// Prevent processGenericEntity
$api4 = $event->getSecureApi4();
- $relationship = $event->records[0]['fields'] ?? [];
- if (empty($relationship['contact_id_a']) || empty($relationship['contact_id_b']) || empty($relationship['relationship_type_id'])) {
- return;
- }
- $relationshipType = RelationshipType::get(FALSE)
- ->addWhere('id', '=', $relationship['relationship_type_id'])
- ->execute()->single();
- $isReciprocal = $relationshipType['label_a_b'] == $relationshipType['label_b_a'];
- $isActive = !isset($relationship['is_active']) || !empty($relationship['is_active']);
- // Each contact id could be multivalued (e.g. using `af-repeat`)
- foreach ((array) $relationship['contact_id_a'] as $contact_id_a) {
- foreach ((array) $relationship['contact_id_b'] as $contact_id_b) {
- $params = $relationship;
- $params['contact_id_a'] = $contact_id_a;
- $params['contact_id_b'] = $contact_id_b;
- // Check for existing relationships (if allowed)
- if (!empty($event->getEntity()['actions']['update'])) {
- $where = [
- ['is_active', '=', $isActive],
- ['relationship_type_id', '=', $relationship['relationship_type_id']],
- ];
- // Reciprocal relationship types need an extra check
- if ($isReciprocal) {
- $where[] = [
- 'OR', [
- ['AND', [['contact_id_a', '=', $contact_id_a], ['contact_id_b', '=', $contact_id_b]]],
- ['AND', [['contact_id_a', '=', $contact_id_b], ['contact_id_b', '=', $contact_id_a]]],
- ],
+ // Iterate through multiple relationships (if using af-repeat)
+ foreach ($event->records as $relationship) {
+ $relationship = $relationship['fields'] ?? [];
+ if (empty($relationship['contact_id_a']) || empty($relationship['contact_id_b']) || empty($relationship['relationship_type_id'])) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $relationshipType = RelationshipType::get(FALSE)
+ ->addWhere('id', '=', $relationship['relationship_type_id'])
+ ->execute()->single();
+ $isReciprocal = $relationshipType['label_a_b'] == $relationshipType['label_b_a'];
+ $isActive = !isset($relationship['is_active']) || !empty($relationship['is_active']);
+ // Each contact id could be multivalued (e.g. using `af-repeat`)
+ foreach ((array) $relationship['contact_id_a'] as $contact_id_a) {
+ foreach ((array) $relationship['contact_id_b'] as $contact_id_b) {
+ $params = $relationship;
+ $params['contact_id_a'] = $contact_id_a;
+ $params['contact_id_b'] = $contact_id_b;
+ // Check for existing relationships (if allowed)
+ if (!empty($event->getEntity()['actions']['update'])) {
+ $where = [
+ ['is_active', '=', $isActive],
+ ['relationship_type_id', '=', $relationship['relationship_type_id']],
+ // Reciprocal relationship types need an extra check
+ if ($isReciprocal) {
+ $where[] = [
+ 'OR', [
+ ['AND', [['contact_id_a', '=', $contact_id_a], ['contact_id_b', '=', $contact_id_b]]],
+ ['AND', [['contact_id_a', '=', $contact_id_b], ['contact_id_b', '=', $contact_id_a]]],
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ else {
+ $where[] = ['contact_id_a', '=', $contact_id_a];
+ $where[] = ['contact_id_b', '=', $contact_id_b];
+ }
+ $existing = $api4('Relationship', 'get', ['where' => $where])->first();
+ if ($existing) {
+ $params['id'] = $existing['id'];
+ unset($params['contact_id_a'], $params['contact_id_b']);
+ // If this is a flipped reciprocal relationship, also flip the permissions
+ $params['is_permission_a_b'] = $relationship['is_permission_b_a'] ?? NULL;
+ $params['is_permission_b_a'] = $relationship['is_permission_a_b'] ?? NULL;
+ }
- else {
- $where[] = ['contact_id_a', '=', $contact_id_a];
- $where[] = ['contact_id_b', '=', $contact_id_b];
- }
- $existing = $api4('Relationship', 'get', ['where' => $where])->first();
- if ($existing) {
- $params['id'] = $existing['id'];
- unset($params['contact_id_a'], $params['contact_id_b']);
- // If this is a flipped reciprocal relationship, also flip the permissions
- $params['is_permission_a_b'] = $relationship['is_permission_b_a'] ?? NULL;
- $params['is_permission_b_a'] = $relationship['is_permission_a_b'] ?? NULL;
- }
