$el.parent().find('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').attr('title', ts('Close'));
// Add resize button
if ($el.parent().hasClass('crm-container') && $el.dialog('option', 'resizable')) {
- $el.parent().find('.ui-dialog-titlebar').append($('<button class="crm-dialog-titlebar-resize ui-dialog-titlebar-close" title="'+ts('Resize')+'" style="right:2em;"/>').button({icons: {primary: 'ui-icon-newwin'}, text: false}));
+ $el.parent().find('.ui-dialog-titlebar').append($('<button class="crm-dialog-titlebar-resize ui-dialog-titlebar-close" title="'+ts('Toggle fullscreen')+'" style="right:2em;"/>').button({icons: {primary: 'ui-icon-newwin'}, text: false}));
$('.crm-dialog-titlebar-resize', $el.parent()).click(function(e) {
if ($el.data('origSize')) {
$el.dialog('option', $el.data('origSize'));
// Default controls. External script can add more with widget.addControls()
widget.controls = {
settings: {
- description: 'Configure this dashlet',
+ description: ts('Configure this dashlet'),
callback: widget.toggleSettings
minimize: {
- description: 'Collapse or expand this dashlet',
+ description: ts('Collapse or expand'),
callback: widget.toggleMinimize
fullscreen: {
- description: 'View this dashlet in full screen mode',
+ description: ts('View fullscreen'),
callback: widget.enterFullscreen
close: {
- description: 'Remove this dashlet from your dashboard',
+ description: ts('Remove from dashboard'),
callback: widget.remove
// Public static properties of dashboard. Default settings.
$.fn.dashboard.defaults = {
columns: 2,
- emptyPlaceholderInner: 'There are no dashlets in this column of your dashboard.',
- fullscreenHeaderInner: 'Back to dashboard mode',
- throbberMarkup: '<div class="crm-loading-element">Loading...</div>',
+ emptyPlaceholderInner: ts('There are no dashlets in this column of your dashboard.'),
+ fullscreenHeaderInner: ts('Back to dashboard mode'),
+ throbberMarkup: '<div class="crm-loading-element">' + ts('Loading') + '...</div>',
animationSpeed: 200,
callbacks: {},
widgetCallbacks: {}