$params['contact_sub_type'] = $this->getContactSubType() ?: ($params['contact_sub_type'] ?? NULL);
try {
- $params['id'] = $formatted['id'] = $this->lookupContactID($params, ($this->isSkipDuplicates() || $this->isIgnoreDuplicates()));
- if ($params['id'] && $params['contact_sub_type']) {
- $contactSubType = Contact::get(FALSE)
- ->addWhere('id', '=', $params['id'])
- ->addSelect('contact_sub_type')
- ->execute()
- ->first()['contact_sub_type'];
- if (!empty($contactSubType) && $contactSubType[0] !== $params['contact_sub_type'] && !CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType::isAllowEdit($params['id'], $contactSubType[0])) {
- throw new CRM_Core_Exception('Mismatched contact SubTypes :', CRM_Import_Parser::NO_MATCH);
- }
- }
+ [$formatted, $params] = $this->processContact($params, $formatted);
catch (CRM_Core_Exception $e) {
$statuses = [CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE => 'DUPLICATE', CRM_Import_Parser::ERROR => 'ERROR', CRM_Import_Parser::NO_MATCH => 'invalid_no_match'];
if ((CRM_Core_Error::isAPIError($newContact, CRM_Core_ERROR::DUPLICATE_CONTACT) || is_a($newContact, 'CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact')) && $primaryContactId) {
//relationship contact insert
- foreach ($params as $key => $field) {
- [$id, $first, $second] = CRM_Utils_System::explode('_', $key, 3);
- if (!($first == 'a' && $second == 'b') && !($first == 'b' && $second == 'a')) {
- continue;
+ foreach ($this->getRelatedContactsParams($params) as $key => $field) {
+ $formatting = $field;
+ try {
+ [$formatting, $field] = $this->processContact($field, $formatting);
- $relationType = new CRM_Contact_DAO_RelationshipType();
- $relationType->id = $id;
- $relationType->find(TRUE);
- $direction = "contact_sub_type_$second";
- $formatting = array_filter(array_intersect_key($field, array_fill_keys($this->metadataHandledFields, 1)));
- //set subtype for related contact CRM-5125
- if (isset($relationType->$direction)) {
- //validation of related contact subtype for update mode
- if ($relCsType = CRM_Utils_Array::value('contact_sub_type', $params[$key]) && $relCsType != $relationType->$direction) {
- $errorMessage = ts("Mismatched or Invalid contact subtype found for this related contact.");
- array_unshift($values, $errorMessage);
- return CRM_Import_Parser::NO_MATCH;
- }
- else {
- $formatting['contact_sub_type'] = $relationType->$direction;
- }
+ catch (CRM_Core_Exception $e) {
+ $statuses = [CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE => 'DUPLICATE', CRM_Import_Parser::ERROR => 'ERROR', CRM_Import_Parser::NO_MATCH => 'invalid_no_match'];
+ $this->setImportStatus((int) $values[count($values) - 1], $statuses[$e->getErrorCode()], $e->getMessage());
+ return FALSE;
- $contactFields = NULL;
$contactFields = CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::import();
- //Relation on the basis of External Identifier.
