import random
import itertools
from functools import wraps
-from termcolor import *
from pyfiglet import figlet_format
-def color_code(code):
- def inner(text, bold=False):
+def basic_color(code):
+ """
+ 16 colors supported
+ """
+ def inner(text, bold=True):
c = code
if bold:
c = "1;%s" % c
return "\033[%sm%s\033[0m" % (c, text)
return inner
-default = color_code('39')
-black = color_code('30')
-red = color_code('31')
-green = color_code('32')
-yellow = color_code('33')
-blue = color_code('34')
-magenta = color_code('35')
-cyan = color_code('36')
-grey = color_code('90')
-light_red = color_code('91')
-light_green = color_code('92')
-light_yellow = color_code('93')
-light_blue = color_code('94')
-light_magenta = color_code('95')
-light_cyan = color_code('96')
-white = color_code('97')
-on_default = color_code('49')
-on_black = color_code('40')
-on_red = color_code('41')
-on_green = color_code('42')
-on_yellow = color_code('43')
-on_blue = color_code('44')
-on_magenta = color_code('45')
-on_cyan = color_code('46')
-on_grey = color_code('100')
-on_light_red = color_code('101')
-on_light_green = color_code('102')
-on_light_yellow = color_code('103')
-on_light_blue = color_code('104')
-on_light_magenta = color_code('105')
-on_light_cyan = color_code('106')
-on_white = color_code('107')
+def RGB(code):
+ """
+ 256 colors supported
+ """
+ def inner(text, bold=True):
+ c = code
+ if bold:
+ c = "1;%s" % c
+ return "\033[38;5;%sm%s\033[0m" % (c, text)
+ return inner
+default = basic_color('39')
+black = basic_color('30')
+red = basic_color('31')
+green = basic_color('32')
+yellow = basic_color('33')
+blue = basic_color('34')
+magenta = basic_color('35')
+cyan = basic_color('36')
+grey = basic_color('90')
+light_red = basic_color('91')
+light_green = basic_color('92')
+light_yellow = basic_color('93')
+light_blue = basic_color('94')
+light_magenta = basic_color('95')
+light_cyan = basic_color('96')
+white = basic_color('97')
+on_default = basic_color('49')
+on_black = basic_color('40')
+on_red = basic_color('41')
+on_green = basic_color('42')
+on_yellow = basic_color('43')
+on_blue = basic_color('44')
+on_magenta = basic_color('45')
+on_cyan = basic_color('46')
+on_grey = basic_color('100')
+on_light_red = basic_color('101')
+on_light_green = basic_color('102')
+on_light_yellow = basic_color('103')
+on_light_blue = basic_color('104')
+on_light_magenta = basic_color('105')
+on_light_cyan = basic_color('106')
+on_white = basic_color('107')
colors_shuffle = [
+from .colors import *
# 'search': max search record
# 'home': default number of home's tweets
-# Color name can be 'grey', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', or 'white'
+# Following 16 basic colors is supported:
+# default
+# black
+# red
+# green
+# yellow
+# blue
+# magenta
+# cyan
+# grey
+# light_red
+# light_green
+# light_yellow
+# light_blue
+# light_magenta
+# light_cyan
+# white
+TWEET = {
+ 'nick' : grey,
+ 'clock' : grey,
+ 'id' : grey,
+ 'favourite' : light_green,
+ 'rt' : grey,
+ 'link' : light_cyan,
+ 'keyword' : on_light_yellow,
+ 'sender' : grey,
+ 'recipient' : grey,
+ 'to' : light_magenta,
+ 'clock' : grey,
+ 'id' : grey,
+ 'statuses_count' : light_green,
+ 'friends_count' : light_green,
+ 'followers_count' : light_green,
+ 'nick' : grey,
+ 'profile_image_url' : light_cyan,
+ 'description' : light_yellow,
+ 'location' : light_magenta,
+ 'url' : light_cyan,
+ 'clock' : white,
+TREND = {
+ 'url': light_cyan
\ No newline at end of file
rid = res[0].rainbow_id
# Format info
- user = cycle_color(name) + grey(' ' + screen_name + ' ')
- meta = grey('[' + clock + '] [id=' + str(rid) + '] ')
+ user = cycle_color(name) + TWEET['nick'](' ' + screen_name + ' ')
+ meta = TWEET['clock']('[' + clock + '] ') + TWEET['id']('[id=' + str(rid) + '] ')
if favorited:
- meta = meta + light_green(u'\u2605')
