$fields = civicrm_api($entity, 'getfields', array('version' => 3, 'action' => $action));
$fields = array_intersect_key($fields['values'], $params);
- foreach ($fields as $fieldname => $fieldInfo) {
+ foreach ($fields as $fieldName => $fieldInfo) {
switch (CRM_Utils_Array::value('type', $fieldInfo)) {
case CRM_Utils_Type::T_INT:
//field is of type integer
- _civicrm_api3_validate_integer($params, $fieldname, $fieldInfo, $entity);
+ _civicrm_api3_validate_integer($params, $fieldName, $fieldInfo, $entity);
case 4:
case 12:
//field is of type date or datetime
- _civicrm_api3_validate_date($params, $fieldname, $fieldInfo);
+ _civicrm_api3_validate_date($params, $fieldName, $fieldInfo);
- case 32://blob
- _civicrm_api3_validate_html($params, $fieldname, $fieldInfo);
+ case 32://blob
+ _civicrm_api3_validate_html($params, $fieldName, $fieldInfo);
case CRM_Utils_Type::T_STRING:
- _civicrm_api3_validate_string($params, $fieldname, $fieldInfo);
+ _civicrm_api3_validate_string($params, $fieldName, $fieldInfo, $entity);
case CRM_Utils_Type::T_MONEY:
- if (!CRM_Utils_Rule::money($params[$fieldname])) {
- throw new Exception($fieldname . " is not a valid amount: " . $params[$fieldname]);
+ if (!CRM_Utils_Rule::money($params[$fieldName])) {
+ throw new Exception($fieldName . " is not a valid amount: " . $params[$fieldName]);
// intensive checks - usually only called after DB level fail
if (!empty($errorMode) && strtolower($action) == 'create') {
if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('FKClassName', $fieldInfo)) {
- if (CRM_Utils_Array::value($fieldname, $params)) {
- _civicrm_api3_validate_constraint($params, $fieldname, $fieldInfo);
+ if (CRM_Utils_Array::value($fieldName, $params)) {
+ _civicrm_api3_validate_constraint($params, $fieldName, $fieldInfo);
elseif (CRM_Utils_Array::value('required', $fieldInfo)) {
- throw new Exception("DB Constraint Violation - possibly $fieldname should possibly be marked as mandatory for this API. If so, please raise a bug report");
+ throw new Exception("DB Constraint Violation - possibly $fieldName should possibly be marked as mandatory for this API. If so, please raise a bug report");
if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('api.unique', $fieldInfo)) {
$params['entity'] = $entity;
- _civicrm_api3_validate_uniquekey($params, $fieldname, $fieldInfo);
+ _civicrm_api3_validate_uniquekey($params, $fieldName, $fieldInfo);
* may not be the best thing to do. There is no code level documentation on the existing functions to work off
* @param array $params params from civicrm_api
- * @param string $fieldname uniquename of field being checked
+ * @param string $fieldName uniquename of field being checked
* @param array $fieldinfo array of fields from getfields function
-function _civicrm_api3_validate_date(&$params, &$fieldname, &$fieldInfo) {
+function _civicrm_api3_validate_date(&$params, &$fieldName, &$fieldInfo) {
//should we check first to prevent it from being copied if they have passed in sql friendly format?
if (CRM_Utils_Array::value($fieldInfo['name'], $params)) {
//accept 'whatever strtotime accepts
$params[$fieldInfo['name']] = CRM_Utils_Date::processDate($params[$fieldInfo['name']]);
- if ((CRM_Utils_Array::value('name', $fieldInfo) != $fieldname) && CRM_Utils_Array::value($fieldname, $params)) {
+ if ((CRM_Utils_Array::value('name', $fieldInfo) != $fieldName) && CRM_Utils_Array::value($fieldName, $params)) {
//If the unique field name differs from the db name & is set handle it here
- if (strtotime($params[$fieldname]) === FALSE) {
- throw new Exception($fieldname . " is not a valid date: " . $params[$fieldname]);
+ if (strtotime($params[$fieldName]) === FALSE) {
+ throw new Exception($fieldName . " is not a valid date: " . $params[$fieldName]);
- $params[$fieldname] = CRM_Utils_Date::processDate($params[$fieldname]);
+ $params[$fieldName] = CRM_Utils_Date::processDate($params[$fieldName]);
* Validate foreign constraint fields being passed into API.
* @param array $params params from civicrm_api
- * @param string $fieldname uniquename of field being checked
+ * @param string $fieldName uniquename of field being checked
* @param array $fieldinfo array of fields from getfields function
-function _civicrm_api3_validate_constraint(&$params, &$fieldname, &$fieldInfo) {
+function _civicrm_api3_validate_constraint(&$params, &$fieldName, &$fieldInfo) {
$dao = new $fieldInfo['FKClassName'];
- $dao->id = $params[$fieldname];
+ $dao->id = $params[$fieldName];
if (!$dao->find()) {
- throw new Exception("$fieldname is not valid : " . $params[$fieldname]);
+ throw new Exception("$fieldName is not valid : " . $params[$fieldName]);
* Validate foreign constraint fields being passed into API.