- if (empty($params[$key]['id']) && !empty($params[$key]['external_identifier'])) {
- $params[$key]['id'] = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact', $params[$key]['external_identifier'], 'id', 'external_identifier');
- }
- // check for valid related contact id in update/fill mode, CRM-4424
- if (in_array($onDuplicate, [
- CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_FILL,
- ]) && !empty($params[$key]['id'])) {
- $relatedContactType = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact', $params[$key]['id'], 'contact_type');
- if (!$relatedContactType) {
- $errorMessage = ts("No contact found for this related contact ID: %1", [1 => $params[$key]['id']]);
- array_unshift($values, $errorMessage);
- return CRM_Import_Parser::NO_MATCH;
- }
- //validation of related contact subtype for update mode
- //CRM-5125
- $relatedCsType = NULL;
- if (!empty($formatting['contact_sub_type'])) {
- $relatedCsType = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact', $params[$key]['id'], 'contact_sub_type');
- }
- if (!empty($relatedCsType) && (!CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType::isAllowEdit($params[$key]['id'], $relatedCsType) &&
- $relatedCsType != CRM_Utils_Array::value('contact_sub_type', $formatting))
- ) {
- $errorMessage = ts("Mismatched or Invalid contact subtype found for this related contact.") . ' ' . ts("ID: %1", [1 => $params[$key]['id']]);
- array_unshift($values, $errorMessage);
- return CRM_Import_Parser::NO_MATCH;
- }
- // get related contact id to format data in update/fill mode,
- //if external identifier is present, CRM-4423
- $formatting['id'] = $params[$key]['id'];
- }
//format common data, CRM-4062
$this->formatCommonData($field, $formatting, $contactFields);
if ($relatedContactKey) {
if (!isset($params[$relatedContactKey])) {
- $params[$relatedContactKey] = ['contact_type' => $this->getRelatedContactType($mappedField['relationship_type_id'], $mappedField['relationship_direction'])];
+ $params[$relatedContactKey] = [
+ // These will be over-written by any the importer has chosen but defaults are based on the relationship.
+ 'contact_type' => $this->getRelatedContactType($mappedField['relationship_type_id'], $mappedField['relationship_direction']),
+ 'contact_sub_type' => $this->getRelatedContactSubType($mappedField['relationship_type_id'], $mappedField['relationship_direction']),
+ ];
$this->addFieldToParams($params[$relatedContactKey], $locationValues, $fieldName, $importedValue);
$useExistingMatchFields = !empty($value['relationship_type_id']) || $this->isUpdateExistingContacts();
$prefixString = !empty($value['relationship_label']) ? '(' . $value['relationship_label'] . ') ' : '';
$this->validateRequiredContactFields($value['contact_type'], $value, $useExistingMatchFields, $prefixString);
$errors = array_merge($errors, $this->getInvalidValuesForContact($value, $prefixString));
+ if (!empty($value['relationship_type_id'])) {
+ $requiredSubType = $this->getRelatedContactSubType($value['relationship_type_id'], $value['relationship_direction']);
+ if ($requiredSubType && $value['contact_sub_type'] && $requiredSubType !== $value['contact_sub_type']) {
+ throw new CRM_Core_Exception($prefixString . ts('Mismatched or Invalid contact subtype found for this related contact.'));
+ }
+ }
//check for duplicate external Identifier
return $this->getRelationshipType($relationshipTypeID)[$relationshipField];
+ /**
+ * Get the related contact sub type.
+ *
+ * @param int|null $relationshipTypeID
+ * @param int|string $relationshipDirection
+ *
+ * @return null|string
+ *
+ * @throws \API_Exception
+ */
+ protected function getRelatedContactSubType(int $relationshipTypeID, $relationshipDirection): ?string {
+ if (!$relationshipTypeID) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ $relationshipField = 'contact_sub_type_' . substr($relationshipDirection, -1);
+ return $this->getRelationshipType($relationshipTypeID)[$relationshipField];
+ }
* Get the related contact type.
