+++ /dev/null
-In addition to this document, please check out the SquirrelMail
-development FAQ for more information. Also, help writing plugins
-is easily obtained by posting to the squirrelmail-plugins mailing
-list. (See details about mailing lists on the website)
-FAQ -> http://www.squirrelmail.org/wiki/DeveloperFAQ
-Plugin Development ->
- http://www.squirrelmail.org/wiki/DevelopingPlugins
-The plugin architecture of SquirrelMail is designed to make it possible
-to add new features without having to patch SquirrelMail itself.
-Functionality like password changing, displaying ads and calendars should
-be possible to add as plugins.
-The Idea
-The idea is to be able to run random code at given places in the
-SquirrelMail code. This random code should then be able to do whatever
-needed to enhance the functionality of SquirrelMail. The places where
-code can be executed are called "hooks".
-There are some limitations in what these hooks can do. It is difficult
-to use them to change the layout and to change functionality that
-already is in SquirrelMail.
-Some way for the plugins to interact with the help subsystem and
-translations will be provided.
-The Implementation
-The plugin jumping off point in the main SquirrelMail code is in the
-file functions/plugin.php. In places where hooks are made available,
-they are executed by calling the function do_hook('hookname'). The
-do_hook function then traverses the array
-$squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['hookname'] and executes all the functions
-that are named in that array. Those functions are placed there when
-plugins register themselves with SquirrelMail as discussed below. A
-plugin may add its own internal functions to this array under any
-hook name provided by the SquirrelMail developers.
-A plugin must reside in a subdirectory in the plugins/ directory. The
-name of the subdirectory is considered to be the name of the plugin.
-(The plugin will not function correctly if this is not the case.)
-To start using a plugin, its name must be added to the $plugins array
-in config.php like this:
- $plugins[0] = 'plugin_name';
-When a plugin is registered, the file plugins/plugin_name/setup.php is
-included and the function squirrelmail_plugin_init_plugin_name() is
-called with no parameters. That function is where the plugin may
-register itself against any hooks it wishes to take advantage of.
-All plugins must contain a file called setup.php and must include a
-function called squirrelmail_plugin_init_plugin_name() therein. Since
-including numerous plugins can slow SquirrelMail performance
-considerably, the setup.php file should contain little else. Any
-functions that are registered against plugin hooks should do little
-more than call another function in a different file.
-Any other files used by the plugin should also be placed in the
-plugin directory (or subdirectory thereof) and should contain the
-bulk of the plugin logic.
-The function squirrelmail_plugin_init_plugin_name() is called to
-initalize a plugin. This function could look something like this (if
-the plugin was named "demo" and resided in the directory plugins/demo/):
-function squirrelmail_plugin_init_demo ()
- global $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks;
- $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['generic_header']['demo'] = 'plugin_demo_header';
- $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['menuline']['demo'] = 'plugin_demo_menuline';
-Please note that as of SquirrelMail 1.5.0, this function will no longer
-be called at run time and will instead be called only once at configure-
-time. Thus, the inclusion of any dynamic code (anything except hook
-registration) here is strongly discouraged.
-In this example, the "demo" plugin should also have two other functions
-in its setup.php file called plugin_demo_header() and plugin_demo_menuline().
-The first of these might look something like this:
-function plugin_demo_header()
- include_once(SM_PATH . 'plugins/demo/functions.php');
- plugin_demo_header_do();
-The function called plugin_demo_header_do() would be in the file called
-functions.php in the demo plugin directory and would contain the plugin's
-core logic for the "generic_header" hook.
-Including Other Files
-A plugin may need to reference functionality provided in other
-files, and therefore need to include those files. Most of the
-core SquirrelMail functions are already available to your plugin
-unless it has any files that are requested directly by the client
-browser (custom options page, etc.). In this case, you'll need
-to make sure you include the files you need (see below).
-Note that as of SquirrelMail 1.4.0, all files are accessed using a
-constant called SM_PATH that always contains the relative path to
-the main SquirrelMail directory. This constant is always available
-for you to use when including other files from the SquirrelMail core,
-your own plugin, or other plugins, should the need arise. If any of
-your plugin files are requested directly from the client browser,
-you will need to include the SquirrelMail initialization file which is present
-since SquirrelMail 1.5.2.
-The SquirrelMail initialization file which is located in include/init.php does
-take care of setting up the session, defining the constants like SM_PATH and
-it take care of including a minimum set of required files.
-The files which are included depends on which file the hook operates on.
-For all hook locations the following files are included:
- require(SM_PATH . 'functions/global.php');
- require(SM_PATH . 'config/config.php');
- require(SM_PATH . 'functions/plugin.php');
- require(SM_PATH . 'include/constants.php');
- require(SM_PATH . 'include/languages.php');
- require(SM_PATH . 'functions/display_messages.php' );
- require(SM_PATH . 'functions/page_header.php');
- require(SM_PATH . 'functions/html.php');
-Except login.php also the following files are included:
- require(SM_PATH . 'functions/prefs.php');
- require(SM_PATH . 'functions/db_prefs.php');
- require(SM_PATH . 'functions/file_prefs.php');
-(dependent of the configured preference backend)
-For all files except login.php and redirect.php also the following files are
- require(SM_PATH . 'functions/strings.php');
- require(SM_PATH . 'functions/auth.php');
-Because the use of "require" in include/init.php your plugin will fail if it
-tries to include the file in the plugin as well.
-Be aware of that.
-To include the init.php file add the following in your plugin:
- /**
- * Include the SquirrelMail initialization file.
- */
- require('../../include/init.php');
-Other files then the files mentioned above can be included by your plugin
-like this:
- include_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/imap_general.php');
-When including files, please make sure to use the include_once() function
-and NOT include(), require() because they can cause fatal errors when other
-plugins or SquirrelMail files include the same file.
-If you use require_once() instead of include_once() then if something cause
-wrong with the include then php will raise a fatal error. That's the reason
-plugins MUST use include_once() instead of require_once().
-The files that you may need to include in a plugin will vary greatly
-depending upon what the plugin is designed to do. For files that are
-requested directly by the client browser, you MUST includey the file
- include/init.php
-, since it will set up the SquirrelMail environment automatically.
-It will ensure the the user has been authenticated and is currently logged in,
-load all user preferences, include internationalization support,
-call stripslashes() on all incoming data (if magic_quotes_gpc is on), and
-initialize and include all other basic SquirrelMail resources and functions.
-You may see other plugins that directly include other SquirrelMail files, but
-that is no longer necessary and is a hold-over from older SquirrelMail
-List of files, that are included by include/validate.php (If SquirrelMail
-version is not listed, files are included from v.1.3.2.). This table is
-specific to SquirrelMail 1.3.2 - 1.5.1. Script layout was changed in 1.5.2.
- 1. class/mime.class.php
- 1.1. class/mime/Rfc822Header.class.php
- 1.2. class/mime/MessageHeader.class.php
- 1.3. class/mime/AddressStructure.class.php
- 1.4. class/mime/Message.class.php
- 1.5. class/mime/SMimeMessage.class.php
- 1.6. class/mime/Disposition.class.php
- 1.7. class/mime/Language.class.php
- 1.8. class/mime/ContentType.class.php
- 2. functions/global.php
- * fixes differences between php 4.0.x and 4.1+ globals (only in 1.4.x).
- * undoes magic_quotes_gpc=on sanitizing
- * sets $PHP_SELF (since 1.5.1)
- * starts session
- 3. functions/strings.php
- 3.1. functions/global.php
- 3.2. plugins/compatibility/functions.php (compatibility v.2.0.4+, requires
- code patching)
- * sets squirrelmail version variable and constant.
