* participant object. the params array could contain additional unused name/value
* pairs
- * @param array $params (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs
- * @param array $ids the array that holds all the db ids
+ * @param array $params (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs
+ *
+ * @internal param array $ids the array that holds all the db ids
* @return object CRM_Event_BAO_Participant object
* @access public
* @param array $params input parameters to find object
* @param array $values output values of the object
+ * @param $ids
+ *
* @return CRM_Event_BAO_Participant|null the found object or null
* @access public
* @static
* takes an associative array and creates a participant object
* @param array $params (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs
- * @param array $ids the array that holds all the db ids
+ *
+ * @internal param array $ids the array that holds all the db ids
* @return object CRM_Event_BAO_Participant object
* @access public
* Check whether the event is full for participation and return as
* per requirements.
- * @param int $eventId event id.
- * @param boolean $returnEmptySeats are we require number if empty seats.
- * @param boolean $includeWaitingList consider waiting list in event full
+ * @param int $eventId event id.
+ * @param boolean $returnEmptySeats are we require number if empty seats.
+ * @param boolean $includeWaitingList consider waiting list in event full
* calculation or not. (it is for cron job purpose)
- * @return
- * 1. false => If event having some empty spaces.
- * 2. null => If no registration yet or no limit.
- * 3. Event Full Message => If event is full.
- * 4. Number of Empty Seats => If we are interested in empty spaces.( w/ include/exclude waitings. )
+ * @param bool $returnWaitingCount
+ * @param bool $considerTestParticipant
- * @static
+ * @return bool|int|null|string 1. false => If event having some empty spaces.@static
* @access public
static function eventFull(
* Return the array of all price set field options,
* with total participant count that field going to carry.
- * @param int $eventId event id.
- * @param array $skipParticipants an array of participant ids those we should skip.
- * @param int $isTest would you like to consider test participants.
+ * @param int $eventId event id.
+ * @param array $skipParticipantIds
+ * @param bool $considerCounted
+ * @param bool $considerWaiting
+ * @param bool $considerTestParticipants
+ *
+ * @internal param array $skipParticipants an array of participant ids those we should skip.
+ * @internal param int $isTest would you like to consider test participants.
* @return array $optionsCount an array of each option id and total count
* @static
* combine all the importable fields from the lower levels object
+ * @param string $contactType
+ * @param bool $status
+ * @param bool $onlyParticipant
+ *
* @return array array of importable Fields
* @access public
* @static
- *Checks duplicate participants
+ * Checks duplicate participants
* @param array $duplicates (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs
* @param array $input an assosiative array of name /value pairs
* fix the event level
* When price sets are used as event fee, fee_level is set as ^A
- * seperated string. We need to change that string to comma
+ * separated string. We need to change that string to comma
* separated string before using fee_level in view mode.
* @param string $eventLevel event_leval string from db