default: $hdr_s .= $this->foldLine($header[$i], 78, str_pad('',4)); break;
$header = $hdr_s;
$header .= $rn; /* One blank line to separate header and body */
$raw_length += strlen($header);
while (strlen($line) > $length) {
$fold = false;
/* handle encoded parts */
- if (preg_match('/(=\?([^?]*)\?(Q|B)\?([^?]*)\?=)(.*)/Ui',$line,$regs)) {
+ if (preg_match('/(=\?([^?]*)\?(Q|B)\?([^?]*)\?=)(\s+|.*)/Ui',$line,$regs)) {
$fold_tmp = $regs[1];
+ if (!trim($regs[5])) {
+ $fold_tmp .= $regs[5];
+ }
$iPosEnc = strpos($line,$fold_tmp);
$iLengthEnc = strlen($fold_tmp);
$iPosEncEnd = $iPosEnc+$iLengthEnc;
if ($iPosEnc < $length && (($iPosEncEnd) > $length)) {
$fold = true;
/* fold just before the start of the encoded string */
- $aFoldLine[] = substr($line,0,$iPosEnc);
+ if ($iPosEnc) {
+ $aFoldLine[] = substr($line,0,$iPosEnc);
+ }
$line = substr($line,$iPosEnc);
if (!$bFirstFold) {
$bFirstFold = true;
$sLineRem = substr($line,$iPosEncEnd,$length - $iPosEncEnd);
if (preg_match('/^(=\?([^?]*)\?(Q|B)\?([^?]*)\?=)(.*)/Ui',$sLineRem) || !preg_match('/[=,;\s]/',$sLineRem)) {
/*impossible to fold clean in the next part -> fold after the enc string */
- $aFoldLine[] = substr($line,0,$iPosEncEnd+1);
- $line = substr($line,$iPosEncEnd+1);
+ $aFoldLine[] = substr($line,0,$iPosEncEnd);
+ $line = substr($line,$iPosEncEnd);
$fold = true;
if (!$bFirstFold) {
$bFirstFold = true;
$line = implode($fold_string,$aFoldLine);
return $line."\r\n";