- * sets $PHP_SELF (before 1.5.1)
- 4. config/config.php
- 4.1. config/config_local.php (from 1.4.0rc1)
- 5. functions/i18n.php
- 5.1. functions/global.php (from 1.4.0)
- * reads 'squirrelmail_language' cookie
- * loads $languages (since 1.5.1 $languages array is built from
- locale/*/setup.php files)
- * loads own gettext functions, if php gettext is unavailable
- 6. functions/auth.php
- 7. include/load_prefs.php
- 7.1. include/validate.php
- 7.2. functions/prefs.php
- 7.2.1. functions/global.php (sqgetGlobalVar() function)
- 7.2.2. functions/plugin.php (do_hook_function() function,,
- since 1.4.4 and 1.5.1, see 7.3)
- 7.2.3. $prefs_backend (only in 1.4.3 and 1.5.0)
- do_hook_function('prefs_backend') (since 1.4.4 and 1.5.1)
- functions/db_prefs.php
- functions/file_prefs.php
- functions/display_messages.php
- (loaded only by file_prefs.php)
- files loaded by plugin that uses 'prefs_backend' hook
- 7.3. functions/plugin.php
- 7.3.1. functions/global.php (from 1.4.0 and 1.5.0)
- 7.3.2. functions/prefs.php (from 1.5.1)
- 7.3.3. plugins/*/setup.php files for enabled plugins.
- * starts all squirrelmail_plugin_init_pluginname functions
- 7.4. functions/constants.php
- 7.5. do_hook('loading_prefs')
- 7.5.1. files loaded by plugins that use 'loading_prefs' hook
- 8. functions/page_header.php
- 8.1. functions/strings.php
- 8.2. functions/html.php
- 8.3. functions/imap_mailbox.php
- 8.3.1. functions/imap_utf7_local.php
- 8.4. functions/global.php
- 9. functions/prefs.php (already loaded. see 7.2)
-In SquirrelMail 1.4.7+ and 1.5.1 functions/global.php file must be loaded before
-setting any own global variables. If variables are set before loading
-functions/global.php library, they can be corrupted in PHP register_globals=On
-Hook Types: Parameters and Return Values
-Hooks, when executed, are called with differing parameters and may or may
-not take return values, all depending on the type of hook being called and
-the context in which it is being used. On the source side (where the hook
-call originates), all hooks have at least one parameter, which is the
-name of the hook. After that, things get complicated.
- do_hook
- -------
- Most hook calls don't pass any data and don't ask for anything back.
- These always use the do_hook call. A limited number of do_hook calls do
- pass some extra parameters, in which case your plugin may modify the
- given data if you do so by reference. It is not necessary to return
- anything from your function in such a case; modifying the parameter
- data by reference is what does the job (although the hook call itself
- (in the source) must grab the return value for this to work). Note
- that in this case, the parameter to your hook function will be an array,
- the first element simply being the hook name, followed by any other
- parameters that may have been included in the actual hook call in the
- source. Modify parameters with care!
- do_hook_function
- ----------------
- This hook type was intended to be the main hook type used when the
- source needs to get something back from your plugin. It is somewhat
- limited in that it will only use the value returned from the LAST
- plugin registered against the hook. The source for this hook might
- use the return value for internal purposes, or might expect you to
- provide text or HTML to be sent to the client browser (you'll have to
- look at its use in context to understand how you should return values
- here). The parameters that your hook function gets will be anything
- you see AFTER the hook name in the actual hook call in the source.
- These cannot be changed in the same way that the do_hook parameters
- can be.
- concat_hook_function
- --------------------
- This is a newer hook type meant to address the shortcomings of
- do_hook_function; specifically in that it uses the return values of
- all plugins registered against the hook. In order to do so, the
- return value is assumed to be a string, which is just piled on top
- of whatever it got from the other plugins working on the same hook.
- Again, you'll have to inspect the source code to see how such data
- is put to use, but most of the time, it is used to create a string
- of HTML to be inserted into the output page. The parameters that
- your hook function will get are the same as for the do_hook_function;
- they are anything AFTER the hook name in the actual hook call in the
- source.
- boolean_hook_function
- ---------------------
- The newest of the SquirrelMail hooks, this type is used to let all
- plugins registered against the hook to "vote" for some action. What
- that action is is entirely dependent on how the hook is used in the
- source (look for yourself). Plugins make their "vote" by returning
- TRUE or FALSE. This hook may be configured to "tally votes" in one
- of three ways. This configuration is done with the third parameter
- in the hook call in the source:
- > 0 -- Any one or more TRUEs will override any FALSEs
- < 0 -- Any one or more FALSEs will override any TRUEs
- = 0 -- Majority wins. Ties are broken in this case with
- the last parameter in the hook call in the source.
- Your hook function will get the second paramter in the hook call in
- the source as its parameter (this might be an array if multiple values
- need to be passed).
-See below for further discussion of special hook types and the values
-List of Hooks
-This is a list of all hooks currently available in SquirrelMail, ordered
-by file. Note that this list is accurate as of June 17, 2003 (should be
-close to what is contained in release 1.4.1, plus or minus a hook or two),
-but may be out of date soon thereafter. You never know. ;-)
- Hook Name Found In Called With(#)
- --------- -------- --------------
- abook_init functions/addressbook.php do_hook
- abook_add_class functions/addressbook.php do_hook
- loading_constants functions/constants.php do_hook
- logout_error functions/display_messages.php do_hook
- error_box functions/display_messages.php concat_hook
- get_pref_override functions/file_prefs.php hook_func
- get_pref functions/file_prefs.php hook_func
-& options_identities_process functions/identity.php do_hook
-&% options_identities_renumber functions/identity.php do_hook
- special_mailbox functions/imap_mailbox.php hook_func
-% rename_or_delete_folder functions/imap_mailbox.php hook_func
- folder_status (since 1.5.1) functions/imap_mailbox.php hook_func
- functions/imap_general.php hook_func
- mailbox_index_before functions/mailbox_display.php do_hook
- mailbox_form_before functions/mailbox_display.php do_hook
- mailbox_index_after functions/mailbox_display.php do_hook
- check_handleAsSent_result functions/mailbox_display.php do_hook
- subject_link functions/mailbox_display.php concat_hook
- mailbox_display_buttons functions/mailbox_display.php do_hook
- mailbox_display_button_action functions/mailbox_display.php hook_func
- message_body functions/mime.php do_hook
-^ attachment $type0/$type1 functions/mime.php do_hook
- attachments_bottom functions/mime.php hook_func
- decode_body functions/mime.php hook_func
- generic_header functions/page_header.php do_hook
- menuline functions/page_header.php do_hook
- prefs_backend functions/prefs.php hook_func
- loading_prefs include/load_prefs.php do_hook
- addrbook_html_search_below src/addrbook_search_html.php do_hook
- addressbook_bottom src/addressbook.php do_hook
-! compose_form src/compose.php do_hook
- compose_bottom src/compose.php do_hook
- compose_button_row src/compose.php do_hook
- compose_send src/compose.php do_hook
- compose_send_after src/compose.php do_hook
- configtest (since 1.5.2) src/configtest.php boolean_hook
- folders_bottom src/folders.php do_hook
- help_top src/help.php do_hook
- help_chapter src/help.php do_hook
- help_bottom src/help.php do_hook
- left_main_after_each_folder src/left_main.php concat_hook
- left_main_before src/left_main.php do_hook
- left_main_after src/left_main.php do_hook
- login_cookie src/login.php do_hook
- login_top src/login.php do_hook
- login_form src/login.php concat_hook
- (was do_hook before 1.5.1)
- login_bottom src/login.php do_hook
-* optpage_set_loadinfo src/options.php do_hook
-* optpage_loadhook_personal src/options.php do_hook
-* optpage_loadhook_display src/options.php do_hook
-* optpage_loadhook_highlight src/options.php do_hook
-* optpage_loadhook_folder src/options.php do_hook
-* optpage_loadhook_order src/options.php do_hook
-* options_personal_save src/options.php do_hook
-* options_display_save src/options.php do_hook
-* options_folder_save src/options.php do_hook
-* options_save src/options.php do_hook
-* optpage_register_block src/options.php do_hook
-* options_link_and_description src/options.php do_hook