* @param array $params params from civicrm_api
- * @param string $fieldname uniquename of field being checked
+ * @param string $fieldName uniquename of field being checked
* @param array $fieldinfo array of fields from getfields function
-function _civicrm_api3_validate_uniquekey(&$params, &$fieldname, &$fieldInfo) {
+function _civicrm_api3_validate_uniquekey(&$params, &$fieldName, &$fieldInfo) {
$existing = civicrm_api($params['entity'], 'get', array(
'version' => $params['version'],
- $fieldname => $params[$fieldname],
+ $fieldName => $params[$fieldName],
// an entry already exists for this unique field
if ($existing['count'] == 1) {
// question - could this ever be a security issue?
- throw new Exception("Field: `$fieldname` must be unique. An conflicting entity already exists - id: " . $existing['id']);
+ throw new Exception("Field: `$fieldName` must be unique. An conflicting entity already exists - id: " . $existing['id']);
* It currently converts the incoming value 'user_contact_id' into the id of the currenty logged in user
* @param array $params params from civicrm_api
- * @param string $fieldname uniquename of field being checked
+ * @param string $fieldName uniquename of field being checked
* @param array $fieldinfo array of fields from getfields function
-function _civicrm_api3_validate_integer(&$params, &$fieldname, &$fieldInfo, $entity) {
+function _civicrm_api3_validate_integer(&$params, &$fieldName, &$fieldInfo, $entity) {
//if fieldname exists in params
- if (CRM_Utils_Array::value($fieldname, $params)) {
+ if (CRM_Utils_Array::value($fieldName, $params)) {
//if value = 'user_contact_id' replace value with logged in user id
- if ($params[$fieldname] == "user_contact_id") {
+ if ($params[$fieldName] == "user_contact_id") {
$session = &CRM_Core_Session::singleton();
- $params[$fieldname] = $session->get('userID');
+ $params[$fieldName] = $session->get('userID');
- if (!empty($fieldInfo['options'])) {
- $constant = CRM_Utils_Array::value('options', $fieldInfo);
- if (is_numeric($params[$fieldname]) && !CRM_Utils_Array::value('FKClassName',$fieldInfo) && !array_key_exists($params[$fieldname], $fieldInfo['options'])) {
- throw new API_Exception("$fieldname is not valid", 2001, array('error_field' => $fieldname,"type"=>"integer"));
- }
- }
- // we are looking for strings that should be swapped out e.g swap 'Donation' to financial_type_id 1
- if (!is_numeric($params[$fieldname]) && !is_array($params[$fieldname])) {
- if(CRM_Utils_Array::value('FKClassName', $fieldInfo)){
- // we'll get the options for this now since we are doing a swap out
- $options = civicrm_api($entity, 'getoptions', array('version' => 3, 'field' => $fieldname));
- if(empty($options['is_error'])){
- $fieldInfo['options'] = $options['values'];
- }
- }
- if(!empty($fieldInfo['options'])){
- $numericvalue = array_search($params[$fieldname], $fieldInfo['options']);
- if (empty($numericvalue)) {
- throw new Exception("$fieldname " . $params[$fieldname] . " is not valid");
- }
- else {
- $params[$fieldname] = $numericvalue;
- }
- }
+ if (!empty($fieldInfo['pseudoconstant'])) {
+ _civicrm_api3_api_match_pseudoconstant($params, $entity, $fieldName, 'integer');
// once we have done any swaps check our field length
- if(is_string($params[$fieldname]) &&
+ if(is_string($params[$fieldName]) &&
- && strlen($params[$fieldname]) > $fieldInfo['maxlength']
+ && strlen($params[$fieldName]) > $fieldInfo['maxlength']
- throw new API_Exception( $params[$fieldname] . " is " . strlen($params[$fieldname]) . " characters - longer than $fieldname length" . $fieldInfo['maxlength'] . ' characters',
- 2100, array('field' => $fieldname, "max_length"=>$fieldInfo['maxlength'])
+ throw new API_Exception( $params[$fieldName] . " is " . strlen($params[$fieldName]) . " characters - longer than $fieldName length" . $fieldInfo['maxlength'] . ' characters',
+ 2100, array('field' => $fieldName, "max_length"=>$fieldInfo['maxlength'])
-function _civicrm_api3_validate_html(&$params, &$fieldname, &$fieldInfo) {
- if ($value = CRM_Utils_Array::value($fieldname, $params)) {
+function _civicrm_api3_validate_html(&$params, &$fieldName, &$fieldInfo) {
+ if ($value = CRM_Utils_Array::value($fieldName, $params)) {
if (!CRM_Utils_Rule::xssString($value)) {
- throw new API_Exception('Illegal characters in input (potential scripting attack)',array("field"=>$fieldname,"error_code"=>"xss"));
+ throw new API_Exception('Illegal characters in input (potential scripting attack)',array("field"=>$fieldName,"error_code"=>"xss"));
* Validate string fields being passed into API.
