--- /dev/null
+ * Generate a URL. This is thin wrapper for the Civi::url() helper.
+ *
+ * @see Civi::url()
+ *
+ * Ex: Generate a backend URL.
+ * {url}backend://civicrm/admin?reset=1{/url}
+ *
+ * Ex: Generate a backend URL. Assign it to a Smarty variable.
+ * {url assign=tmpVar}backend://civicrm/admin?reset=1{/url}
+ *
+ * Ex: Generate a backend URL. Set optional flags: (t)ext, (s)sl, (a)bsolute.
+ * {url flags=tsa}backend://civicrm/admin?reset=1{/url}
+ *
+ * Ex: Generate a URL in the current (active) routing scheme. Add named variables. (Values are escaped).
+ * {url verb="Eat" target="Apples and bananas"}//civicrm/fruit?method=[verb]&data=[target]{/url}
+ *
+ * Ex: As above, but use numerical variables.
+ * {url 1="Eat" 2="Apples and bananas"}//civicrm/fruit?method=[1]&data=[2]{/url}
+ *
+ * Ex: Generate a URL. Add some pre-escaped variables using Smarty {$foo}.
+ * {assign var=myEscapedAction value="Eat"}
+ * {assign var=myEscapedData value="Apples+and+bananas"}
+ * {url}//civicrm/fruit?method={$myEscapedAction}&data={$myEscapedData}{/url}
+ *
+ * @param array $params
+ * The following parameters have specific meanings:
+ * - "assign" (string) - Assign output to a Smarty variable
+ * - "flags" (string) - List of options, as per `Civi::url(...$flags)`
+ * All other parameters will be passed-through as variables for the URL.
+ * @param string $text
+ * Contents of block.
+ * @param CRM_Core_Smarty $smarty
+ * The Smarty object.
+ * @return string
+ */
+function smarty_block_url($params, $text, &$smarty) {
+ if ($text === NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ $flags = 'h' . ($params['flags'] ?? '');
+ $assign = $params['assign'] ?? NULL;
+ unset($params['flags'], $params['assign']);
+ $url = (string) Civi::url($text, $flags)->addVars($params);
+ // This could be neat, but see discussion in CRM_Core_Smarty_plugins_UrlTest for why it's currently off.
+ // $url->setVarsCallback([$smarty, 'get_template_vars']);
+ if ($assign !== NULL) {
+ $smarty->assign([$assign => $url]);
+ return '';
+ }
+ else {
+ return $url;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * Class CRM_Core_Smarty_plugins_UrlTest
+ * @group headless
+ */
+class CRM_Core_Smarty_plugins_UrlTest extends CiviUnitTestCase {
+ public function setUp(): void {
+ parent::setUp();
+ require_once 'CRM/Core/Smarty.php';
+ // Templates should normally be file names, but for unit-testing it's handy to use "string:" notation
+ require_once 'CRM/Core/Smarty/resources/String.php';
+ civicrm_smarty_register_string_resource();
+ $this->useTransaction();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function urlCases() {
+ $literal = function(string $s) {
+ return '!' . preg_quote($s, '!') . '!';
+ };
+ $cases = [];
+ $cases[] = [
+ // Generate an ordinary, HTML-style URL.
+ $literal('q=civicrm/profile/view&id=123&gid=456'),
+ '{url}//civicrm/profile/view?id=123&gid=456{/url}',
+ ];
+ $cases[] = [
+ // Here, we assign the plain-text variable and then use it for JS expression
+ '!window.location = ".*q=civicrm/profile/view&id=123&gid=456"!',
+ '{url assign=myUrl flags=t}//civicrm/profile/view?id=123&gid=456{/url}' .
+ 'window.location = "{$myUrl}";',
+ ];
+ $cases[] = [
+ $literal('q=civicrm/profile/view&id=999&message=hello+world'),
+ '{url 1="999" 2="hello world"}//civicrm/profile/view?id=[1]&message=[2]{/url}',
+ ];
+ $cases[] = [
+ $literal('q=civicrm/profile/view&id=123&message=hello+world'),
+ '{url msg="hello world"}//civicrm/profile/view?id=123&message=[msg]{/url}',
+ ];
+ $cases[] = [
+ // Define a temporary variable for use in the URL.
+ $literal('q=civicrm/profile/view&id=123&message=this+%26+that'),
+ '{url msg="this & that"}//civicrm/profile/view?id=123&message=[msg]{/url}',
+ ];
+ $cases[] = [
+ // We have a Smarty variable which already included escaped data. Smarty should do substitution.
+ $literal('q=civicrm/profile/view&id=123&message=this+%2B+that'),
+ '{assign var=msg value="this+%2B+that"}' .
+ '{url flags=%}//civicrm/profile/view?id=123&message={$msg}{/url}',
+ ];
+ $cases[] = [
+ // Generate client-side route (with Angular path and params)
+ $literal('q=civicrm/a/#/mailing/100?angularDebug=1'),
+ '{url id=100}backend://civicrm/a/#/mailing/[id]?angularDebug=1{/url}',
+ ];
+ // This example is neat - you just replace `{$msg}` with `[msg]`, and then you get encoded URL data.
+ // But... it's pretty shallow. You can't use Smarty expressions or modifiers. Additionally,
+ // enabling this mode increases the risk of accidental collisions between Smarty variables
+ // and deep-form-params. So I've left it disabled for now.
+ //
+ // $cases[] = [
+ // // We have a Smarty variable with canonical (unescaped) data. Use it as URL variable.
+ // $literal('q=civicrm/profile/view&id=123&message=this+%2B+that'),
+ // '{assign var=msg value="this + that"}' .
+ // '{url}//civicrm/profile/view?id=123&message=[msg]{/url}',
+ // ];
+ // return CRM_Utils_Array::subset($cases, [2]);
+ return $cases;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider urlCases
+ * @param string $expected
+ * @param string $input
+ */
+ public function testUrl($expected, $input) {
+ $smarty = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton();
+ $actual = $smarty->fetch('string:' . $input);
+ $this->assertRegExp($expected, $actual, "Process input=[$input]");
+ }