-* options_personal_inside src/options.php do_hook
-* options_display_inside src/options.php do_hook
-* options_highlight_inside src/options.php do_hook
-* options_folder_inside src/options.php do_hook
-* options_order_inside src/options.php do_hook
-* options_personal_bottom src/options.php do_hook
-* options_display_bottom src/options.php do_hook
-* options_highlight_bottom src/options.php do_hook
-* options_folder_bottom src/options.php do_hook
-* options_order_bottom src/options.php do_hook
-* options_highlight_bottom src/options_highlight.php do_hook
-& options_identities_top src/options_identities.php do_hook
-& options_identities_table src/options_identities.php concat_hook
-& options_identities_buttons src/options_identities.php concat_hook
- message_body src/printer_friendly_bottom.php do_hook
- read_body_header src/read_body.php do_hook
- read_body_menu_top src/read_body.php hook_func
- read_body_menu_bottom src/read_body.php do_hook
- read_body_header_right src/read_body.php do_hook
- read_body_top src/read_body.php do_hook
- read_body_bottom src/read_body.php do_hook
- login_before src/redirect.php do_hook
- login_verified src/redirect.php do_hook
- right_main_after_header src/right_main.php do_hook
- right_main_bottom src/right_main.php do_hook
- search_before_form src/search.php do_hook
- search_after_form src/search.php do_hook
- search_bottom src/search.php do_hook
- logout src/signout.php do_hook
- message_body (since 1.5.2) src/view_html.php do_hook
- message_body (since 1.5.2) src/view_text.php do_hook
- webmail_top src/webmail.php do_hook
- webmail_bottom src/webmail.php concat_hook
- logout_above_text src/signout.php concat_hook
-O info_bottom plugins/info/options.php do_hook
-% = This hook is used in multiple places in the given file
-# = Called with hook type (see below)
-& = Special identity hooks (see below)
-^ = Special attachments hook (see below)
-* = Special options hooks (see below)
-O = Optional hook provided by a particular plugin
-! = See below for notes about working with the compose page's <form> tag
-(#) Called With
-Each hook is called using the hook type specified in the list above:
- do_hook do_hook()
- hook_func do_hook_function()
- concat_hook concat_hook_function()
-(!) Compose Form
-The compose_form hook allows plugins to insert their own code into
-the form tag for the main message composition HTML form. Usually
-plugins will want to insert some kind of code in an onsubmit event
-handler. In order to allow more than one plugin to do so, all plugins
-using this hook to add some onsubmit code need to add that code (without
-the enclosing attribute name and quotes) as a new array entry to the
-global $compose_onsubmit array. The code should use "return false"
-if the plugin has found a reason to stop form submission, otherwise,
-it should DO NOTHING (that is, please do not use "return true", as that
-will prevent other plugins from using the onsubmit handler). SquirrelMail
-itself will insert a final "return true". All onsubmit code will be
-enclosed in double quotes by SquirrelMail, so plugins need to quote
-accordingly if needed. For example:
- global $compose_onsubmit;
- $compose_onsubmit[] = ' if (somevar == \'no\') return false; ';
-Note the escaped single quotes. If you use double quotes, they would have
-to be escaped as such:
- global $compose_onsubmit;
- $compose_onsubmit[] = ' if (somevar == \'no\') { alert(\\"Sorry\\"); return false; }';
-Any other form tag additions by a plugin (beside onsubmit event code) can
-currently be echoed directly to the browser.
-(&) Identity Hooks
-This set of hooks is passed special information in the array of arguments:
- This hook is called at the top of the Identities page, which is
- most useful when the user has changed any identity settings - this
- is where you'll want to save any custom information you are keeping
- for each identity or catch any custom submit buttons that you may
- have added to the identities page. The arguments to this hook are:
- (SquirrelMail 1.4.4 or older and 1.5.0)
- [0] = hook name (always "options_identities_process")
- [1] = should I run the SaveUpdateFunction() (alterable)
- Obviously, set the second array element to 1/true if you want to
- trigger SaveUpdateFunction() after the hook is finished - by default,
- it will not be called.
- (SquirrelMail 1.4.6+ or 1.5.1+)
- [0] = hook name (always "options_identities_process")
- [1] = action (hook is used only in 'update' action and any custom
- action added to form with option_identities_table and
- option_identities_buttons hooks)
- [2] = processed identity number
- Hook is not available in SquirrelMail 1.4.5.
- This hook is called when one of the identities is being renumbered,
- such as if the user had three identities and deletes the second -
- this hook would be called with an array that looks like this:
- ('options_identities_renumber', 2, 1). The arguments to this hook
- are:
- [0] = hook name (always "options_identities_renumber")
- [1] = being renumbered from ('default' or 1 through (# idents) - 1)
- [2] = being renumbered to ('default' or 1 through (# idents) - 1)
- Hook is not available in SquirrelMail 1.4.5. Renumbering order differs
- in 1.4.5+ and 1.5.1+.
- This hook allows you to insert additional rows into the table that
- holds each identity. The arguments to this hook are:
- [0] = additional html attributes applied to table row.
- use it like this in your plugin:
- <tr "<?php echo $args[0]; ?>">
- [1] = is this an empty section (the one at the end of the list)?
- [2] = what is the 'post' value? (ident # or empty string if default)
- You need to return any HTML you would like to add to the table.
- You could add a table row with code similar to this:
- function demo_identities_table(&$args)
- {
- return '<tr bgcolor="' . $args[0] . '"><td> </td><td>'
- . 'YOUR CODE HERE' . '</td></tr>' . "\n";
- }
- First hook argument was modified in 1.4.5/1.5.1. In SquirrelMail 1.4.1-1.4.4
- and 1.5.0 argument contains only background color. You should use
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $args[0]; ?>"> in these SquirrelMail versions.
- This hook allows you to add a button (or other HTML) to the row of
- buttons under each identity. The arguments to this hook are:
- [0] = is this an empty section (the one at the end of the list)?
- [1] = what is the 'post' value? (ident # or empty string if default)
- You need to return any HTML you would like to add here. You could add
- a button with code similar to this:
- function demo_identities_button(&$args)
- {
- return '<input type="submit" name="demo_button_' . $args[1]
- . '" value="Press Me" />';
- }
- Input element should use 'smaction[action_name][identity_no]' value in
- 'name' attribute, if you want to process your button actions in
- SquirrelMail 1.4.6+ and 1.5.1+ options_identity_process hook.
-See sample implementation of identity hooks in SquirrelMail demo plugin.
- cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/squirrelmail \
- co plugins/demo
-(^) Attachment Hooks
-When a message has attachments, this hook is called with the MIME types. For
-instance, a .zip file hook is "attachment application/x-zip". The hook should
-probably show a link to do a specific action, such as "Verify" or "View" for a
-.zip file. Thus, to register your plugin for .zip attachments, you'd do this
-in setup.php (assuming your plugin is called "demo"):
- $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['attachment application/x-zip']['demo']
- = 'demo_handle_zip_attachment';
-This is a breakdown of the data passed in the array to the hook that is called:
- [0] = Hook's name ('attachment text/plain')
- [1] = Array of links of actions (see below) (alterable)
- [2] = Used for returning to mail message (startMessage)
- [3] = Used for finding message to display (id)
- [4] = Mailbox name, urlencode()'d (urlMailbox)
- [5] = Entity ID inside mail message (ent)
- [6] = Default URL to go to when filename is clicked on (alterable)
- [7] = Filename that is displayed for the attachment
- [8] = Sent if message was found from a search (where)
- [9] = Sent if message was found from a search (what)
-To set up links for actions, you assign them like this:
- $Args[1]['<plugin_name>']['href'] = 'URL to link to';
- $Args[1]['<plugin_name>']['text'] = _("What to display");
- $Args[1]['<plugin_name>']['extra'] = 'extra stuff, such as an <img ...> tag';
-Note: _("What to display") is explained in the section about
-You can leave the 'text' empty and put an image tag in 'extra' to show an
-image-only link for the attachment, or do the opposite (leave 'extra' empty)
-to display a text-only link.
