$formName = CRM_Utils_System::getClassName($stateMachine);
$isStandalone = $formName == 'CRM_Export_StateMachine_Standalone';
+ // we need to determine component export
+ $componentName = explode('_', $formName);
+ $components = array('Contact', 'Contribute', 'Member', 'Event', 'Pledge', 'Case', 'Grant', 'Activity');
+ if ($isStandalone) {
+ $componentName = array('CRM', $this->controller->get('entity'));
+ }
+ $componentMode = $this->controller->get('component_mode');
+ // FIXME: This should use a modified version of CRM_Contact_Form_Search::getModeValue but it doesn't have all the contexts
+ switch ($componentMode) {
+ case CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::MODE_CONTRIBUTE:
+ $entityShortname = 'Contribute';
+ break;
+ case CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::MODE_MEMBER:
+ $entityShortname = 'Member';
+ $entityDAOName = 'Membership';
+ break;
+ case CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::MODE_EVENT:
+ $entityShortname = 'Event';
+ break;
+ case CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::MODE_PLEDGE:
+ $entityShortname = 'Pledge';
+ break;
+ case CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::MODE_CASE:
+ $entityShortname = 'Case';
+ break;
+ case CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::MODE_GRANT:
+ $entityShortname = 'Grant';
+ break;
+ case CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::MODE_ACTIVITY:
+ $entityShortname = 'Activity';
+ break;
+ default:
+ $entityShortname = $componentName[1]; // Contact
+ break;
+ }
+ if (in_array($entityShortname, $components)) {
+ $this->_exportMode = constant('CRM_Export_Form_Select::' . strtoupper($entityShortname) . '_EXPORT');
+ $formTaskClassName = "CRM_{$entityShortname}_Form_Task";
+ $taskClassName = "CRM_{$entityShortname}_Task";
+ if (isset($formTaskClassName::$entityShortname)) {
+ $this::$entityShortname = $formTaskClassName::$entityShortname;
+ if (isset($formTaskClassName::$tableName)) {
+ $this::$tableName = $formTaskClassName::$tableName;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $this::$entityShortname = $entityShortname;
+ $this::$tableName = CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getTableForClass(CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getFullName($entityDAOName));
+ }
+ }
// get the submitted values based on search
if ($this->_action == CRM_Core_Action::ADVANCED) {
$values = $this->controller->exportValues('Advanced');
$values = $this->controller->exportValues('Custom');
else {
- // we need to determine component export
- $componentName = explode('_', $formName);
- $components = array('Contribute', 'Member', 'Event', 'Pledge', 'Case', 'Grant', 'Activity');
- if ($isStandalone) {
- $componentName = array('CRM', $this->controller->get('entity'));
- }
- if (in_array($componentName[1], $components)) {
- $this->_exportMode = constant('CRM_Export_Form_Select::' . strtoupper($componentName[1]) . '_EXPORT');
- $className = "CRM_{$componentName[1]}_Form_Task";
- $this::$entityShortname = $className::$entityShortname;
- $this::$tableName = $className::$tableName;
- $className::preProcessCommon($this, !$isStandalone);
+ if (in_array($entityShortname, $components)) {
$values = $this->controller->exportValues('Search');
else {
- $componentMode = $this->get('component_mode');
- switch ($componentMode) {
- case 2:
- CRM_Contribute_Form_Task::preProcessCommon($this, !$isStandalone);
- $this->_exportMode = self::CONTRIBUTE_EXPORT;
- $componentName = array('', 'Contribute');
- break;
- case 3:
- CRM_Event_Form_Task::preProcessCommon($this, !$isStandalone);
- $this->_exportMode = self::EVENT_EXPORT;
- $componentName = array('', 'Event');
- break;
- case 4:
- CRM_Activity_Form_Task::preProcessCommon($this, !$isStandalone);
- $this->_exportMode = self::ACTIVITY_EXPORT;
- $componentName = array('', 'Activity');
- break;
- case 5:
- CRM_Member_Form_Task::preProcessCommon($this, !$isStandalone);
- $this->_exportMode = self::MEMBER_EXPORT;
- $componentName = array('', 'Member');
- break;
+ $formTaskClassName::preProcessCommon($this, !$isStandalone);
- case 6:
- CRM_Case_Form_Task::preProcessCommon($this, !$isStandalone);
- $this->_exportMode = self::CASE_EXPORT;
- $componentName = array('', 'Case');
- break;
- }
+ // $component is used on CRM/Export/Form/Select.tpl to display extra information for contact export
+ ($this->_exportMode == self::CONTACT_EXPORT) ? $component = FALSE : $component = TRUE;
+ $this->assign('component', $component);
+ // Set the task title
+ $componentTasks = $taskClassName::taskTitles();
$this->_task = $values['task'];
- if ($this->_exportMode == self::CONTACT_EXPORT) {
- $contactTasks = CRM_Contact_Task::taskTitles();
- $taskName = $contactTasks[$this->_task];
- $component = FALSE;
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task::preProcessCommon($this, !$isStandalone);
- }
- else {
- $this->assign('taskName', "Export $componentName[1]");
- $className = "CRM_{$componentName[1]}_Task";
- $componentTasks = $className::tasks();
- $taskName = $componentTasks[$this->_task];
- $component = TRUE;
- }
+ $taskName = $componentTasks[$this->_task];
+ $this->assign('taskName', $taskName);
if ($this->_componentTable) {
$query = "
$totalSelectedRecords = count($this->_componentIds);
$this->assign('totalSelectedRecords', $totalSelectedRecords);
- $this->assign('taskName', $taskName);
- $this->assign('component', $component);
// all records actions = save a search
if (($values['radio_ts'] == 'ts_all') || ($this->_task == CRM_Contact_Task::SAVE_SEARCH)) {
$this->_selectAll = TRUE;