal = $scope.dataProvider.getFieldData()[ctrl.fieldName];
- if (!_.isArray($scope.dataProvider.getFieldData()[ctrl.fieldName]) &&
- (ctrl.defn.input_type !== 'Select' || !ctrl.defn.is_date || initialVal !== '{}')
- ) {
- $scope.dataProvider.getFieldData()[ctrl.fieldName] = {};
- }
- // Initialize inputAttrs (only used for datePickers at the moment)
- if (ctrl.defn.is_date) {
- this.inputAttrs.push(ctrl.defn.input_attrs || {});
- for (var i = 1; i <= 2; ++i) {
- var attrs = _.cloneDeep(ctrl.defn.input_attrs || {});
- attrs.placeholder = attrs['placeholder' + i];
- attrs.timePlaceholder = attrs['timePlaceholder' + i];
- ctrl.inputAttrs.push(attrs);
- }
- }
- }
// is_primary field - watch others in this afRepeat block to ensure only one is selected
if (ctrl.fieldName === 'is_primary' && 'repeatIndex' in $scope.dataProvider) {
$scope.$watch('dataProvider.afRepeat.getEntityController().getData()', function (items, prev) {
else if (ctrl.defn.afform_default) {
+ if (ctrl.defn.search_range) {
+ // Initialize value as object unless using relative date select
+ var initialVal = $scope.dataProvider.getFieldData()[ctrl.fieldName];
+ if (!_.isArray($scope.dataProvider.getFieldData()[ctrl.fieldName]) &&
+ (ctrl.defn.input_type !== 'Select' || !ctrl.defn.is_date || initialVal === '{}')
+ ) {
+ $scope.dataProvider.getFieldData()[ctrl.fieldName] = {};
+ }
+ // Initialize inputAttrs (only used for datePickers at the moment)
+ if (ctrl.defn.is_date) {
+ ctrl.inputAttrs.push(ctrl.defn.input_attrs || {});
+ for (var i = 1; i <= 2; ++i) {
+ var attrs = _.cloneDeep(ctrl.defn.input_attrs || {});
+ attrs.placeholder = attrs['placeholder' + i];
+ attrs.timePlaceholder = attrs['timePlaceholder' + i];
+ ctrl.inputAttrs.push(attrs);
+ }
+ }
+ }
} else if (ctrl.defn.input_type === 'Number') {
value = +value;
- } else if (ctrl.defn.search_range && !_.isPlainObject(value)) {
+ }
+ // Initialze search range unless the field also has options (as in a date search) and
+ // the default value is a valid option.
+ else if (ctrl.defn.search_range && !_.isPlainObject(value) &&
+ !(ctrl.defn.options && _.findWhere(ctrl.defn.options, {id: value}))
+ ) {
value = {
'>=': ('' + value).split('-')[0],
'<=': ('' + value).split('-')[1] || '',
$scope.dataProvider.getFieldData()[ctrl.fieldName] = value;