-It's also possible to specify a hook as "attachment type0/*",
-for example "attachment text/*". This hook will be executed whenever there's
-no more specific rule available for that type.
-Putting all this together, the demo_handle_zip_attachment() function should
-look like this (note the argument being passed):
- function demo_handle_zip_attachment(&$Args)
- {
- include_once(SM_PATH . 'plugins/demo/functions.php');
- demo_handle_zip_attachment_do($Args);
- }
-And the demo_handle_zip_attachment_do() function in the
-plugins/demo/functions.php file would typically (but not necessarily)
-display a custom link:
- function demo_handle_zip_attachment_do(&$Args)
- {
- $Args[1]['demo']['href'] = SM_PATH . 'plugins/demo/zip_handler.php?'
- . 'passed_id=' . $Args[3] . '&mailbox=' . $Args[4]
- . '&passed_ent_id=' . $Args[5];
- $Args[1]['demo']['text'] = _("Show zip contents");
- }
-The file plugins/demo/zip_handler.php can now do whatever it needs with the
-attachment (note that this will hand information about how to retrieve the
-source message from the IMAP server as GET varibles).
-(*) Options
-Before you start adding user preferences to your plugin, please take a moment
-to think about it: in some cases, more options may not be a good thing.
-Having too many options can be confusing. Thinking from the user's
-perspective, will the proposed options actually be used? Will users
-understand what these options are for?
-There are two ways to add options for your plugin. When you only have a few
-options that don't merit an entirely new preferences page, you can incorporate
-them into an existing section of SquirrelMail preferences (Personal
-Information, Display Preferences, Message Highlighting, Folder Preferences or
-Index Order). Or, if you have an extensive number of settings or for some
-reason need a separate page for the user to interact with, you can create your
-own preferences page.
-Integrating Your Options Into Existing SquirrelMail Preferences Pages
-There are two ways to accomplish the integration of your plugin's settings
-into another preferences page. The first method is to add the HTML code
-for your options directly to the preferences page of your choice. Although
-currently very popular, this method will soon be deprecated, so avoid it
-if you can. That said, here is how it works. :) Look for any of the hooks
-named as "options_<pref page>_inside", where <pref page> is "display",
-"personal", etc. For this example, we'll use "options_display_inside" and,
-as above, "demo" as our plugin name:
- 1. In setup.php in the squirrelmail_plugin_init_demo() function:
- $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['options_display_inside']['demo']
- = 'demo_show_options';
- Note that there are also hooks such as "options_display_bottom",
- however, they place your options at the bottom of the preferences
- page, which is usually not desirable (mostly because they also
- come AFTER the HTML FORM tag is already closed). It is possible
- to use these hooks if you want to create your own FORM with custom
- submission logic.
- 2. Assuming the function demo_show_options() calls another function
- elsewhere called demo_show_options_do(), that function should have
- output similar to this (note that you will be inserting code into
- a table that is already defined with two columns, so please be sure
- to keep this framework in your plugin):
- ------cut here-------
- <tr>
- <td>
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
- ------cut here-------
- Of course, you can place any text where OPTION_NAME is and any input
- tags where OPTION_INPUT is.
- 3. You will want to use the "options_<pref page>_save" hook (in this case,
- "options_display_save") to save the user's settings after they have
- pressed the "Submit" button. Again, back in setup.php in the
- squirrelmail_plugin_init_demo() function:
- $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['options_display_save']['demo']
- = 'demo_save_options';
- 4. Assuming the function demo_save_options() calls another function
- elsewhere called demo_save_options_do(), that function should put
- the user's settings into permanent storage (see the preferences
- section below for more information). This example assumes that
- in the preferences page, the INPUT tag's NAME attribute was set
- to "demo_option":
- global $data_dir, $username;
- sqgetGlobalVar('demo_option', $demo_option);
- setPref($data_dir, $username, 'demo_option', $demo_option);
-The second way to add options to one of the SquirrelMail preferences page is
-to use one of the "optpage_loadhook_<pref page>" hooks. The sent_subfolders
-plugin has an excellent example of this method. Briefly, this way of adding
-options consists of adding some plugin-specific information to a predefined
-data structure which SquirrelMail then uses to build the HTML input forms
-for you. This is the preferred method of building options lists going forward.
- 1. We'll use the "optpage_loadhook_display" hook to add a new group of
- options to the display preferences page. In setup.php in the
- squirrelmail_plugin_init_demo() function:
- $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['optpage_loadhook_display']['demo']
- = 'demo_options';
- 2. Assuming the function demo_options() calls another function elsewhere
- called demo_options_do(), that function needs to add a new key to two
- arrays, $optpage_data['grps'] and $optpage_data['vals']. The value
- associated with that key should simply be a section heading for your
- plugin on the preferences page for the $optpage_data['grps'] array,
- and yet another array with all of your plugin's options for the
- $optpage_data['vals'] array. The options are built as arrays (yes,
- that's four levels of nested arrays) that specify attributes that are
- used by SquirrelMail to build your HTML input tags automatically.
- This example includes just one input element, a SELECT (drop-down)
- list:
- global $optpage_data;
- $optpage_data['grps']['DEMO_PLUGIN'] = 'Demo Options';
- $optionValues = array();
- $optionValues[] = array(
- 'name' => 'plugin_demo_favorite_color',
- 'caption' => 'Please Choose Your Favorite Color',
- 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_ALL,
- 'posvals' => array(0 => 'red',
- 1 => 'blue',
- 2 => 'green',
- 3 => 'orange'),
- 'save' => 'save_plugin_demo_favorite_color'
- );
- $optpage_data['vals']['DEMO_PLUGIN'] = $optionValues;
- The array that you use to specify each plugin option has the following
- possible attributes:
- name The name of this setting, which is used not only for
- the INPUT tag name, but also for the name of this
- setting in the user's preferences
- caption The text that prefaces this setting on the preferences
- page
- trailing_text Text that follows a text input or select list input on
- the preferences page (useful for indicating units,
- meanings of special values, etc.)
- type The type of INPUT element, which should be one of:
- SMOPT_TYPE_STRING String/text input
- SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST Select list input
- SMOPT_TYPE_TEXTAREA Text area input
- SMOPT_TYPE_INTEGER Integer input
- SMOPT_TYPE_FLOAT Floating point number input
- SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN Boolean (yes/no radio buttons)
- input
- SMOPT_TYPE_HIDDEN Hidden input (not actually
- shown on preferences page)
- SMOPT_TYPE_COMMENT Text is shown (specified by the
- 'comment' attribute), but no
- user input is needed
- SMOPT_TYPE_FLDRLIST Select list of IMAP folders
- refresh Indicates if a link should be shown to refresh part or
- all of the window (optional). Possible values are:
- SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE No refresh link is shown
- SMOPT_REFRESH_FOLDERLIST Link is shown to refresh
- only the folder list
- SMOPT_REFRESH_ALL Link is shown to refresh
- the entire window
- initial_value The value that should initially be placed in this
- INPUT element
- posvals For select lists, this should be an associative array,
- where each key is an actual input value and the
- corresponding value is what is displayed to the user
- for that list item in the drop-down list
- value Specify the default/preselected value for this option
- input
- save You may indicate that special functionality needs to be
- used instead of just saving this setting by giving the
- name of a function to call when this value would
- otherwise just be saved in the user's preferences
- size Specifies the size of certain input items (typically
- textual inputs). Possible values are:
- comment For SMOPT_TYPE_COMMENT type options, this is the text
- displayed to the user
- script This is where you may add any additional javascript
- or other code to the user input
- post_script You may specify some script (usually Javascript) that
- will be placed after (outside of) the INPUT tag.
