The following people and organizations sponsored and/or contributed new and improved features to the project.
-CiviCRM Team
-Coleman Watts
-David Greenberg
-Deepak Srivastava
-Donald Lobo
-Kurund Jalmi
-Michael McAndrew
-Pratik Joshi
-Ravish Nair
-Tim Otten
-Yashodha Chaku
Key Contributors and Sponsors for 4.3
+CiviCRM Team - Coleman Watts, David Greenberg, Deepak Srivastava, Donald Lobo,
+ Kurund Jalmi, Michael McAndrew, Pratik Joshi, Ravish Nair,
+ Tim Otten, Yashodha Chaku
AGH Strategies - Andrew Hunt
Backoffice Thinking
Chris Burgess