settings.dialog.height = parseInt($(window).height() * (parseFloat(settings.dialog.height)/100), 10);
$('<div id="'+ +'"><div class="crm-loading-element">' + ts('Loading') + '...</div></div>').dialog(settings.dialog);
- $('dialogclose', function() {
- if ($(this).attr('data-unsaved-changes') !== 'true') {
- $(this).crmSnippet('destroy').dialog('destroy').remove();
- }
- });
- }
- if (settings.dialog && !settings.dialog.title) {
- $('crmLoad', function(e, data) {
- if ( === $([0] && data && data.title) {
- $(this).dialog('option', 'title', data.title);
- }
- });
+ $(
+ .on('dialogclose', function() {
+ if ($(this).attr('data-unsaved-changes') !== 'true') {
+ $(this).crmSnippet('destroy').dialog('destroy').remove();
+ }
+ })
+ .on('crmLoad', function(e, data) {
+ // Set title
+ if ( === $([0] && data && !settings.dialog.title && data.title) {
+ $(this).dialog('option', 'title', data.title);
+ }
+ // Adjust height to fit content (small delay to allow elements to render)
+ window.setTimeout(function() {
+ var currentHeight = $(,
+ padding = currentHeight - $(,
+ newHeight = $('scrollHeight') + padding,
+ menuHeight = $('#civicrm-menu').height(),
+ maxHeight = $(window).height() - menuHeight;
+ newHeight = newHeight > maxHeight ? maxHeight : newHeight;
+ if (newHeight > (currentHeight + 15)) {
+ $('option', {
+ position: {my: 'center', at: 'center center+' + (menuHeight / 2), of: window},
+ height: newHeight
+ });
+ }
+ }, 500);
+ });
return $(;