- htmlencoded disables html sanitizing. WARNING - don't use it, if user
- input is possible in option or use own sanitizing functions.
- Currently works only with SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST.
- folder_filter Controls folder list limits in SMOPT_TYPE_FLDRLIST widget.
- See $flag argument in sqimap_mailbox_option_list()
- function. Available since 1.5.1.
- Note that you do not have to create a whole new section on the options
- page if you merely want to add a simple input item or two to an options
- section that already exists. For example, the Display Options page has
- these groups:
- 0 - General Display Options
- 1 - Mailbox Display Options
- 2 - Message Display and Composition
- To add our previous input drop-down to the Mailbox Display Options,
- we would not have to create our own group; just add it to group
- number one:
- global $optpage_data;
- $optpage_data['vals'][1][] = array(
- 'name' => 'plugin_demo_favorite_color',
- 'caption' => 'Please Choose Your Favorite Color',
- 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_ALL,
- 'posvals' => array(0 => 'red',
- 1 => 'blue',
- 2 => 'green',
- 3 => 'orange'),
- 'save' => 'save_plugin_demo_favorite_color'
- );
- 3. If you indicated a 'save' attribute for any of your options, you must
- create that function (you'll only need to do this if you need to do
- some special processing for one of your settings). The function gets
- one parameter, which is an object with mostly the same attributes you
- defined when you made the option above... the 'new_value' (and possibly
- 'value', which is the current value for this setting) is the most useful
- attribute in this context:
- function save_plugin_demo_favorite_color($option)
- {
- // if user chose orange, make note that they are really dumb
- if ($option->new_value == 3)
- {
- // more code here as needed
- }
- // don't even save this setting if user chose green (old
- // setting will remain)
- if ($option->new_value == 2)
- return;
- // for all other colors, save as normal
- save_option($option);
- }
-Creating Your Own Preferences Page
-It is also possible to create your own preferences page for a plugin. This
-is particularly useful when your plugin has numerous options or needs to
-offer special interaction with the user (for things such as changing password,
-etc.). Here is an outline of how to do so (again, using the "demo" plugin
- 1. Add a new listing to the main Options page. Older versions of
- SquirrelMail offered a hook called "options_link_and_description"
- although its use is deprecated (and it is harder to use in that
- it requires you to write your own HTML to add the option). Instead,
- you should always use the "optpage_register_block" hook where you
- create a simple array that lets SquirrelMail build the HTML
- to add the plugin options entry automatically. In setup.php in the
- squirrelmail_plugin_init_demo() function:
- $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['optpage_register_block']['demo']
- = 'demo_options_block';
- 2. Assuming the function demo_options_block() calls another function
- elsewhere called demo_options_block_do(), that function only needs
- to create a simple array and add it to the $optpage_blocks array:
- global $optpage_blocks;
- $optpage_blocks[] = array(
- 'name' => 'Favorite Color Settings',
- 'url' => SM_PATH . 'plugins/demo/options.php',
- 'desc' => 'Change your favorite color & find new exciting colors',
- 'js' => FALSE
- );
- The array should have four elements:
- name The title of the plugin's options as it will be displayed on
- the Options page
- url The URI that points to your plugin's custom preferences page
- desc A description of what the preferences page offers the user,
- displayed on the Options page below the title
- js Indicates if this option page requires the client browser
- to be Javascript-capable. Should be TRUE or FALSE.
- 3. There are two different ways to create the actual preferences page
- itself. One is to simply write all of your own HTML and other
- interactive functionality, while the other is to define some data
- structures that allow SquirrelMail to build your user inputs and save
- your data automatically.
- Building your own page is wide open, and for ideas, you should look at
- any of the plugins that currently have their own preferences pages. If
- you do this, make sure to read step number 4 below for information on
- saving settings. In order to maintain security, consistant look and
- feel, internationalization support and overall integrity, there are just
- a few things you should always do in this case: define the SM_PATH
- constant, include the file include/validate.php (see the section about
- including other files above) and make a call to place the standard page
- heading at the top of your preferences page. The top of your PHP file
- might look something like this:
- define('SM_PATH', '../../');
- include_once(SM_PATH . 'include/validate.php');
- global $color;
- displayPageHeader($color, 'None');
- From here you are on your own, although you are encouraged to do things
- such as use the $color array to keep your HTML correctly themed, etc.
- If you want SquirrelMail to build your preferences page for you,
- creating input forms and automatically saving users' settings, then
- you should change the 'url' attribute in the options block you created
- in step number 2 above to read as follows:
- 'url' => SM_PATH . 'src/options.php?optpage=plugin_demo',
- Now, you will need to use the "optpage_set_loadinfo" hook to tell
- SquirrelMail about your new preferences page. In setup.php in the
- squirrelmail_plugin_init_demo() function:
- $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['optpage_set_loadinfo']['demo']
- = 'demo_optpage_loadinfo';
- Assuming the function demo_optpage_loadinfo() calls another function
- elsewhere called demo_optpage_loadinfo_do(), that function needs to
- define values for four variables (make sure you test to see that it
- is your plugin that is being called by checking the GET variable you
- added to the url just above):
- global $optpage, $optpage_name, $optpage_file,
- $optpage_loader, $optpage_loadhook;
- if ($optpage == 'plugin_demo')
- {
- $optpage_name = "Favorite Color Preferences";
- $optpage_file = SM_PATH . 'plugins/demo/options.php';
- $optpage_loader = 'load_optpage_data_demo';
- $optpage_loadhook = 'optpage_loadhook_demo';
- }
- Now you are ready to build all of your options. In the file you
- indicated for the variable $optpage_file above, you'll need to create
- a function named the same as the value you used for $optpage_loader
- above. In this example, the file plugins/demo/options.php should
- have at least this function in it:
- function load_optpage_data_demo()
- {
- $optpage_data = array();
- $optpage_data['grps']['DEMO_PLUGIN'] = 'Demo Options';
- $optionValues = array();
- $optionValues[] = array(
- 'name' => 'plugin_demo_favorite_color',
- 'caption' => 'Please Choose Your Favorite Color',
- 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_ALL,
- 'posvals' => array(0 => 'red',
- 1 => 'blue',
- 2 => 'green',
- 3 => 'orange'),
- 'save' => 'save_plugin_demo_favorite_color'
- );
- $optpage_data['vals']['DEMO_PLUGIN'] = $optionValues;
- return $optpage_data;
- }
- For a detailed description of how you build these options, please read
- step number 2 for the second method of adding options to an existing
- preferences page above. Notice that the only difference here is in the
- very first and last lines of this function where you are actually
- creating and returning the options array instead of just adding onto it.
- That's all there is to it - SquirrelMail will create a preferences page
- titled as you indicated for $optpage_name above, and other plugins
- can even add extra options to this new preferences page. To do so,
- they should use the hook name you specified for $optpage_loadhook above
- and use the second method for adding option settings to existing
- preferences pages described above.
