foreach ($selectedContacts as $dnt => $val) {
if (array_key_exists($val, $params) && !CRM_Utils_Array::crmIsEmptyArray($params[$val])) {
if ($val == 'contact_check') {
- $mailStatus = ts("A copy of the activity has also been sent to selected contacts(s).");
+ $mailStatus = ts("A copy of the activity has also been sent to selected contact(s).");
else {
$this->_relatedContacts = CRM_Activity_BAO_ActivityAssignment::getAssigneeNames([$vval['actId']], TRUE, FALSE);
- $mailStatus .= ' ' . ts("A copy of the activity has also been sent to assignee contacts(s).");
+ $mailStatus .= ' ' . ts("A copy of the activity has also been sent to assignee contact(s).");
//build an associative array with unique email addresses.
foreach ($params[$val] as $key => $value) {