public function tearDown() {
+ global $dbLocale;
+ if ($dbLocale) {
+ CRM_Core_I18n_Schema::makeSinglelingual('en_US');
+ }
], 1);
+ /**
+ * Data provider for testGitLabIssue1108
+ *
+ * First we run it without multiLingual mode, then with.
+ *
+ * This is because we test table names, which may have been translated in a
+ * multiLingual context.
+ *
+ */
+ public function multiLingual() {
+ return [[0], [1]];
+ }
+ /**
+ * - unsubscribe used dodgy SQL that only checked half of the polymorphic
+ * relationship in mailing_group, meaning it could match 'mailing 123'
+ * against _group_ 123.
+ *
+ * - also, an INNER JOIN on the group table hid the mailing-based
+ * mailing_group records.
+ *
+ * - in turn this inner join meant the query returned nothing, which then
+ * caused the code that is supposed to find the contact within those groups
+ * to basically find all the groups that the contact in or were smart groups.
+ *
+ * - in certain situations (which I have not been able to replicate in this
+ * test) it caused the unsubscribe to fail to find *any* groups to unsubscribe
+ * people from, thereby breaking the unsubscribe.
+ *
+ * @dataProvider multiLingual
+ *
+ */
+ public function testGitLabIssue1108($isMultiLingual) {
+ // We need to make sure the mailing IDs are higher than the groupIDs.
+ // We do this by adding mailings until the mailing.id value is at least 10
+ // higher than the highest group.id
+ // Note that creating a row in a transaction then rolling back the
+ // transaction still increments the AUTO_INCREMENT counter for the table.
+ // (If this behaviour ever changes we throw an exception.)
+ if ($isMultiLingual) {
+ $this->enableMultilingual();
+ }
+ $max_group_id = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT MAX(id) FROM civicrm_group");
+ $max_mailing_id = 0;
+ while ($max_mailing_id < $max_group_id + 10) {
+ CRM_Core_Transaction::create()->run(function($tx) use (&$max_mailing_id) {
+ CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing (name) VALUES ('dummy');");
+ $_ = (int) CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT MAX(id) FROM civicrm_mailing");
+ if ($_ === $max_mailing_id) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Expected that creating a new row would increment ID, but it did not. This could be a change in MySQL's implementation of rollback");
+ }
+ $max_mailing_id = $_;
+ $tx->rollback();
+ });
+ }
+ // Because our parent class marks the _groupID as private, we can't use that :-(
+ $group_1 = $this->groupCreate([
+ 'name' => 'Test Group 1108.1',
+ 'title' => 'Test Group 1108.1',
+ ]);
+ $this->createContactsInGroup(2, $group_1);
+ // Also _mut is private to the parent, so we have to make our own:
+ $mut = new CiviMailUtils($this, TRUE);
+ // Create initial mailing to the group.
+ $mailingParams = [
+ 'name' => 'Issue 1108: mailing 1',
+ 'subject' => 'Issue 1108: mailing 1',
+ 'created_id' => 1,
+ 'groups' => ['include' => [$group_1]],
+ 'scheduled_date' => 'now',
+ 'body_text' => 'Please just {action.unsubscribe}',
+ ];
+ // The following code is exactly the same as runMailingSuccess() except that we store the ID of the mailing.
+ $mailing_1 = $this->callAPISuccess('mailing', 'create', $mailingParams);
+ $mut->assertRecipients(array());
+ $this->callAPISuccess('job', 'process_mailing', array('runInNonProductionEnvironment' => TRUE));
+ $allMessages = $mut->getAllMessages('ezc');
+ // There are exactly two contacts produced by setUp().
+ $this->assertEquals(2, count($allMessages));
+ // We need a new group
+ $group_2 = $this->groupCreate([
+ 'name' => 'Test Group 1108.2',
+ 'title' => 'Test Group 1108.2',
+ ]);
+ // Now create the 2nd mailing to the recipients of the first,
+ // excluding our new albeit empty group.
+ $mailingParams = [
+ 'name' => 'Issue 1108: mailing 2',
+ 'subject' => 'Issue 1108: mailing 2',
+ 'created_id' => 1,
+ 'mailings' => ['include' => [$mailing_1['id']]],
+ 'groups' => ['exclude' => [$group_2]],
+ 'scheduled_date' => 'now',
+ 'body_text' => 'Please just {action.unsubscribeUrl}',
+ ];
+ $this->callAPISuccess('mailing', 'create', $mailingParams);
+ $_ = $this->callAPISuccess('job', 'process_mailing', array('runInNonProductionEnvironment' => TRUE));
+ $allMessages = $mut->getAllMessages('ezc');
+ // We should have 2+2 messages sent by the mail system now.
+ $this->assertEquals(4, count($allMessages));
+ // So far so good.
+ // Now extract the unsubscribe details.
+ $message = end($allMessages);
+ $this->assertTrue($message->body instanceof ezcMailText);
+ $this->assertEquals('plain', $message->body->subType);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, preg_match(
+ '@mailing/unsubscribe.*jid=(\d+)&qid=(\d+)&h=([0-9a-z]+)@',
+ $message->body->text,
+ $matches
+ ));
+ // Create a group that has nothing to do with this mailing.
+ $group_3 = $this->groupCreate([
+ 'name' => 'Test Group 1108.3',
+ 'title' => 'Test Group 1108.3',
+ ]);
+ // Add contacts from group 1 to group 3.
+ $gcQuery = new CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupContact();
+ $gcQuery->group_id = $group_1;
+ $gcQuery->status = 'Added';
+ $gcQuery->find();
+ while ($gcQuery->fetch()) {
+ $this->callAPISuccess('group_contact', 'create',
+ ['group_id' => $group_3, 'contact_id' => $gcQuery->contact_id, 'status' => 'Added']);
+ }
+ // Part of the issue is caused by the fact that (at time of writing) the
+ // SQL joined the mailing_group table on just the entity_id, assuming it to
+ // be a group, but actually it could be a mailing.
+ // The difficulty in testing this is that because all our IDs are very low
+ // and contiguous the SQL looking for a match for 'mailing 1' does match a
+ // group ID of '1', which is created in this class's parent's setUp().
+ // Strictly speaking we don't know that it has ID 1, but as we can't access _groupID
+ // we'll have to assume that.
+ //
+ // So by deleting that group the SQL then matches nothing which is what we
+ // need for this case.
+ $_ = new CRM_Contact_BAO_Group();
+ $_->id = 1;
+ $_->delete();
+ $hooks = \CRM_Utils_Hook::singleton();
+ $found = [];
+ $hooks->setHook('civicrm_unsubscribeGroups',
+ function ($op, $mailingId, $contactId, &$groups, &$baseGroups) use (&$found) {
+ $found['groups'] = $groups;
+ $found['baseGroups'] = $baseGroups;
+ });
+ // Now test unsubscribe groups.
+ $groups = CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Unsubscribe::unsub_from_mailing(
+ $matches[1],
+ $matches[2],
+ $matches[3],
+ );
+ // We expect that our group_1 was found.
+ $this->assertEquals(['groups' => [$group_1], 'baseGroups' => []], $found);
+ // We *should* get an array with just our $group_1 since this is the only group
+ // that we have included.
+ // $group_2 was only used to exclude people.
+ // $group_3 has nothing to do with this mailing and should not be there.
+ $this->assertNotEmpty($groups, "We should have received an array.");
+ $this->assertEquals([$group_1], array_keys($groups),
+ "We should have received an array with our group 1 in it.");
+ }