- 4. Saving your options settings: if you used the second method in step
- number 3 above, your settings will be saved automatically (or you can
- define special functions to save special settings such as the
- save_plugin_demo_favorite_color() function in the example described
- above) and there is probably no need to follow this step. If you
- created your own preferences page from scratch, you'll need to follow
- this step. First, you need to register your plugin against the
- "options_save" hook. In setup.php in the squirrelmail_plugin_init_demo()
- function:
- $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['options_save']['demo']
- = 'demo_save_options';
- Assuming the function demo_save_options() calls another function
- elsewhere called demo_save_options_do(), that function needs to grab
- all of your POST and/or GET settings values and save them in the user's
- preferences (for more about preferences, see that section below). Since
- this is a generic hook called for all custom preferences pages, you
- should always set "optpage" as a POST or GET variable with a string that
- uniquely identifies your plugin:
- <input type="hidden" name="optpage" value="plugin_demo" />
- Now in your demo_save_options_do() function, do something like this:
- global $username, $data_dir, $optpage, $favorite_color;
- if ($optpage == 'plugin_demo')
- {
- sqgetGlobalVar('favorite_color', $favorite_color, SQ_FORM);
- setPref($data_dir, $username, 'favorite_color', $favorite_color);
- }
- Note that $favorite_color may not need to be globalized, although
- experience has shown that some versions of PHP don't behave as expected
- unless you do so. Even when you use SquirrelMail's built-in preferences
- page generation functionality, you may still use this hook, although
- there should be no need to do so. If you need to do some complex
- validation routines, note that it might be better to do so in the file
- you specified as the "$optpage_file" (in our example, that was the
- plugins/demo/options.php file), since at this point, you can still
- redisplay your preferences page. You could put code similar to this
- in the plugins/demp/options.php file (note that there is no function;
- this code needs to be executed at include time):
- global $optmode;
- if ($optmode == 'submit')
- {
- // do something here such as validation, etc
- if (you want to redisplay your preferences page)
- $optmode = '';
- }
-Saving and retrieving user preferences is very easy in SquirrelMail.
-SquirrelMail supports preference storage in files or in a database
-backend, however, the code you need to write to manipulate preferences
-is the same in both cases.
-Setting preferences:
- Setting preferences is done for you if you use the built-in facilities
- for automatic options construction and presentation (see above). If
- you need to manually set preferences, however, all you need to do is:
- global $data_dir, $username;
- setPref($data_dir, $username, 'pref_name', $pref_value);
- Where "pref_name" is the key under which the value will be stored
- and "pref_value" is a variable that should contain the actual
- preference value to be stored.
-Loading preferences:
- There are two approaches to retrieving plugin (or any other) preferences.
- You can grab individual preferences one at a time or you can add your
- plugin's preferences to the routine that loads up user preferences at
- the beginning of each page request. If you do the latter, making sure
- to place your preference variables into the global scope, they will be
- immediately available in all other plugin code. To retrieve a single
- preference value at any time, do this:
- global $data_dir, $username;
- $pref_value = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'pref_name', 'default value');
- Where "pref_name" is the preference you are retrieving, "default_value"
- is what will be returned if the preference is not found for this user,
- and, of course, "pref_value" is the variable that will get the actual
- preference value.
- To have all your preferences loaded at once when each page request is
- made, you'll need to register a function against the "loading_prefs" hook.
- For our "demo" plugin, in setup.php in the squirrelmail_plugin_init_demo()
- function:
- $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['loading_prefs']['demo']
- = 'demo_load_prefs';
- Assuming the function demo_load_prefs() calls another function
- elsewhere called demo_load_prefs_do(), that function just needs to
- pull out any all all preferences you'll be needing elsewhere:
- global $data_dir, $username, $pref_value;
- $pref_value = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'pref_name', 'default value');
- Remember to globalize each preference, or this code is useless.
-Although this document may only be available in English, we sure hope that you
-are thinking about making your plugin useful to the thousands of non-English
-speaking SquirrelMail users out there! It is almost rude not to do so, and
-it isn't much trouble, either. This document will only describe how you can
-accomplish the internationalization of a plugin. For more general information
-about PHP and SquirrelMail translation facilities, see:
-The unofficial way to internationalize a plugin is to put all plugin output
-into the proper format but to rely on the SquirrelMail translation facilities
-for all the rest. If the plugin were really to get translated, you'd need
-to make sure that all output strings for your plugin are either added to or
-already exist in the main SquirrelMail locale files.
-The better way to make sure your plugin is translated is to create your own
-locale files and what is called a "gettext domain" (see the link above for
-more information).
-There are three basic steps to getting your plugins internationalized: put
-all output into the proper format, switch gettext domains and create locale
- 1. Putting plugin output into the correct format is quite easy. The hard
- part is making sure you catch every last echo statement. You need to
- echo text like this:
- echo _("Hello");
- So, even in the HTML segments of your plugin files, you need to do this:
- <input type="submit" value="<?php echo _("Submit"); ?>" />
- You can put any text you want inside of the quotes (you MUST use double
- quotes!), including HTML tags, etc. What you should think carefully
- about is that some languages may use different word ordering, so this
- might be problematic:
- echo _("I want to eat a ") . $fruitName . _(" before noon");
- Because some languages (Japanese, for instance) would need to translate
- such a sentence to "Before noon " . $fruitName . " I want to eat", but
- with the format above, they are stuck having to translate each piece
- separately. You might want to reword your original sentence:
- echo _("This is what I want to eat before noon: ") . $fruitName;
- Note:
- Support for single quotes in gettext was added somewhere along gettext
- 0.11.x (release dates 2002-01-31--08-06). This means that strings could
- be written as:
- echo _('Hello');
- However, gettext 0.10.40 is currently the oldest version available at the
- GNU site. It's still used in some Linux and BSD distributions/versions.
- Since it's still in common use and it doesn't support single quoted
- strings, double quoted strings are the preferred way when writing a
- plugin.
- 2. By default, the SquirrelMail gettext domain is always in use. That
- means that any text in the format described above will be translated
- using the locale files found in the main SquirrelMail locale directory.
- Unless your plugin produces no output or only output that is in fact
- translated under the default SquirrelMail domain, you need to create
- your own gettext domain. The PHP for doing so is very simple. At
- the top of any file that produces any output, place the following code
- (again, using "demo" as the plugin name):
- bindtextdomain('demo', SM_PATH . 'locale');
- textdomain('demo');
- Now all output will be translated using your own custom locale files.
- Please be sure to switch back to the SquirrelMail domain at the end
- of the file, or many of the other SquirrelMail files may misbehave:
- bindtextdomain('squirrelmail', SM_PATH . 'locale');
- textdomain('squirrelmail');
- Note that if, in the middle of your plugin file, you use any
- SquirrelMail functions that send output to the browser, you'll need
- to temporarily switch back to the SquirrelMail domain:
- bindtextdomain('squirrelmail', SM_PATH . 'locale');
- textdomain('squirrelmail');
- displayPageHeader($color, 'None');
- bindtextdomain('demo', SM_PATH . 'locale');
- textdomain('demo');
- Note that technically speaking, you only need to have one bindtextdomain
- call per file, you should always use it before every textdomain call,
- since PHP installations without gettext compiled into them will not
- function properly if you do not.