* @param array $params params from civicrm_api
- * @param string $fieldname uniquename of field being checked
+ * @param string $fieldName uniquename of field being checked
* @param array $fieldinfo array of fields from getfields function
-function _civicrm_api3_validate_string(&$params, &$fieldname, &$fieldInfo) {
+function _civicrm_api3_validate_string(&$params, &$fieldName, &$fieldInfo, $entity) {
// If fieldname exists in params
- $value = CRM_Utils_Array::value($fieldname, $params, '');
+ $value = CRM_Utils_Array::value($fieldName, $params, '');
$value = (string) $value;
if (!CRM_Utils_Rule::xssString($value)) {
throw new Exception('Illegal characters in input (potential scripting attack)');
- if ($fieldname == 'currency') {
+ if ($fieldName == 'currency') {
if (!CRM_Utils_Rule::currencyCode($value)) {
throw new Exception("Currency not a valid code: $value");
- if (!empty ($fieldInfo['options'])) {
- // Validate & swap out any pseudoconstants / options
- $options = $fieldInfo['options'];
- $lowerCaseOptions = array_map("strtolower", $options);
- // If value passed is not a key, it may be a label
- // Try to lookup key from label - if it can't be found throw error
- if (!is_array($value) && !isset($options[strtolower($value)]) && !isset($options[$value]) ) {
- if (!in_array(strtolower($value), $lowerCaseOptions)) {
- throw new Exception("$fieldname `$value` is not valid.");
- }
- }
+ if (!empty($fieldInfo['pseudoconstant'])) {
+ _civicrm_api3_api_match_pseudoconstant($params, $entity, $fieldName, 'string');
// Check our field length
elseif (is_string($value) && !empty($fieldInfo['maxlength']) && strlen($value) > $fieldInfo['maxlength']) {
- throw new API_Exception("Value for $fieldname is " . strlen($value) . " characters - This field has a maxlength of {$fieldInfo['maxlength']} characters.",
- 2100, array('field' => $fieldname)
+ throw new API_Exception("Value for $fieldName is " . strlen($value) . " characters - This field has a maxlength of {$fieldInfo['maxlength']} characters.",
+ 2100, array('field' => $fieldName)
+ * Validate & swap out any pseudoconstants / options
+ *
+ * @param $params: api parameters
+ * @param $entity: api entity name
+ * @param $fieldName: entity field name
+ * @param $type: field type from metadata
+ */
+function _civicrm_api3_api_match_pseudoconstant(&$params, $entity, $fieldName, $type) {
+ $options = civicrm_api($entity, 'getoptions', array('version' => 3, 'field' => $fieldName));
+ $options = CRM_Utils_Array::value('values', $options, array());
+ // If passed a value-seperated string, explode to an array, then re-implode after matching values
+ $implode = FALSE;
+ if (is_string($params[$fieldName]) && strpos($params[$fieldName], CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR) !== FALSE) {
+ $params[$fieldName] = CRM_Utils_Array::explodePadded($params[$fieldName]);
+ $implode = TRUE;
+ }
+ // If passed multiple options, validate each
+ if (is_array($params[$fieldName])) {
+ foreach ($params[$fieldName] as &$value) {
+ _civicrm_api3_api_match_pseudoconstant_value($value, $options, $fieldName);
+ }
+ // TODO: unwrap the call to implodePadded from the conditional and do it always
+ // need to verify that this is safe and doesn't break anything though.
+ // Better yet would be to leave it as an array and ensure that every dao/bao can handle array input
+ if ($implode) {
+ CRM_Utils_Array::implodePadded($params[$fieldName]);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ _civicrm_api3_api_match_pseudoconstant_value($params[$fieldName], $options, $fieldName);
+ }
+ * Validate & swap a single option value for a field
+ *
+ * @param $value: field value
+ * @param $options: array of options for this field
+ * @param $fieldName: entity field name
+ */
+function _civicrm_api3_api_match_pseudoconstant_value(&$value, $options, $fieldName) {
+ // If option is a key, no need to translate
+ if (isset($options[$value])) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Generate error msg before overwriting the value
+ $errorMsg = "'$value' is not a valid option for field $fieldName";
+ // Case-insensitive matching
+ $value = strtolower($value);
+ $options = array_map("strtolower", $options);
+ $value = array_search($value, $options);
+ if ($value === FALSE) {
+ throw new Exception($errorMsg);
+ }
+ * Returns the canonical name of a field
+ * @param $entity: api entity
+ * @param $fieldName: any variation of a field's name (name, unique_name, api.alias)
+ *
+ * @return (string|bool) fieldName or FALSE if the field does not exist
+ */
+function _civicrm_api3_api_resolve_alias($entity, $fieldName) {
+ $result = civicrm_api($entity, 'getfields', array(
+ 'version' => 3,
+ 'action' => 'create',
+ ));
+ $meta = $result['values'];
+ if (isset($meta[$fieldName])) {
+ return $meta[$fieldName]['name'];
+ }
+ if ($fieldName == "{$entity}_id") {
+ return 'id';
+ }
+ foreach ($meta as $info) {
+ if ($fieldName == CRM_Utils_Array::value('uniqueName', $info)) {
+ return $info['name'];
+ }
+ if (array_search($fieldName, CRM_Utils_Array::value('api.aliases', $info, array())) !== FALSE) {
+ return $info['name'];
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;