protected function lookupContactID(array $params, bool $isDuplicateIfExternalIdentifierExists): ?int {
$extIDMatch = $this->lookupExternalIdentifier($params['external_identifier'] ?? NULL, $params['contact_type']);
+ if (!empty($params['external_identifier']) && !$extIDMatch && $isDuplicateIfExternalIdentifierExists) {
+ throw new CRM_Core_Exception(ts('Existing external ID lookup failed.'), CRM_Import_Parser::ERROR);
+ }
$contactID = !empty($params['id']) ? (int) $params['id'] : NULL;
//check if external identifier exists in database
if ($extIDMatch && $contactID && $extIDMatch !== $contactID) {
return NULL;
+ /**
+ * @param array $params
+ * @param array $formatted
+ * @return array[]
+ * @throws \API_Exception
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
+ * @throws \Civi\API\Exception\UnauthorizedException
+ */
+ protected function processContact(array $params, array $formatted): array {
+ $params['id'] = $formatted['id'] = $this->lookupContactID($params, ($this->isSkipDuplicates() || $this->isIgnoreDuplicates()));
+ if ($params['id'] && $params['contact_sub_type']) {
+ $contactSubType = Contact::get(FALSE)
+ ->addWhere('id', '=', $params['id'])
+ ->addSelect('contact_sub_type')
+ ->execute()
+ ->first()['contact_sub_type'];
+ if (!empty($contactSubType) && $contactSubType[0] !== $params['contact_sub_type'] && !CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType::isAllowEdit($params['id'], $contactSubType[0])) {
+ throw new CRM_Core_Exception('Mismatched contact SubTypes :', CRM_Import_Parser::NO_MATCH);
+ }
+ }
+ return array($formatted, $params);
+ }
'external_identifier' => 'billy',
'nick_name' => 'Old Bill',
'contact_sub_type' => 'Staff',
- ], CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_UPDATE, NULL);
$contact = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contact', ['id' => $contactID]);
$this->assertEquals('', $contact['nick_name']);
$this->assertEquals(['Parent'], $contact['contact_sub_type']);
$parser->_dedupeRuleGroupID = $ruleGroupId;
- $this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $parser->import($onDuplicateAction, $values), 'Return code from parser import was not as expected');
+ $result = $parser->import($onDuplicateAction, $values);
+ $dataSource = new CRM_Import_DataSource_CSV($userJobID);
+ if ($result === FALSE && $expectedResult !== FALSE) {
+ // Import is moving away from returning a status - this is a better way to check
+ $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $dataSource->getRowCount([$expectedResult]));
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $result, 'Return code from parser import was not as expected');
'5_a_b' => [
'contact_type' => 'Organization',
+ 'contact_sub_type' => NULL,
'website' => [
'https://example.org' => [
'url' => 'https://example.org',
public function getImportedContacts(): array {
return (array) Contact::get()
- ->addWhere('display_name', 'IN', ['Susie Jones', 'Mum Jones', 'sis@example.com', 'Soccer Superstars'])
+ ->addWhere('display_name', 'IN', [
+ 'Susie Jones',
+ 'Mum Jones',
+ 'sis@example.com',
+ 'Soccer Superstars',
+ ])
->addChain('phone', Phone::get()->addWhere('contact_id', '=', '$id'))
->addChain('address', Address::get()->addWhere('contact_id', '=', '$id'))
->addChain('website', Website::get()->addWhere('contact_id', '=', '$id'))
+ /**
+ * Test that import parser will not throw error if Related Contact is not found via passed in External ID.
+ *
+ * Currently fails because validation assumes the Related contact will be found.
+ * When it is later not found creating the contact via the API throws an
+ * error for missing required fields.
+ *
+ * @throws \API_Exception
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
+ */
+ public function testImportParserWithExternalIdForRelationship(): void {
+ $contactImportValues = [
+ 'first_name' => 'Alok',
+ 'last_name' => 'Patel',
+ 'Employee of' => 'related external identifier',
+ ];
+ $mapper = [
+ ['first_name'],
+ ['last_name'],
+ ['5_a_b', 'external_identifier'],
+ ];
+ $fields = array_keys($contactImportValues);
+ $values = array_values($contactImportValues);
+ $userJobID = $this->getUserJobID([
+ 'mapper' => $mapper,
+ ]);
+ $parser = new CRM_Contact_Import_Parser_Contact($fields);
+ $parser->setUserJobID($userJobID);
+ $parser->init();
+ $parser->import(CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_UPDATE, $values);
+ }