- 3. Finally, you just need to create your own locale. There is a directory
- structure like this in the locale directory:
- locale
- |
- ------de_DE
- | |
- | ------LC_MESSAGES
- |
- ------ja_JP
- |
- There is a directory such as de_DE for each language (de_DE is German,
- ja_JP is Japanese, etc.). Inside of each LC_MESSAGES directory you should
- place two files; one with your translations in it, called <plugin name>.po
- (in this case, "demo.po"), and one that is a compiled version of the ".po"
- file, called <plugin name>.mo (in this case, "demo.mo"). On most linux
- systems, there is a tool you can use to pull out most of the strings that
- you need to have translated from your PHP files into a sample .po file:
- xgettext --keyword=_ -d <plugin name> -s -C *.php
- --keyword option tells xgettext what your strings are enclosed in
- -d is the domain of your plugin which should be the plugin's name
- -s tells xgettext to sort the results and remove duplicate strings
- -C means you are translating a file with C/C++ type syntax (ie. PHP)
- *.php is all the files you want translations for
- Note, however, that this will not always pick up all strings, so you
- should double-check manually. Of course, it's easiest if you just keep
- track of all your strings as you are coding your plugin. Your .po file
- will now look something like:
- # Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- #
- #, fuzzy
- msgid ""
- msgstr ""
- "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2003-06-18 11:22-0600\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
- "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
- "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
- "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
- "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ENCODING\n"
- #: functions.php:45
- msgid "Hello"
- msgstr ""
- #: functions.php:87
- msgid "Favorite Color"
- msgstr ""
- You should change the header to look something more like:
- # Copyright (c) 1999-2006 The SquirrelMail Project Team
- # Roland Bauerschmidt <rb@debian.org>, 1999.
- # $Id$
- msgid ""
- msgstr ""
- "Project-Id-Version: plugin-name version\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2003-01-21 19:21+0100\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2003-01-21 21:01+0100\n"
- "Last-Translator: Juergen Edner <juergen.edner@epost.de>\n"
- "Language-Team: German <squirrelmail-i18n@lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
- "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
- "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n"
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
- The most important thing to change here is the charset on the next to
- last line. You'll want to keep a master copy of the .po file and make
- a copy for each language you have a translation for. You'll need to
- translate each string in the .po file:
- msgid "Hello"
- msgstr "Guten Tag"
- After you're done translating, you can create the .mo file very simply
- by running the following command (available on most linux systems):
- msgfmt -o <plugin name>.mo <plugin name>.po
- In the case of the "demo" plugin:
- msgfmt -o demo.mo demo.po
- Please be sure that the .po and .mo files both are named exactly the
- same as the domain you bound in step 2 above and everything else works
- automatically. In SquirrelMail, go to Options -> Display Preferences
- and change your Language setting to see the translations in action!
-Documenting the Code (Optional)
-If you wish, you can use phpdoc (Javadoc-style) comments, when documenting your
-If you follow the standards that are followed between SquirrelMail core &
-plugin developers, the resulted documentation can be included with the rest of
-the SquirrelMail code & API documentation. Specifically, in the page-level
-docblock, declare the package to be 'plugins', and the subpackage to be the
-name of your plugin. For instance:
- * demo.php
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2005 My Name <my-email-address>
- * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
- *
- * @package plugins
- * @subpackage demo
- */
-The rest is up to you. Try to follow some common sense and document what is
-really needed. Documenting the code properly can be a big help not only to
-yourself, but to those who will take a look at your code, fix the bugs and even
-improve it, in the true open-source spirit that SquirrelMail was built upon.
-For more information about phpdocumentor and how to write proper-tagged
-comments, you are directed at:
-The SquirrelMail project has some important goals, such as avoiding the
-use of JavaScript, avoiding non-standard HTML tags, keeping file sizes
-small and providing the fastest webmail client on the Internet. As such,
-we'd like it if plugin authors coded with the same goals in mind that the
-core developers do. Common sense is always a good tool to have in your
-programming repertoire, but below is an outline of some standards that we
-ask you as a plugin developer to meet. Depending upon how far you bend
-these rules, we may not want to post your plugin on the SquirrelMail
-website... and of course, no one really wants your efforts to go to waste
-and for the SquirrelMail community to miss out on a potentially useful
-plugin, so please try to follow these guidelines as closely as possible.
-Small setup.php
-In order for SquirrelMail to remain fast and lean, we are now asking
-that all plugin authors remove all unnecessary functionality from setup.php
-and refactor it into another file. There are a few ways to accomplish
-this, none of which are difficult. At a minimum, you'll want to have the
-squirrelmail_plugin_init_<plugin name>() function in setup.php, and naturally,
-you'll need functions that are merely stubs for each hook that you are using.
-One (but not the only) way to do it is:
- function squirrelmail_plugin_init_demo()
- {
- global $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks;
- $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['generic_header']['demo'] = 'plugin_demo_header';
- }
- function plugin_demo_header()
- {
- include_once(SM_PATH . 'plugins/demo/functions.php');
- plugin_demo_header_do();
- }
-Q: What is more disappointing to users in France who would make good
- use of your plugin than learning that it is written entirely in English?
-A: Learning that they cannot send you a French translation file for your
- plugin.
-There are thousands of users out there whose native tongue is not English,
-and when you develop your plugin without going through the three simple steps
-needed to internationalize it, you are effectively writing them all off.
-PLEASE consider internationalizing your plugin!
-Developing with E_ALL
-When you are developing your plugin, you should always have error reporting
-turned all the way up. You can do this by changing two settings in your
-php.ini and restarting your web server:
- display_errors = On
- error_reporting = E_ALL
-This way, you'll be sure to see all Notices, Warnings and Errors that your
-code generates (it's OK, really, it happens to the best of us... except me!).
-Please make sure to fix them all before you release the plugin.
-Compatibility with register_globals=Off
-Most sensible systems administrators now run their PHP systems with the
-setting "register_globals" as OFF. This is a prudent security setting,
-and as the SquirrelMail core code has long since been upgraded to work
-in such an environment, we are now requiring that all plugins do the same.
-Compatibility with this setting amounts to little more than explicitly
-gathering any and all variables you sent from a <form> tag as GET or POST
-values instead of just assuming that they will be placed in the global
-scope automatically. There is nothing more to do than this:
- global $favorite_color;
- sqgetGlobalVar('favorite_color', $favorite_color, SQ_FORM);
-SquirrelMail 1.5.1+ cleans globals in functions/global.php library. If
-plugin depends on PHP register_globals=On and loads this library, it will
-be broken.
-Security considerations
-All plugin authors should consider the security implications of their
-plugin. Of course, if you call external programs you have to use great
-care, but the following issues are important to nearly every plugin.
-- Escape any untrusted data before you output it. This is to prevent
-cross site scripting attacks. It means that you have to htmlspecialchars()
-every variable that comes in through the URL, a mail message or other
-external factors, before outputting it.
-- Make sure that your plugin doesn't perform its function when it's not
-enabled. If you just call hooks, your hooks won't be called when the
-plugin is disabled, but if you also supply extra .php files, you should
-check if they perform any function if accessed directly. If they do, you
-should check at the start of that file whether the plugin is enabled in the
-config, and if not, exit the script. Example:
- global $plugins;
- if ( !in_array('mypluginname', $plugins) ) {
- die("Plugin not enabled in SquirrelMail configuration.");
- }
-If you have any questions about this or are unsure, please contact the
-mailinglist or IRC channel, because security is very important for a
-widely used application like SquirrelMail!
-Extra Blank Lines
-It may seem innocuous, but if you have any blank lines either before the
-first <?php tag or after the last ?> tag in any of your plugin files, you
-you will break SquirrelMail in ways that may seem entirely unrelated. For
-instance, this will often cause a line feed character to be included with
-email attachments when they are viewed or downloaded, rendering them useless!
-When including files, please make sure to use the include_once() function
-and NOT include(), require(), or require_once(), since these all are much
-less efficient than include_once() and can have a cumulative effect on
-SquirrelMail performance.
-Version Reporting
-In order for systems administrators to keep better track of your plugin and
-get upgrades more efficiently, you are requested to make version information
-available to SquirrelMail in a format that it understands. There are two
-ways to do this. Presently, we are asking that you do both, since we are
-still in a transition period between the two. This is painless, so please
-be sure to include it:
- 1. Create a file called "version" in the plugin directory. That file
- should have only two lines: the first line should have the name of
- the plugin as named on the SquirrelMail web site (this is often a
- prettified version of the plugin directory name), the second line
- must have the version and nothing more. So for our "demo" plugin,
- whose name on the web site might be something like "Demo Favorite
- Colors", the file plugins/demo/version should have these two lines:
- Demo Favorite Colors
- 1.0
- 2. In setup.php, you should have a function called <plugin name>_version().
