Now you can peek, this query is looking for PCP in database, and showing all tables of civicrm_pcp and civicrm_pcp_block, this include their "ID", it can be fail because depend the configuration of database server the result, i mean, the server will select between pcp_block's(table) ID or pcp's(table) ID(In my case, my database server, selected the block ID instead of PCP ID), it's bad because pcp(table) and pcp_block(table) they has the same ID field name, but, it's good structure schema in database, the problem is the query, and can be solve.
$links = self::pcpLinks();
$query = "
-SELECT * FROM civicrm_pcp pcp
+SELECT pcp.*, block.is_tellfriend_enabled FROM civicrm_pcp pcp
LEFT JOIN civicrm_pcp_block block ON = pcp.pcp_block_id
WHERE pcp.is_active = 1
AND pcp.contact_id = %1