public static function mergeRelationships($mainId, $otherId, &$sqls) {
// Delete circular relationships
$sqls[] = "DELETE FROM civicrm_relationship
- WHERE (contact_id_a = $mainId AND contact_id_b = $otherId)
- OR (contact_id_b = $mainId AND contact_id_a = $otherId)";
+ WHERE (contact_id_a = $mainId AND contact_id_b = $otherId AND case_id IS NULL)
+ OR (contact_id_b = $mainId AND contact_id_a = $otherId AND case_id IS NULL)";
// Delete relationship from other contact if main contact already has that relationship
$sqls[] = "DELETE r2
FROM civicrm_relationship r1, civicrm_relationship r2
WHERE r1.relationship_type_id = r2.relationship_type_id
AND <>
+ AND r1.case_id IS NULL AND r2.case_id IS NULL
r1.contact_id_a = $mainId AND r2.contact_id_a = $otherId AND r1.contact_id_b = r2.contact_id_b
OR r1.contact_id_b = $mainId AND r2.contact_id_b = $otherId AND r1.contact_id_a = r2.contact_id_a