- That function should return the version of your plugin. For the "demo"
- plugin, that should look like this:
- function demo_version()
- {
- return '1.0';
- }
-Configuration Files
-It is common to need a configuration file that holds some variables that
-are set up at install time. For ease of installation and maintenance, you
-should place all behavioral settings in a config file, isolated from the
-rest of your plugin code. A typical file name to use is "config.php". If
-you are using such a file, you should NOT include a file called "config.php"
-in your plugin distribution, but instead a copy of that file called
-"config.php.sample". This helps systems administrators avoid overwriting
-the "config.php" files and losing all of their setup information when they
-upgrade your plugin.
-Session Variables
-In the past, there have been some rather serious issues with PHP sessions
-and SquirrelMail, and certain people have worked long and hard to ensure
-that these problems no longer occur in an extremely wide variety of OS/PHP/
-web server environments. Thus, if you need to place any values into the
-user's session, there are some built-in SquirrelMail functions that you are
-strongly encouraged to make use of. Using them also makes your job easier.
- 1. To place a variable into the session:
- global $favorite_color;
- $favoriteColor = 'green';
- sqsession_register($favorite_color, 'favorite_color');
- Strictly speaking, globalizing the variable shouldn't be necessary,
- but certain versions of PHP seem to behave more predictably if you do.
- 2. To retrieve a variable from the session:
- global $favorite_color;
- sqgetGlobalVar('favorite_color', $favorite_color, SQ_SESSION);
- 3. You can also check for the presence of a variable in the session:
- if (sqsession_is_registered('favorite_color'))
- // do something important
- 4. To remove a variable from the session:
- global $favorite_color;
- sqsession_unregister('favorite_color');
- Strictly speaking, globalizing the variable shouldn't be necessary,
- but certain versions of PHP seem to behave more predictably if you do.
-Form Variables
-You are also encouraged to use SquirrelMail's built-in facilities to
-retrieve variables from POST and GET submissions. This is also much
-easier on you and makes sure that all PHP installations are accounted
-for (such as those that don't make the $_POST array automatically
-global, etc.):
- global $favorite_color;
- sqgetGlobalVar('favorite_color', $favorite_color, SQ_FORM);
-Files In Plugin Directory
-There are a few files that you should make sure to include when you build
-your final plugin distribution:
- 1. A copy of the file index.php from the main plugins directory. When
- working in your plugin directory, just copy it in like this:
- $ cp ../index.php .
- This will redirect anyone who tries to browse to your plugin directory
- to somewhere more appropriate. If you create other directories under
- your plugin directory, you may copy the file there as well to be extra
- safe. If you are storing sensitive configuration files or other data
- in such a directory, you could even include a .htaccess file with the
- contents "Deny From All" that will disallow access to that directory
- entirely (when the target system is running the Apache web server).
- Keep in mind that not all web servers will honor an .htaccess file, so
- don't depend on it for security. Make sure not to put such a file in
- your main plugin directory!
- 2. A file that describes your plugin and offers detailed instructions for
- configuration or help with troubleshooting, etc. This file is usually
- entitled "README". Some useful sections to include might be:
- Plugin Name and Author
- Current Version
- Plugin Features
- Detailed Plugin Description
- How-to for Plugin Configuration
- Change Log
- Future Ideas/Enhancements/To Do List
- 3. A file that explains how to install your plugin. This file is typically
- called "INSTALL". If you do not require any special installation
- actions, you can probably copy one from another plugin or use this as
- a template:
- Installing the Demo Plugin
- ==========================
- 1) Start with untaring the file into the plugins directory.
- Here is a example for the 1.0 version of the Demo plugin.
- $ cd plugins
- $ tar -zxvf demo-1.0-1.4.0.tar.gz
- 2) Change into the demo directory, copy config.php.sample
- to config.php and edit config.php, making adjustments as
- you deem necessary. For more detailed explanations about
- each of these parameters, consult the README file.
- $ cd demo
- $ cp config.php.sample config.php
- $ vi config.php
- 3) Then go to your config directory and run conf.pl. Choose
- option 8 and move the plugin from the "Available Plugins"
- category to the "Installed Plugins" category. Save and exit.
- $ cd ../../config/
- $ ./conf.pl
- Upgrading the Demo Plugin
- =========================
- 1) Start with untaring the file into the plugins directory.
- Here is a example for the 3.1 version of the demo plugin.
- $ cd plugins
- $ tar -zxvf demo-3.1-1.4.0.tar.gz
- 2) Change into the demo directory, check your config.php
- file against the new version, to see if there are any new
- settings that you must add to your config.php file.
- $ diff -Nau config.php config.php.sample
- Or simply replace your config.php file with the provided sample
- and reconfigure the plugin from scratch (see step 2 under the
- installation procedure above).
-Whenever new versions of SquirrelMail are released, there is always a
-considerable lag time before it is widely adopted. During that transitional
-time, especially when the new SquirrelMail version contains any architectural
-and/or functional changes, plugin developers are put in a unique and very
-difficult position. That is, there will be people running both the old and
-new versions of SquirrelMail who want to use your plugin, and you will
-probably want to accomodate them both.
-The easiest way to keep both sides happy is to keep two different versions
-of your pluign up to date, one that runs under the older SquirrelMail, and
-one that requires the newest SquirrelMail. This is inconvenient, however,
-especially if you are continuing to develop the plugin. Depending on the
-changes the SquirrelMail has implemented in the new version, you may be able
-to include code that can auto-sense SquirrelMail version and make adjustments
-on the fly. There is a function available to you for determining the
-SquirrelMail version called check_sm_version() and it can be used as such:
- check_sm_version(1, 4, 0)
-This will return TRUE if the SquirrelMail being used is at least 1.4.0, and
-FALSE otherwise.
-As this document is written, we are in a transition period between versions
-1.2.11 and 1.4.0. There is a plugin called "Compatibilty" that is intended
-for use by plugin authors so they can develop one version of their plugin
-and seamlessly support both 1.2.x and 1.4.x SquirrelMail installations. For
-more information about how to use the "Compatibility" plugin, download it and
-read its README file or see:
- http://www.squirrelmail.org/wiki/PluginUpgrading
-It's impossible to foresee all of the places where hooks might be useful
-(it's also impossible to put in hooks everywhere!), so you might need to
-negotiate the insertion of a new hook to make your plugin work. In order
-to do so, you should post such a request to the squirrelmail-devel mailing
-As long as you've consulted the list of plugin standards and done your
-best to follow them, there's little standing in the way of great fame as an
-official SquirrelMail plugin developer.
- 1. Make a distribution file. There is a convenient Perl script in
- the plugins directory that will help you do this:
- make_archive.pl -v demo 1.0 1.4.0
- -v is optional and indicates that the script should run in verbose mode
- demo is the name of your plugin
- 1.0 is the version of your plugin
- 1.4.0 is the version of SquirrelMail that is required to run your plugin
- You can also create the distribution file manually in most *nix
- environments by running this command from the plugins directory (NOT
- your plugin directory):
- $ tar czvf demo-1.0-1.4.0.tar.gz demo
- Where "demo" is the name of your plugin, "1.0" is the version of
- your plugin, and "1.4.0" is the version of SquirrelMail required
- to use your plugin.
- 2. Consult the SquirrelMail web site for contact information for the
- Plugins Team Leaders, to whom you should make your request. If they
- do not respond, you should feel free to ask for help contacting them
- on the squirrelmail-plugins mailing list.
- http://www.squirrelmail.org/wiki/SquirrelMailLeadership