+ $api4('Relationship', 'save', [
+ 'records' => [$params],
+ ]);
- $api4('Relationship', 'save', [
- 'records' => [$params],
- ]);
* Tests creating a relationship between multiple contacts
- public function testCreateContactsWithRelationships(): void {
+ public function testCreateContactsWithPresetRelationships(): void {
$layout = <<<EOHTML
<af-form ctrl="afform">
<af-entity data="{contact_type: 'Individual', source: 'Test Rel'}" type="Contact" name="Individual1" label="Individual 1" actions="{create: true, update: true}" security="RBAC" />
$saved = Relationship::get(FALSE)
->addWhere('contact_id_b.last_name', '=', $lastName)
- ->addSelect('contact_id_a.first_name', 'is_active')
+ ->addSelect('contact_id_a.first_name', 'is_active', 'relationship_type_id')
$this->assertCount(2, $saved);
$this->assertEquals('Firsty2', $saved[0]['contact_id_a.first_name']);
$this->assertEquals('Firsty3', $saved[1]['contact_id_a.first_name']);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $saved[0]['relationship_type_id']);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $saved[1]['relationship_type_id']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests creating multiple relationships using af-repeat
+ */
+ public function testCreateContactsWithMultipleRelationships(): void {
+ $layout = <<<EOHTML
+<af-form ctrl="afform">
+ <af-entity data="{contact_type: 'Individual', source: 'Test Rel'}" type="Contact" name="Individual1" label="Individual 1" actions="{create: true, update: true}" security="RBAC" />
+ <af-entity security="FBAC" type="Relationship" name="Relationship1" label="Relationship 1" actions="{create: true, update: true}" data="{contact_id_b: ['Individual1'], contact_id_a: ['Org1']}" />
+ <af-entity data="{contact_type: 'Organization', source: 'Test Rel'}" type="Contact" name="Org1" label="Org" actions="{create: true, update: true}" security="RBAC" />
+ <fieldset af-fieldset="Individual1" class="af-container" af-title="Individual 1">
+ <afblock-name-individual></afblock-name-individual>
+ </fieldset>
+ <fieldset af-fieldset="Relationship1" class="af-container" af-repeat="Add" min="1">
+ <af-field name="relationship_type_id"></af-field>
+ </fieldset>
+ <fieldset af-fieldset="Org1" class="af-container" af-title="Org 1">
+ <afblock-name-organization></afblock-name-organization>
+ </fieldset>
+ <button class="af-button btn btn-primary" crm-icon="fa-check" ng-click="afform.submit()">Submit</button>
+ $this->useValues([
+ 'layout' => $layout,
+ 'permission' => CRM_Core_Permission::ALWAYS_ALLOW_PERMISSION,
+ ]);
+ $types = [
+ uniqid(__FUNCTION__),
+ uniqid(__FUNCTION__),
+ ];
+ $typeIds = [];
+ foreach ($types as $type) {
+ $typeIds[] = \Civi\Api4\RelationshipType::create(FALSE)
+ ->addValue('contact_type_a', 'Organization')
+ ->addValue('contact_type_b', 'Individual')
+ ->addValue('name_a_b', $type)
+ ->addValue('name_b_a', "$type of")
+ ->execute()->first()['id'];
+ }
+ $lastName = uniqid(__FUNCTION__);
+ $submission = [
+ 'Individual1' => [
+ ['fields' => ['first_name' => 'Firsty', 'last_name' => $lastName]],
+ ],
+ 'Org1' => [
+ ['fields' => ['organization_name' => "Hello $lastName"]],
+ ],
+ 'Relationship1' => [
+ ['fields' => ['relationship_type_id' => $typeIds[0]]],
+ ['fields' => ['relationship_type_id' => $typeIds[1]]],
+ ],
+ ];
+ Civi\Api4\Afform::submit()
+ ->setName($this->formName)
+ ->setValues($submission)
+ ->execute();
+ $saved = Relationship::get(FALSE)
+ ->addWhere('contact_id_b.last_name', '=', $lastName)
+ ->addSelect('contact_id_a.organization_name', 'is_active', 'relationship_type_id')
+ ->addOrderBy('relationship_type_id')
+ ->execute();
+ $this->assertEquals("Hello $lastName", $saved[0]['contact_id_a.organization_name']);
+ $this->assertEquals($typeIds[0], $saved[0]['relationship_type_id']);
+ $this->assertEquals("Hello $lastName", $saved[1]['contact_id_a.organization_name']);
+ $this->assertEquals($typeIds[1], $saved[1]['relationship_type_id']);
+ $this->assertCount(2, $saved);
public function testPrefillContactsByRelationship(): void {