{name: 'ang2', label: ts('Batch Calls'), code: ''}
cli: [
- {name: 'cv', label: ts('CV'), code: ''}
+ {name: 'short', label: ts('CV (short)'), code: ''},
+ {name: 'long', label: ts('CV (long)'), code: ''},
+ {name: 'pipe', label: ts('CV (pipe)'), code: ''}
case 'cli':
- // Write cli code
- code.cv = 'cv api4 ' + entity + '.' + action + " '" + stringify(params) + "'";
+ // Cli code using json input
+ code.long = 'cv api4 ' + entity + '.' + action + ' ' + cliFormat(JSON.stringify(params));
+ code.pipe = 'echo ' + cliFormat(JSON.stringify(params)) + ' | cv api4 ' + entity + '.' + action + ' --in=json';
+ // Cli code using short syntax
+ code.short = 'cv api4 ' + entity + '.' + action;
+ var limitSet = false;
+ _.each(params, function(param, key) {
+ switch (true) {
+ case (key === 'select' && !_.includes(param.join(), ' ')):
+ code.short += ' +s ' + cliFormat(param.join(','));
+ break;
+ case (key === 'where' && !_.intersection(_.map(param, 0), ['AND', 'OR', 'NOT']).length):
+ _.each(param, function(clause) {
+ code.short += ' +w ' + cliFormat(clause[0] + ' ' + clause[1] + (clause.length > 2 ? (' ' + JSON.stringify(clause[2])) : ''));
+ });
+ break;
+ case (key === 'orderBy'):
+ _.each(param, function(dir, field) {
+ code.short += ' +o ' + cliFormat(field + ' ' + dir);
+ });
+ break;
+ case (key === 'values'):
+ _.each(param, function(val, field) {
+ code.short += ' +v ' + cliFormat(field + '=' + val);
+ });
+ break;
+ case (key === 'limit' || key === 'offset'):
+ // These 2 get combined
+ if (!limitSet) {
+ limitSet = true;
+ code.short += ' +l ' + (params.limit || '0') + (params.offset ? ('@' + params.offset) : '');
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ code.short += ' ' + key + '=' + (typeof param === 'string' ? cliFormat(param) : cliFormat(JSON.stringify(param)));
+ }
+ });
_.each($scope.code, function(vals) {
return JSON.stringify(val).replace(/\$/g, '\\$');
+ // Format string to be cli-input-safe
+ function cliFormat(str) {
+ if (!_.includes(str, ' ') && !_.includes(str, '"') && !_.includes(str, "'")) {
+ return str;
+ }
+ if (!_.includes(str, "'")) {
+ return "'" + str + "'";
+ }
+ if (!_.includes(str, '"')) {
+ return '"' + str + '"';
+ }
+ return "'" + str.replace(/'/g, "\\'") + "'";
+ }
function fetchMeta() {
.then(function(data) {