+ meta = meta + TWEET['favorite'](u'\u2605')
tweet = text.split()
# Replace url
if expanded_url:
lambda x: expanded_url[index] if x == url[index] else x,
# Highlight RT
- tweet = map(lambda x: grey(x) if x == 'RT' else x, tweet)
+ tweet = map(lambda x: TWEET['rt'](x) if x == 'RT' else x, tweet)
# Highlight screen_name
tweet = map(lambda x: cycle_color(x) if x[0] == '@' else x, tweet)
# Highlight link
- tweet = map(lambda x: light_cyan(x) if x[0:4] == 'http' else x, tweet)
+ tweet = map(lambda x: TWEET['link'](x) if x[0:4] == 'http' else x, tweet)
# Highlight search keyword
if keyword:
tweet = map(
- lambda x: on_light_yellow(x) if
+ lambda x: TWEET['keyword'](x) if
''.join(c for c in x if c.isalnum()).lower() == keyword.lower()
else x,
res = db.message_to_rainbow_query(mid)
rid = res[0].rainbow_id
- sender = cycle_color(sender_name) + grey(' ' + sender_screen_name + ' ')
+ # Draw
+ sender = cycle_color(sender_name) + MESSAGE['sender'](' ' + sender_screen_name + ' ')
recipient = cycle_color(
- recipient_name) + grey(' ' + recipient_screen_name + ' ')
- user = sender + light_magenta(' >>> ') + recipient
- meta = grey('[' + clock + '] [message_id=' + str(rid) + '] ')
+ recipient_name) + MESSAGE['recipient'](' ' + recipient_screen_name + ' ')
+ user = sender + MESSAGE['to'](' >>> ') + recipient
+ meta = MESSAGE['clock']('[' + clock + ']' + MESSAGE['id'](' [message_id=' + str(rid) + '] ')
text = ''.join(map(lambda x: x + ' ' if x == '\n' else x, text))
line1 = u"{u:>{uw}}:".format(
statuses_count = u['statuses_count']
friends_count = u['friends_count']
followers_count = u['followers_count']
# Create content
- statuses_count = light_green(str(statuses_count) + ' tweets')
- friends_count = light_green(str(friends_count) + ' following')
- followers_count = light_green(str(followers_count) + ' followers')
+ statuses_count = PROFILE['statuses_count'](str(statuses_count) + ' tweets')
+ friends_count = PROFILE['friends_count'](str(friends_count) + ' following')
+ followers_count = PROFILE['followers_count'](str(followers_count) + ' followers')
count = statuses_count + ' ' + friends_count + ' ' + followers_count
- user = cycle_color(name) + grey(' @' + screen_name + ' : ') + count
- profile_image_raw_url = 'Profile photo: ' + light_cyan(profile_image_url)
+ user = cycle_color(name) + PROFILE['nick'](' @' + screen_name + ' : ') + count
+ profile_image_raw_url = 'Profile photo: ' + PROFILE['profile_image_url'](profile_image_url)
description = ''.join(
map(lambda x: x + ' ' * 4 if x == '\n' else x, description))
- description = light_yellow(description)
- location = 'Location : ' + light_magenta(location)
- url = 'URL : ' + (light_cyan(url) if url else '')
+ description = PROFILE['description'](description)
+ location = 'Location : ' + PROFILE['location'](location)
+ url = 'URL : ' + (PROFILE['url'](url) if url else '')
date = parser.parse(created_at)
date = date - datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.timezone)
clock = date.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
- clock = 'Join at ' + white(clock)
+ clock = 'Join at ' + PROFILE['clock'](clock)
# Format
line1 = u"{u:>{uw}}".format(
cw=len(clock) + 4,
# Display
for topic in trends[:TREND_MAX]:
name = topic['name']
url = topic['url']
- line = cycle_color(name) + ': ' + light_cyan(url)
+ line = cycle_color(name) + ': ' + TREND['url'](url)
date = ' '.join([cycle_color(i) for i in date.split(' ')])
today = str(int(os.popen('date +\'%d\'').read().strip()))
# Display
- print month
- print date
+ printNicely(month)
+ printNicely(date)
for line in rel:
ary = line.split(' ')
ary = map(lambda x: on_grey(x) if x == today else grey(x), ary)
- print ' '.join(ary)
+ printNicely(' '.join(ary))
def help():
printNicely(magenta('Need tips ? Type "h" and hit Enter key!'))
g['reset'] = False
- print eval(g['cmd'])
+ printNicely(eval(g['cmd']))
- "termcolor",