* @param array $values
* @param int $expectedOutcome
+ * @return string The error message
- protected function importValues(array $values, $expectedOutcome = 1): void {
+ protected function importValues(array $values, $expectedOutcome = 1): string {
$importer = $this->createImportObject(array_keys($values));
$params = array_values($values);
CRM_Core_Session::singleton()->set('dateTypes', 1);
- $this->assertEquals($expectedOutcome, $importer->import(NULL, $params));
+ $outcome = $importer->import(NULL, $params);
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedOutcome, $outcome);
+ // If there was an error it's in element 0
+ return $outcome === CRM_Import_Parser::VALID ? '' : $params[0];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test validation of various fields.
+ *
+ * @dataProvider activityImportValidationProvider
+ * @param array $input
+ * @param string $expectedError
+ */
+ public function testActivityImportValidation(array $input, string $expectedError): void {
+ // Supplement some values that can't be done in a data provider because of timing.
+ if (!isset($input['target_contact_id'])) {
+ $input['target_contact_id'] = $this->individualCreate();
+ }
+ if (isset($input['replace_me_custom_field'])) {
+ $this->createCustomGroupWithFieldOfType(['extends' => 'Activity'], 'radio');
+ $input[$this->getCustomFieldName('radio')] = $input['replace_me_custom_field'];
+ unset($input['replace_me_custom_field']);
+ }
+ // There's both an outcome int, like VALID or ERROR, which importValues
+ // checks, and then an error string which we check. If we're not expecting
+ // an error string, then tell importValues the expected outcome is VALID.
+ $actualError = $this->importValues($input,
+ empty($expectedError) ? CRM_Import_Parser::VALID : CRM_Import_Parser::ERROR);
+ $this->assertStringContainsString($expectedError, $actualError);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dataprovider for some import tests.
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function activityImportValidationProvider(): array {
+ /**
+ * Because this is a dataprovider that runs before setup, we
+ * can't specify values that don't exist yet, but we're mostly
+ * testing validation of just the specified ones anyway. The test itself
+ * will need to fill in the rest.
+ */
+ // This needs to be a constant for the reasons above, but this
+ // might make it easier to update in future if needed.
+ $some_date = '2021-02-06';
+ return [
+ // explicit index number so easier to find when it fails
+ 0 => [
+ 'input' => [
+ 'activity_type_id' => 1,
+ 'activity_date_time' => $some_date,
+ 'activity_subject' => 'asubj',
+ ],
+ 'expected_error' => '',
+ ],
+ 1 => [
+ 'input' => [
+ 'activity_type_id' => 1,
+ 'activity_date_time' => $some_date,
+ 'activity_subject' => 'asubj',
+ 'replace_me_custom_field' => '3',
+ ],
+ 'expected_error' => '',
+ ],
+ 2 => [
+ 'input' => [
+ 'activity_label' => 'Meeting',
+ 'activity_date_time' => $some_date,
+ 'activity_subject' => 'asubj',
+ ],
+ 'expected_error' => '',
+ ],
+ 3 => [
+ 'input' => [
+ 'activity_type_id' => 1,
+ 'activity_label' => 'Meeting',
+ 'activity_date_time' => $some_date,
+ 'activity_subject' => 'asubj',
+ ],
+ 'expected_error' => '',
+ ],
+ 4 => [
+ 'input' => [
+ 'activity_type_id' => 2,
+ 'activity_label' => 'Meeting',
+ 'activity_date_time' => $some_date,
+ 'activity_subject' => 'asubj',
+ ],
+ 'expected_error' => 'Activity type label and Activity type ID are in conflict',
+ ],
+ 5 => [
+ 'input' => [
+ 'activity_type_id' => 1,
+ 'activity_label' => '',
+ 'activity_date_time' => $some_date,
+ 'activity_subject' => 'asubj',
+ ],
+ 'expected_error' => '',
+ ],
+ 6 => [
+ 'input' => [
+ 'activity_type_id' => '',
+ 'activity_label' => 'Meeting',
+ 'activity_date_time' => $some_date,
+ 'activity_subject' => 'asubj',
+ ],
+ 'expected_error' => '',
+ ],
+ 7 => [
+ 'input' => [
+ 'activity_date_time' => $some_date,
+ 'activity_subject' => 'asubj',
+ ],
+ 'expected_error' => 'Missing required fields',
+ ],
+ 8 => [
+ 'input' => [
+ 'activity_type_id' => '',
+ 'activity_label' => '',
+ 'activity_date_time' => $some_date,
+ 'activity_subject' => 'asubj',
+ ],
+ 'expected_error' => 'Missing required fields',
+ ],
+ 9 => [
+ 'input' => [
+ 'activity_label' => 'Meeting',
+ 'activity_subject' => 'asubj',
+ ],
+ 'expected_error' => 'Missing required fields',
+ ],
+ 10 => [
+ 'input' => [
+ 'activity_label' => 'Meeting',
+ 'activity_date_time' => '',
+ 'activity_subject' => 'asubj',
+ ],
+ 'expected_error' => 'Missing required fields',
+ ],
+ // @todo: This is inconsistent. Subject is required in the map UI but not
+ // on import. Should subject be required? Personally I think the import
+ // is correct and it shouldn't be required in UI.
+ 11 => [
+ 'input' => [
+ 'activity_label' => 'Meeting',
+ 'activity_date_time' => $some_date,
+ ],
+ 'expected_error' => '',
+ ],
+ // @todo: This is inconsistent. Subject is required in the map UI but not
+ // on import. Should subject be required? Personally I think the import
+ // is correct and it shouldn't be required in UI.
+ 12 => [
+ 'input' => [
+ 'activity_label' => 'Meeting',
+ 'activity_date_time' => $some_date,
+ 'activity_subject' => '',
+ ],
+ 'expected_error' => '',
+ ],
+ 13 => [
+ 'input' => [
+ 'activity_label' => 'Meeting',
+ 'activity_date_time' => $some_date,
+ 'activity_subject' => 'asubj',
+ 'replace_me_custom_field' => 'InvalidValue',
+ ],
+ 'expected_error' => 'Invalid value for field(s) : Integer radio',
+ ],
+ 14 => [
+ 'input' => [
+ 'activity_label' => 'Meeting',
+ 'activity_date_time' => $some_date,
+ 'activity_subject' => 'asubj',
+ 'replace_me_custom_field' => '',
+ ],
+ 'expected_error' => '',
+ ],
+ // @todo This is also inconsistent. The map UI requires target contact
+ // but import is fine leaving it blank. In general civi is fine with
+ // a blank target so possibly map UI should not require it.
+ 15 => [
+ 'input' => [
+ 'target_contact_id' => '',
+ 'activity_label' => 'Meeting',
+ 'activity_date_time' => $some_date,
+ 'activity_subject' => 'asubj',
+ ],
+ 'expected_error' => '',
+ ],
+ ];